I provide a regular 9
Sudoku solver, reducing the puzzle to an Exact Cover Problem. The algorithm used is Knuth's Algorithm X as implemented using Dancing Links (DLX). As I found no such solving technique on Code Review written in C#, I took up the challenge to have a go at it.
The problem definitions and used algorithms are behind links because it takes a lot of reading to understand these concepts.
Challenge Description
This is a LeetCode challenge: #37 - Sudoku Solver.
Write a program to solve a Sudoku puzzle by filling the empty cells.
A sudoku solution must satisfy all of the following rules:
- Each of the digits
must occur exactly once in each row.- Each of the digits
must occur exactly once in each column.- Each of the the digits
must occur exactly once in each of the 9 3x3 sub-boxes of the grid.- Empty cells are indicated by the character '
I'll first show the unit test that solves a board, before presenting a bottom-up presentation to come to this solution. Next steps include exact cover -> dancing links -> sudoku solver.
public void Solve()
var board = new char[,] {
var expected = new char[,] {
var sudoku = new Sudoku();
CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, board);
Exact Cover
An Exact Cover Problem is a specific type of Constaint Satisfaction Problem where all constraints have to be met, and no constraint can be met more than once. Each set is a collection of candidate constraints. Finding a solution requires to find combinations of sets that meet all the constraints.
I need some configurable options, since consumers may decide how many solutions should be probed for. For instance, if you need a unique solution, search for 2 solutions and if the solver found only one, you know it's the unique solution.
public class SolverOptions
public int MaxRecursion { get; set; } = -1;
public int MaxSolutions { get; set; } = -1;
public bool IncludeCluesInSolution = false;
public bool HasRecursionLevelExceeded(int recursionLevel)
return MaxRecursion > -1 && recursionLevel > MaxRecursion;
public bool HasSolutionsExceeded(IEnumerable<ISet<int>> solutions)
return MaxSolutions > -1 && solutions.Count() >= MaxSolutions;
Any solver implementation must implement the interface. Given a problem and some options, one or more solutions are probed for. Each solution is a set containing the id's of the initial sets used to meet the requirements.
public interface ICSPSolver
IReadOnlyCollection<ISet<int>> Solve(ExactCover problem, SolverOptions options);
The problem's state is stored.
public class ExactCover
public ISet<int> Constraints { get; }
public IDictionary<int, ISet<int>> Sets { get; }
public ISet<int> Clues { get; }
public ExactCover(ISet<int> constraints, IDictionary<int, ISet<int>> sets, ISet<int> clues)
Constraints = constraints;
Sets = sets;
Clues = clues;
public IReadOnlyCollection<ISet<int>> Solve(ICSPSolver solver, SolverOptions options)
return solver.Solve(this, options);
Dancing Links
Dancing links implements a fast algorithm for solving an exact cover problem. It works on a circular bi-directional doubly linked list, which also happens to be a sparse matrix.
To accomplish such Toroidal Matrix structure, we require a node.
class DLXNode
internal DLXNode header, row;
internal DLXNode up, down, left, right;
internal int constraint, set, rowCount;
internal DLXNode() => up = down = left = right = header = row = this;
internal bool IsLast => right == this;
internal void AddLast(DLXNode node) => row.left.Append(node);
internal void AddLastDown(DLXNode node) => header.up.AppendDown(node);
internal void Append(DLXNode node)
right.left = node;
node.right = right;
node.left = this;
right = node;
internal void AppendDown(DLXNode node)
down.up = node;
node.down = down;
node.up = this;
down = node;
internal IEnumerable<DLXNode> Iterate(Func<DLXNode, DLXNode> direction)
var node = this;
yield return node;
node = direction(node);
} while (node != this);
public override string ToString()
var isHeader = header == this;
var isRow = row == this;
var isRoot = isHeader && isRow;
return isRoot ? "R"
: isHeader ? $"H{header.constraint}"
: isRow ? $"R{row.set}"
: $"C({header.constraint},{row.set})";
And the implementation of the DLX solver.
