
I have scripts to display commit statistics and merge statistics of my repos, and they work. I wrote them for my personal usage, and because I was interested in finding trends in my git repos.

This script reports statistics about commits (number, average length in words, etc.). Relevant commits can be selected using git-rev-list options.

Features and times

  • count: report number of commits (not a performance issue)
  • len: report length in words of commit message and commit hash (~20s for 1561 commits)
  • len min, len max, and len avg: report minimum, maximum, or average commit message length in words and commit hash (~10-15s for the same)

Benchmarks run with bash's time on my dotfiles repo

A previous implementation using for-loops had similar performance.

Obviously, the algorithms are O(n). They are still too slow for every-day usage.

#! /usr/bin/env bash

set -euo pipefail

USAGE='[-h] (count | len [min|max|avg]) [rev-list options]

Display commit statistics
Filter commits based on [rev-list options]'

# source git-sh-setup for some helpers
set +u
source "$(git --exec-path)"/git-sh-setup
set -u

  # count words

size() {
  local commit="$1"
  git log "$commit" -1 --format=%B | "${SIZER[@]}" | tr -d ' '

commits_list() {
    # start somewhere
  if (($# > 0)) ; then
  "${command[@]}" 2>/dev/null

commit_count() {
  commits_list "$@" | wc -l | tr -d ' '

commit_len() {
  commits_list "$@" |
    while read c ; do
      size "$c" | tr -d '[:space:]'
      printf ' %s\n' "$c"

commit_len_min() {
  commit_len "$@" |
    sort -n |
    head -n 1

commit_len_max() {
  commit_len "$@" |
    sort -rn |
    head -n 1

commit_len_avg() {
  local num=0
    printf '%s\n' '5k'
    while read c ; do
      size "$c"
      ((num >= 2)) && printf '%s\n' '+'
    done < <(commits_list "$@")
    printf '%s\n' "$num" '/p'
  } | dc

main() {
  (($# >= 1)) || usage
  case "$1" in
    count) commit_count "${@:2}" ;;
      if (($# >= 2)); then
        case "$2" in
          max|min|avg) commit_len_"$2" "${@:3}" ;;
          *) commit_len "${@:2}" ;;
        commit_len "${@:2}"
    *) usage ;;

main "$@"

Shell scripts being hard to profile, I've been unable to identify the bottleneck (though commit_len seems like a good place to start).

I run shellcheck regularly.

  • \$\begingroup\$ Some primitive profiling of bash scripts may be possible by tracing with PS4='\t' or similar. That can identify commands that take over a second. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Aug 14, 2019 at 7:46
  • \$\begingroup\$ @TobySpeight thanks for the tip. Turns out I'm sizeing about 61 commits/s, so at ~1600 commits this takes 26s! \$\endgroup\$ Commented Aug 14, 2019 at 17:06

2 Answers 2


Some suggestions:

  1. shellcheck should give you a few suggestions. I won't mention things I expect it to find.
  2. Uppercase names are by convention only used for exported variables.
  3. SUBDIRECTORY_OK is unused. If it's a magic variable this probably should be mentioned.
  4. SIZER is only used once, so it should be inlined.
  5. wc -w 8.30 from GNU coreutils, at least, does not output any spaces, so tr -d ' ' might be unnecessary.
  6. (($# > 0)) would usually be written [[ "$#" -gt 0 ]].
  7. Throwing away standard error means the script will be harder to debug. If there's specific output there you want to hide you can use cmd 2> >(grep -v … >&2)
  8. commit_len is slow because for each commit you run a git command & more to count the number of commits before it. Which means you traverse the Git history N times. I think you'll get the same result by running size "$1".
  9. You can use shift to simplify things like "${@:2}" to just "$@".
  10. dc is not a tool I'm familiar with, but it will certainly be faster to count using something like awk to gobble the whole stream in one command. while read is actually surprisingly slow.
  • \$\begingroup\$ 3) see man git-sh-setup. 5) wc -w somefile gives ` 92 Desktop/cs.txt ` on my machine (note the leading spaces). 6) But > is more readable than -gt. 8) size only counts the size of a single commit (log -1)--if there were a way to log all commits with their message sizes, that would be the fastest. 10) dc is a stack-based calculator. That said, if I could use size in an awk invocation, that would be a considerable improvement (I could even fix commit_len then). \$\endgroup\$ Commented Aug 14, 2019 at 14:31
  • \$\begingroup\$ I did manage to convert commits_list to awk, which helped. commit_avg was also easy. The result is incredible. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Aug 14, 2019 at 20:28
  • \$\begingroup\$ 5) Try it with standard input instead of a file. Good to hear awk helped! \$\endgroup\$
    – l0b0
    Commented Aug 14, 2019 at 20:41

I've managed to drastically improve the performance by combining awk with some creative formatting: now that everything is awk, the script flies under 0.3s for even my ~1600 commits.


#! /usr/bin/env bash

set -euo pipefail

USAGE='[-h] (count | len [min|max|avg]) [rev-list options]

Display commit statistics
Filter commits based on [rev-list options]'

# source git-sh-setup for some helpers
set +u
source "$(git --exec-path)"/git-sh-setup
set -u

commits_list() {
    --pretty'='format:$'\a%n%H\t%s %b'
    # start somewhere
  if (($# > 0)) ; then
  "${command[@]}" |
    awk '
      /'$'\a''/ && NR != 1 { printf "\n"; next }
      { printf "%s ", $0 }
      END { printf "\n" }

commit_count() {
  git rev-list --all --count "$@"

commit_len() {
  commits_list "$@" |
    awk -F$'\t' '{ print split($2,_," "), $1 }'

commit_len_min() {
  commit_len "$@" |
    sort -n |
    head -n 1

commit_len_max() {
  commit_len "$@" |
    sort -rn |
    head -n 1

commit_len_avg() {
  commit_len "$@" |
    awk '
      { sum += $1 }
      END { print sum/NR }

main() {
  (($# >= 1)) || usage
  case "$1" in
    count) commit_count "${@:2}" ;;
      if (($# >= 2)); then
        case "$2" in
          max|min|avg) commit_len_"$2" "${@:3}" ;;
          *) commit_len "${@:2}" ;;
        commit_len "${@:2}"
    *) usage ;;

main "$@"

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