
This question is the second version of the code here.

I'm writing a general tree class. Specifically, each node should have oen parent, some number of children, and hold a value.

I'm looking for general advice on how to make this code more idiomatic. I'm also looking for thoughts on the traverse function, any functions that should be present in a general tree class but aren't, and also any way to simplify the existing functions.

// Code to review
class Node {
	constructor(value = 0, children = []) {
		this.value = value;
		this.children = children;

	traverse({ preorder, postorder, levelorder }) {
		if (levelorder) {
			let nodes = [this];
			while (nodes.length > 0) {
				const current = nodes.shift();
				nodes = nodes.concat(current.children);
		else {
			if (preorder) preorder(this);
			this.children.forEach(n => n.traverse({ preorder, postorder }));
			if (postorder) postorder(this);
		return this;

	clone() {
		const copy = n => Object.assign(new Node(), n);
		let that = copy(this);
		that.traverse({ preorder: n => n.children = n.children.map(copy) });
		return that;

	map(callback) {
		let that = this.clone();
		that.traverse({ levelorder: n => n.value = callback(n.value) });
		return that;

	reduce(callback, initial) {
		let a = initial;
		this.traverse({	levelorder: n => a = (n === this && initial === undefined)? n.value: callback(a, n.value) });
		return a;

	filter(callback) {
		let that = this.clone();
		that.traverse({ levelorder: n => n.children = n.children.filter(m => callback(m.value)) });
		return that;

	every(callback) {
		return Boolean(this.reduce((a, b) => a && callback(b), true));

	some(callback) {
		return Boolean(this.reduce((a, b) => a || callback(b), false));

	find(callback) {
		return this.reduce((a, b) => (callback(b)? a.push(b): null, a), []);

	includes(value) {
		return this.some(a => a === value);

// Testing code
let tree = new Node(0);
let a = new Node(1);
let b = new Node(2);
let c = new Node(3);
let d = new Node(4);
let e = new Node(5);
let f = new Node(6);
tree.children = [a, b, c];
a.children = [d];
d.children = [e, f];

console.log("\nmap", tree.map(a => a + "2"));
console.log("\nreduce", tree.reduce((a, b) => String(a) + String(b)));
console.log("\nfilter", tree.filter(a => a < 3));

console.log("\nevery", tree.every(a => a < 3));
console.log("\nsome", tree.some(a => a < 3))

console.log("\nfind", tree.find(a => a > 2));
console.log("\nincludes", tree.includes(3));


1 Answer 1



Well written API, but I am not happy with this one:

traverse({ preorder, postorder, levelorder })

preorder and postorder can be combined, but they are always mutually exclusive with levelorder.

traverse({ preorder, postorder, levelorder }) {
  if (levelorder) {
      // levelorder ..
  else {
      // preorder conditional and/or postorder conditional ..
  return this;

Instead, use 2 separate methods, each doing their own well known type of traversal.


 traverseDepthFirst({ preorder, postorder })


 traverseBreadthFirst({ levelorder })

Some general thoughts:

  • should you allow cyclic graphs?
  • should you want to traverse up the ancestors?

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