public class DLX : ICSPSolver
public IReadOnlyCollection<ISet<int>> Solve(ExactCover problem, SolverOptions options)
var root = Parse(problem);
var solutions = new List<ISet<int>>();
var currentSolution = new Stack<int>();
var recursionLevel = 0;
Explore(root, solutions, currentSolution, problem.Clues, recursionLevel, options);
return solutions.AsReadOnly();
internal bool CheckForSolution(
DLXNode root,
IList<ISet<int>> solutions,
Stack<int> currentSolution,
ISet<int> clues,
int recursionLevel,
SolverOptions options)
if (root.IsLast
|| options.HasRecursionLevelExceeded(recursionLevel)
|| options.HasSolutionsExceeded(solutions))
if (root.IsLast)
var solution = new HashSet<int>(currentSolution);
if (options.IncludeCluesInSolution)
foreach (var clue in clues)
return true;
return false;
internal DLXNode GetHeaderWithMinimumRowCount(DLXNode root)
DLXNode next = null;
foreach (var header in root.Iterate(n => n.right).Skip(1))
if (next == null || header.rowCount < next.rowCount)
next = header;
return next;
internal void Explore(
DLXNode root,
IList<ISet<int>> solutions,
Stack<int> currentSolution,
ISet<int> clues,
int recursionLevel,
SolverOptions options)
if (CheckForSolution(
root, solutions, currentSolution, clues, recursionLevel, options))
var header = GetHeaderWithMinimumRowCount(root);
if (header.rowCount <= 0)
foreach (var row in header.Iterate(n => n.down).Skip(1))
foreach (var rightNode in row.Iterate(n => n.right).Skip(1))
Explore(root, solutions, currentSolution, clues, recursionLevel + 1, options);
foreach (var leftNode in row.Iterate(n => n.left).Skip(1))
internal void Cover(DLXNode node)
if (node.row == node) return;
var header = node.header;
header.right.left = header.left;
header.left.right = header.right;
foreach (var row in header.Iterate(n => n.down).Skip(1))
foreach (var rightNode in row.Iterate(n => n.right).Skip(1))
rightNode.up.down = rightNode.down;
rightNode.down.up = rightNode.up;
internal void Uncover(DLXNode node)
if (node.row == node) return;
var header = node.header;
foreach (var row in header.Iterate(n => n.up).Skip(1))
foreach (var leftNode in row.Iterate(n => n.left).Skip(1))
leftNode.up.down = leftNode;
leftNode.down.up = leftNode;
header.right.left = header;
header.left.right = header;
internal DLXNode Parse(ExactCover problem)
var root = new DLXNode();
var headerLookup = new Dictionary<int, DLXNode>();
var rowLookup = new Dictionary<int, DLXNode>();
var givens = new HashSet<int>(problem.Clues
.SelectMany(x => problem.Sets[x]).Distinct());
foreach (var constraint in problem.Constraints.Where(x => !givens.Contains(x)))
var header = new DLXNode { constraint = constraint, row = root };
headerLookup.Add(constraint, header);
foreach (var set in problem.Sets.Where(x => !x.Value.Any(y => givens.Contains(y))))
var row = new DLXNode { set = set.Key, header = root };
rowLookup.Add(set.Key, row);
foreach (var element in set.Value)
if (headerLookup.TryGetValue(element, out var header))
var cell = new DLXNode { row = row, header = header };
return root;
These unit tests should give you an idea how the algorithm can be used for trivial problems.
public void ManySolutions()
var problem = new ExactCover(
new HashSet<int> { 1, 2, 3 },
new Dictionary<int, ISet<int>> {
{ 0, new HashSet<int> { 1 } }
, { 1, new HashSet<int> { 2 } }
, { 2, new HashSet<int> { 3 } }
, { 3, new HashSet<int> { 2, 3 } }
, { 4, new HashSet<int> { 1, 2 } }
new HashSet<int>());
var solutions = problem.Solve(
new DLX(),
new SolverOptions());
var printed = Print(problem, solutions);
Constraints: {1, 2, 3}
Set 0: {1}
Set 1: {2}
Set 2: {3}
Set 3: {2, 3}
Set 4: {1, 2}
Solutions: 3
Solution #1: {1}, {2}, {3}
Solution #2: {1}, {2, 3}
Solution #3: {3}, {1, 2}", printed);
public void ManySolutionsWithClues()
var problem = new ExactCover(
new HashSet<int> { 1, 2, 3 },
new Dictionary<int, ISet<int>> {
{ 0, new HashSet<int> { 1 } }
, { 1, new HashSet<int> { 2 } }
, { 2, new HashSet<int> { 3 } }
, { 3, new HashSet<int> { 2, 3 } }
, { 4, new HashSet<int> { 1, 2 } }
new HashSet<int> { 2 });
var solutions = problem.Solve(
new DLX(),
