The idea here is that we have some resource that is relatively very expensive to generate, but once we have a bunch of them in a pool, we can keep reusing them instead of generating new ones. "HTTP connections" would be an example. In my particular use-case, it's "2048-bit RSA keys" (let's pass over the obligatory what-a-terrible-idea-that-is). Generating a new key takes about 200ms, so I just need a pool that can dole out existing keys faster than 200ms.
My other design goal is that the thing needs to be thread-safe (against maybe thousands of threads at a time), and in fact it's going to be accessed from greenthreads, not std::thread
s, so I can't use std::mutex
; I have to do everything lock-freely.
If you dole out shared read access to items, then you have to think about what happens if thread A is reading an item while thread B is trying to delete/overwrite it. I don't want to deal with that. So I made my AtomicRoundRobinPool
dole out exclusive access to items. When you get_item
from the pool, you get a unique_ptr
to it (nobody else can see it but you). When you're done using the item, you may choose to put_item
the unique_ptr
back, or you may drop it on the floor; the pool class doesn't care.
If you put_item
when there's no room left in the pool, the pool just kicks your item back to you. But we also want the ability to inject fresh blood into a full pool. So I made a force_put_item
method, too; it always inserts the item you give it, but it might do so by evicting an item (in which case it kicks the evicted item back to you).
I also wrote a try_quick_get_item
method that just checks the current round-robin slot and doesn't iterate over the entire array, but I don't think I'd end up using that method for anything in real life.
#include <atomic>
#include <cassert>
#include <memory>
template<class T, int N>
class AtomicRoundRobinPool {
std::atomic<T*> array_[N] {};
std::atomic<int> get_idx_ {0};
std::atomic<int> put_idx_ {0};
std::atomic<int> size_ {0};
int postincrement_mod_N(std::atomic<int>& x) {
int expected = x.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
while (true) {
int desired = (expected + 1) % N;
if (x.compare_exchange_strong(expected, desired)) {
return expected;
static constexpr int capacity() { return N; }
int approximate_size() const {
return size_.load();
std::unique_ptr<T> try_quick_get_item() noexcept {
// Try grabbing the first slot we see. If the table is
// very full, then we expect this usually to work.
int idx = postincrement_mod_N(get_idx_);
T *result = array_[idx].exchange(nullptr);
if (result != nullptr) {
return std::unique_ptr<T>(result);
std::unique_ptr<T> get_item() noexcept {
int idx = postincrement_mod_N(get_idx_);
for (int i=0; i < N; ++i) {
T *result = array_[idx].exchange(nullptr);
if (result != nullptr) {
return std::unique_ptr<T>(result);
idx = (idx + 1) % N;
// If we've gone around the whole array once and found no items,
// we should give up.
return nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<T> put_item(std::unique_ptr<T> item) noexcept {
assert(item != nullptr);
int idx = postincrement_mod_N(put_idx_);
for (int i=0; i < N; ++i) {
T *expect_null = nullptr;
if (array_[idx].compare_exchange_strong(expect_null, item.get())) {
return nullptr;
idx = (idx + 1) % N;
// If we've gone around the whole array once and found
// no empty slots, we should give up.
return item;
std::unique_ptr<T> force_put_item(std::unique_ptr<T> item) noexcept {
assert(item != nullptr);
int idx = postincrement_mod_N(put_idx_);
T *removed_item = array_[idx].exchange(item.release());
if (removed_item == nullptr) {
// We found an empty slot on our first try; excellent.
return nullptr;
} else {
// `item` is now in the pool, but at the cost of `removed_item`.
// Put `removed_item` back in the pool somewhere, if possible.
return put_item(std::unique_ptr<T>(removed_item));
~AtomicRoundRobinPool() {
for (std::atomic<T*>& elt : array_) {
delete elt.load();
And here's my example usage. Sadly, I can't think of any good way to unit-test this thing.
#include <chrono>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
int main() {
AtomicRoundRobinPool<std::string, 10> pool;
auto generate_new_item = [&]() {
static std::atomic<int> i{0};
return std::make_unique<std::string>(std::to_string(++i));
auto producer = [&]() {
for (int i=0; i < 100'000; ++i) {
puts("Producer is generating new item");
auto new_item = generate_new_item();
if (pool.force_put_item(std::move(new_item))) {
puts("Producer put the new item but removed an old one");
} else {
puts("Producer put the new item");
auto consumer = [&]() {
for (int i=0; i < 100'000; ++i) {
std::unique_ptr<std::string> item = pool.get_item();
if (item != nullptr) {
printf("Consumer got item: %s\n", item->c_str());
} else {
puts("Consumer must generate new item");
item = generate_new_item();
// Always put this new item into the pool; it's new blood!
item = pool.force_put_item(std::move(item));
if (item != nullptr) {
puts("Consumer put the new item but removed an old one");
} else {
puts("Consumer put the new item");
// At this point, we have either item==nullptr or
// item== an item that we got from the pool, which means
// it's been used at least once before.
if (pool.approximate_size() < pool.capacity() / 2) {
// The pool is low; put this item back.
if (item != nullptr) {
if (pool.put_item(std::move(item))) {
puts("Consumer failed to putback the old item");
} else {
puts("Consumer putback the old item");
std::thread ts[] = {
for (auto&& t : ts) {