I have working VBA code in excel that changes a network folders permissions.
The code uses Wscript.Shell to run icacls commands but there are multiple instances of this command and each time it runs, it opens up a new shell window.
It would be interesting to see if there is a way of making the code more efficient by opening a single shell instance then go on to run each of the icacls commands.
Private Sub TestingPermissions()
Dim MyFolder
Dim objShell
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set MyFolder = FSO.GetFolder(Worksheets("Config").Range("D4").Value & ActiveSheet.Range("C21").Value)
Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
' Take ownership and modify permission of folder
objShell.Run ("takeown /f " & """" & MyFolder & "\My Music""" & " /r /d y")
objShell.Run ("icacls " & """" & MyFolder & "\My Music""" & " /setowner mydomain\admin")
objShell.Run ("icacls " & """" & MyFolder & "\My Music""" & " /grant mydomain\StudentExam101:(OI)(CI)F /T")
objShell.Run ("icacls " & """" & MyFolder & "\My Music""" & " /grant mydomain\DAdmins:(OI)(CI)F /T")
objShell.Run ("icacls " & """" & MyFolder & "\My Music""" & " /grant mydomain\admin:(OI)(CI)F /T")
objShell.Run ("icacls " & """" & MyFolder & "\My Music""" & " /grant SYSTEM:(OI)(CI)F /T")
objShell.Run ("icacls " & """" & MyFolder & "\My Music""" & " /grant CREATOR OWNER:(OI)(CI)F /T")
End Sub
I thought I had found a part solution by combining the icalcs permissions all into one command but further testing and I realised it had not worked, but I will investigate this further anyway.
What I would like the code to be able to do ...
might make the question off-topic as it indicates either the code is not working as expected or this is a feature request, which we can't answer. \$\endgroup\$