new SolverOptions() { IncludeCluesInSolution = true });
var printed = Print(problem, solutions);
Constraints: {1, 2, 3}
Set 0: {1}
Set 1: {2}
Set 2: {3} [Clue]
Set 3: {2, 3}
Set 4: {1, 2}
Solutions: 2
Solution #1: {1}, {2}, {3}
Solution #2: {3}, {1, 2}", printed);
string Print(ExactCover problem, IReadOnlyCollection<ISet<int>> solutions)
var b = new StringBuilder();
var i = 0;
b.AppendLine($"Constraints: {Print(problem.Constraints)}");
foreach (var set in problem.Sets)
var isClue = problem.Clues.Contains(set.Key);
if (isClue)
b.AppendLine($"Set {set.Key}: {Print(set.Value)} [Clue]");
b.AppendLine($"Set {set.Key}: {Print(set.Value)}");
b.AppendLine($"Solutions: {solutions.Count}");
foreach (var solution in solutions)
b.AppendLine($"Solution #{++i}: {string.Join(", ", solution.OrderBy(_ => _).Select(s => Print(problem.Sets[s])))}");
return b.ToString();
string Print<T>(IEnumerable<T> set) => !set.Any() ? "Empty" : $"{{{string.Join(", ", set.OrderBy(_ => _))}}}";
static string Normalize(string input) => Regex.Replace(input, @"\s+", string.Empty);
static void AssertAreEqual(string excepted, string actual) => Assert.AreEqual(Normalize(excepted), Normalize(actual));
Sudoku Solver
As a final step, we reduce a Sudoku board to a DLX matrix, solve it and map the data back to the Sudoku board. The format chosen corresponds to the challenge.
public class Sudoku
public void Solve(char[,] board)
var problem = Reduce(board);
// The challenge allows us to assert a single solution is available
var solution = problem.Solve(
new DLX(), new SolverOptions { MaxSolutions = 1 }).Single();
Augment(board, solution);
internal void Augment(char[,] board, ISet<int> solution)
var n2 = board.Length;
var n = (int)Math.Sqrt(n2);
foreach (var match in solution)
var row = match / (n * n);
var column = match / n % n;
var number = match % n;
var symbol = Encode(number);
board[row, column] = symbol;
internal ExactCover Reduce(char[,] board)
var n2 = board.Length;
var n = (int)Math.Sqrt(n2);
var m = (int)Math.Sqrt(n);
// The constraints for any regular Sudoku puzzle are:
// - For each row, a number can appear only once.
// - For each column, a number can appear only once.
// - For each region(small square), a number can appear only once.
// - Each cell can only have one number.
// For 9x9 Sudoku, the binary matrix will have 4 x 9² columns.
var constraints = new HashSet<int>(Enumerable.Range(0, 4 * n * n));
// The sets for any regular Sudoku puzzle are all permutations of:
// - Each row, each column, each number
// For 9x9 Sudoku, the binary matrix will have 9³ rows.
var sets = new Dictionary<int, ISet<int>>();
var clues = new HashSet<int>();
foreach (var row in Enumerable.Range(0, n))
foreach (var column in Enumerable.Range(0, n))
var region = m * (row / m) + column / m;
foreach (var number in Enumerable.Range(0, n))
sets.Add((row * n + column) * n + number, new HashSet<int>
// number in row
row * n + number,
// number in column
(n + column) * n + number,
// number in region
(2 * n + region) * n + number,
// cell has number
(3 * n + row) * n + column
if (TryDecode(board[row, column], out var given))
clues.Add((row * n + column) * n + given);
var problem = new ExactCover(constraints, sets, clues);
return problem;
internal char Encode(int number) => (char)('1' + number);
internal bool TryDecode(char symbol, out int number)
if (symbol == '.')
number = -1;
return false;
number = symbol - '1';
return true;
- Usability: can this code be reused for different variants of the puzzle?
- Usability: can this code be reused for different problems such as the n queen problem?
- Performance: can this algorithm be improved for performance
- General coding guidelines
new HashSet<int>(problem.Clues.SelectMany(x => problem.Sets[x]).Distinct())
Unless you're using some new hash-set, I'd say thatDistinct
is redundant here :-P \$\endgroup\$internal
would probably be a good idea)... it's just thatinternal
means 'this is tricky code I don't trust you to use, but I still need it to couple my classes', and usually this signals lots of (probably necessary) complexity... \$\endgroup\$