I wrote a class that generates combinatorial necklaces with fixed content as per Sawada: A fast algorithm to generate necklaces with fixed content. The class is instantiated with an input list that states the occurrence of each value that is to appear in the necklace. The execute method is called to run either Sawada's simple algorithm, or fast algorithm.
Some definitions:
: a value that can appear in the necklace. Is a non-negative integeroccurrence
: this states how many of eachletter
must appear in the necklace.letter
can be used to indexoccurrence
: a complete configuration ofletters
that may be a necklace. Has a size ofsum(occurrence)
: (used for fast algorithm only) this contains a list of all uniqueletters
. Asoccurrence
for aletter
drops to 0, thatletter
is removed fromalphabet
, and vice versa.k-1
: the lastletter
: (used for fast algorithm only) this keeps track of the longest chain ofk-1
starting from each index.
The simple algorithm goes through each index in word
, and recurs through letters
that are left in occurrence
until it can find a word
that satisfies the necklace condition.
The fast algorithm shortcuts some of this by checking if certain conditions allow it to return before assigning a letter
explicitly to every single index in word
. It initializes word
to the last value in alphabet
and tracks downward. Shortcuts:
- If the only values left to assign are
, then it's not a necklace, and skip. - If the only values left to assign are
, then it's a necklace if theoccurrence
is > the current run (or = under certain conditions).
Some shortcuts can happen before the algorithm is started:
can have values = 0 (stating that a givenletter
will not occur in the necklace). In this case, it's useful to also remove these letters fromalphabet
.- a necklace with fixed content must always start with the lowest
that hasoccurrence
greater than 0.
class Fixed_content_necklace:
def __init__(self, n):
# n is a list of integers
# force negative numbers to zero
for i in range(len(n)):
if n[i] < 0:
n[i] = 0
# initialized as number and type of letters to be found in necklace
# ('(n0, n1, n2, ... nk-1)' in paper)
self.n_init = n
# number of letters in word ('n' in paper)
self.N = sum(n)
# number of different letters to be used
self.k = len(n)
def initialize(self, method='simple'):
# used as the number and type of letters STILL TO BE ADDED to word
self.occurrence = self.n_init.copy()
# current word of letters ('a' in paper)
self.word = [0]*self.N
# only used in 'fast' algorithm
self.alphabet = [*range(self.k)]
# number of the largest letter from each index to the end
self.run = [0]*self.N
# assume that the first letter in the word will be 0,
# and last letter will be k-1,
# unless they get changed by set_letter_bounds
self.first_letter = 0
self.last_letter = self.k-1
if method != 'simple':
self.word[1:] = [self.last_letter]*(self.N-1)
def __set_letter_bounds(self, method):
# assign the first letter with nonzero occurrence to word[0]
# short-circuiting the search to the letter to put there during the algorithm
# find the last nonzero letter
found_first_nonzero = False
for letter in range(self.k):
if not found_first_nonzero and self.occurrence[letter] > 0:
found_first_nonzero = True
self.occurrence[letter] -= 1
self.word[0] = letter
self.first_letter = letter
# remove any letters with zero occurrence from the alphabet so that
# we automatically skip them
if method != 'simple':
if self.occurrence[letter] == 0:
if not self.alphabet:
self.last_letter = 0
self.last_letter = max(self.alphabet)
# the algorithm starts at 2 (the second letter in 'word') because we've
# already assigned the first letter during initialize
def execute(self, method='simple'):
if method == 'simple':
yield from self._simple_fixed_content(2, 1)
elif method == 'fast':
yield from self._fast_fixed_content(2, 1, 2)
def _simple_fixed_content(self, t, p):
if t > self.N: # if the prenecklace is complete
if self.N % p == 0: # if the prenecklace word is a necklace
yield self.word.copy()
for letter in range(self.word[t-p-1], self.k):
if self.occurrence[letter] > 0:
self.word[t-1] = letter
self.occurrence[letter] -= 1
if letter == self.word[t-p-1]:
yield from self._simple_fixed_content(t+1, p)
yield from self._simple_fixed_content(t+1, t)
self.occurrence[letter] += 1
def _fast_fixed_content(self, t, p, s):
# discard any prenecklace that ends in 0 (except for 0^N)
# and any prenecklace that ends in (k-1)^n < (k-1)^m that occurs earlier
if self.occurrence[self.last_letter] == self.N - t + 1:
if self.occurrence[self.last_letter] == self.run[t-p-1]:
if self.N % p == 0:
yield self.word.copy()
elif self.occurrence[self.last_letter] > self.run[t-p-1]:
yield self.word.copy()
# If the only values left to assign are `0`, then it's not a necklace
elif self.occurrence[self.first_letter] != self.N - t + 1:
letter = max(self.alphabet) # get largest letter from letter list
i = len(self.alphabet)-1 # reset position in letter list
s_current = s
while letter >= self.word[t-p-1]:
self.run[s-1] = t - s
self.word[t-1] = letter
self.occurrence[letter] -= 1
if not self.occurrence[letter]:
i_removed = self.__remove_letter(letter)
if letter != self.last_letter:
s_current = t+1
if letter == self.word[t-p-1]:
yield from self._fast_fixed_content(t+1, p, s_current)
yield from self._fast_fixed_content(t+1, t, s_current)
if not self.occurrence[letter]:
self.__add_letter(i_removed, letter)
self.occurrence[letter] += 1
i -= 1
letter = self.__get_letter(i)
# reset to initial state
self.word[t-1] = self.last_letter
def __remove_letter(self, letter):
i = self.alphabet.index(letter)
return i
def __add_letter(self, index, letter):
def __get_letter(self, i):
if i < 0:
return -1
return self.alphabet[i]
Each method gives what I expect (although in opposite order). However, the "fast" method using the fast algorithm described by Sawada almost always takes longer, even though it's set up to skip a number of branches during recursion. The only time I've found the 'fast' algorithm to be faster is when the occurrence
of k-1
is more than twice the size of all the others combined.
sample code:
import numpy as np
n = [2, 1, 3, 10] # or n = [0, 1, 2, 1, 3, 14]
mynecklace = Fixed_content_necklace(n)
print('Simple Fixed Content:')
sfc = np.array(list(mynecklace.execute()))
print('Fast Fixed Content:')
ffc = np.array(list(mynecklace.execute('fast')))
print('Are the arrays equivalent?: ', (ffc == np.flipud(sfc)).all())