I have written a piece of python code in response to the following question and I need to know if it can be "tidied up" in any way. I am a beginner programmer and am starting a bachelor of computer science.
Question: Write a piece of code that asks the user to input 10 integers, and then prints the largest odd number that was entered. if no odd number was entered, it should print a message to that effect.
My solution:
a = input('Enter a value: ')
b = input('Enter a value: ')
c = input('Enter a value: ')
d = input('Enter a value: ')
e = input('Enter a value: ')
f = input('Enter a value: ')
g = input('Enter a value: ')
h = input('Enter a value: ')
i = input('Enter a value: ')
j = input('Enter a value: ')
list1 = [a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j]
list2 = [] # used to sort the ODD values into
list3 = (a+b+c+d+e+f+g+h+i+j) # used this bc all 10 values could have used value'3'
# and had the total value become an EVEN value
if (list3 % 2 == 0): # does list 3 mod 2 have no remainder
if (a % 2 == 0): # and if so then by checking if 'a' has an EVEN value it rules out
# the possibility of all values having an ODD value entered
print('All declared variables have even values')
for odd in list1: # my FOR loop to loop through and pick out the ODD values
if (odd % 2 == 1):# if each value tested has a remainder of one to mod 2
list2.append(odd) # then append that value into list 2
odd = str(max(list2)) # created the variable 'odd' for the highest ODD value from list 2 so i can concatenate it with a string.
print ('The largest ODD value is ' + odd)
returnsAll declared variables have even values
. \$\endgroup\$