I wrote a Markov-chain based sentence generator as my first non-trivial Python program. I mainly used C before, so I probably have ignored a lot of Python conventions and features, so any advice would be appreciated.
import sys
import random
class MarkovChain:
# Class constant that serves as an initial state for the Markov chain
START = ""
# The Markov chain is modelled as a directed graph,
# with the START state acting as the only source,
# and the tranisition probabilities as the graph weights.
# The graph is implemented using an adjacency list,
# which in turn is implemented as a dictionary of dictionaries.
# self.adjList is a dictionary keyed by all words of the text
# or START (the states). For each key/state, it contains
# another dictionary indexed by the words of the text
# that succeed the key in the text (the next states in the chain),
# and for each of those words/next states the dictionary contains
# the transition probability from the present state to them.
# This implementation was chosen because of it being easy to code,
# and offering an easy way to iterate on both the probabilities and
# the words/next states of each dictionary using items().
def __init__(self, file):
self.adjList = {}
# The totals dictionary is used in calculating the probabilities,
# for every word in the text/chain state it contains the total
# number of transitions from it to another state.
totals = {}
# Start by insering the initial state to the structures
self.adjList[MarkovChain.START] = {}
totals[MarkovChain.START] = 0
# prev: Contains the previously encountered word or the START state,
# initialized to the START state.
prev = MarkovChain.START
for line in file:
for word in line.split():
# If the word ends with a terminating punctuation mark,
# ignore the mark, and treat the word as a terminating state as
# it does not preceed another word in the current sentence.
# So prev is set to START, in order for the text model
# to account for the fact that some words start sentences
# more frequently than others (not all words are next states of START).
endsTerm = word[-1] == "." or word[-1] == "?" or word[-1] == "!"
if (endsTerm):
word = word[0:-1]
# If this is the first time the word is encountered,
# add it to the adjacency list, and initialize its dictionary
# and transition total.
if (word not in self.adjList):
self.adjList[word] = {}
totals[word] = 0
# If this is the first time the prev->word transition
# was detected, initialize the prev->word transition frequency to 1,
# else increment it.
if (word in self.adjList[prev]):
self.adjList[prev][word] += 1
self.adjList[prev][word] = 1
# There is a prev->word state transition, so increment
# the total transition number of the prev state.
totals[prev] += 1
if (endsTerm):
prev = START
# Using total, convert the transition frequencies
# to transition probabilities.
for word, neighbors in self.adjList.items():
for name in neighbors:
neighbors[name] /= totals[word]
# chooseNextWord: Chooses the next state/word,
# by sampling the non uniform transition probability distribution
# of the current word/state.
def chooseNextWord(self, curWord):
# Convert the dict_keys object to a list
# to use indexing
nextWords = list(self.adjList[curWord].keys())
# Sampling is done through linear search.
for word in nextWords[0:-1]:
prob = self.adjList[curWord][word]
roll = random.random()
if (roll <= prob):
return word
# If none of the first N-1 words were chosen,
# only the last one was left.
return nextWords[-1]
# genSentence: Generates a sentence. If a positive
# limit is not provided by the caller, the sentences grow to
# an arbitrary number of words, until the last word of a sentence/a terminal state
# is reached.
def genSentence(self, limit = 0):
sentence = ""
curWord = self.chooseNextWord(MarkovChain.START)
sentence += curWord + " "
if (limit > 0):
wordsUsed = 1
while (wordsUsed < limit and self.adjList[curWord]):
curWord = self.chooseNextWord(curWord)
sentence += curWord + " "
wordsUsed += 1
while (self.adjList[curWord]):
curWord = self.chooseNextWord(curWord)
sentence += curWord + " "
return sentence
if (__name__ == "__main__"):
if (len(sys.argv) < 3):
print("Not enough arguements, run with python3 text-gen.py <input-filename> <sentence-num>")
with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as f:
markov = MarkovChain(f)
except OSError as error:
# Generate and print as many sentences as asked.
for k in range(0, int(sys.argv[2])):
print(markov.genSentence(20) + "\n")