This program is yet to become user-friendly and is still in development, but I wanted to improve the current code.
from random import choice
from os import system
clear = lambda: system('cls') # FOR WINDOWS ONLY
words = [i.strip() for i in open('words.txt').readlines()]
# Possible stages
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class HangMan:
def __init__(self):
self.current_stage = 0 # The stage in which the hangman is
self.letters = [chr(i) for i in range(97, 97 + 26)] # Possible characters
self.word = choice(words) # Random word
self.current_word = ['_'] * len(self.word) # The letters which the player has unlocked till now
def get_input(self) -> int:
""" Takes the player's input and processes it """
char = input('Please enter a letter from the above set: ')
while char.lower() not in self.letters:
print(f'Invalid letter: {char}\n')
char = input('Please enter another letter: ')
return self.process_char(char)
def process_char(self, given_char: str) -> int:
Processes the input and returns 0, 1, or 2
0 -> Win
1 -> Neither a win nor a loss
2 -> Lose
unlocked = 0
for index, char in enumerate(self.word):
if char.lower() == given_char.lower():
self.current_word[index] = char
unlocked += 1
if '_' not in self.current_word:
print('You\'ve won!')
return 0
if not unlocked:
print('Whoops! Wrong letter!')
if not self.next_stage():
print('You\'ve lost!')
return 2
print(f'Yay! You\'ve unlocked {unlocked} letter{"" if unlocked == 1 else "s"}!')
return 1
def next_stage(self) -> bool:
""" Returns if this stage is the last """
self.current_stage += 1
if self.current_stage < len(STAGES) - 1:
return True
return False
def game(self) -> None:
""" Starts the game """
while True:
clear() # Comment if you are not using a command console
print('Currently unlocked letters:', ''.join(self.current_word))
x = self.get_input()
if x == 0 or x == 2:
print(f'The word was {self.word}!')
input('Press enter to continue...')
if x == 0 or x == 2:
man = HangMan()
How do I improve this? (Make this look better, make it faster, etc.)