I have been implementing a library of PLC logic blocks (i.e. AND gates, OR gates, RS flip-flops and TON, TOF and TP timers) in C++. I have decided to model all of these logic blocks with C++ classes which implement common interface
namespace LogicBlocks
class LogicBlk {
enum LogicType_e{
POS, // positive logic
NEG // negative logic
virtual void Update(void) = 0;
I have already implemented the timers and RS flip-flop logic blocks. What I would like to do now is to implement the AND and OR gates. My idea is to use AND gates and OR gates with 1 input up to 8 inputs. I have implemented this in following manner. I have special class for each type of gate. For example:
OR gate with two inputs
namespace LogicBlocks
// OR logic gate with two inputs
class Or_02 : public LogicBlk{
Or_02(uint32_t *bitsArray,
uint32_t input_01, LogicType_e inputType_01,
uint32_t input_02, LogicType_e inputType_02,
uint32_t output);
virtual ~Or_02();
void Update(void);
uint32_t m_In01;
LogicType_e m_In01Type;
uint32_t m_In02;
LogicType_e m_In02Type;
uint32_t m_Out;
uint32_t *m_BitsArray;
LogicBlocks::Or_02::Or_02(uint32_t *bitsArray,
uint32_t input_01, LogicType_e inputType_01,
uint32_t input_02, LogicType_e inputType_02,
uint32_t output):
m_In01{input_01}, m_In01Type{inputType_01},
m_In02{input_02}, m_In02Type{inputType_02},
LogicBlocks::Or_02::~Or_02() {
void LogicBlocks::Or_02::Update(void){
if(((Utils::TestBitSet(m_BitsArray, m_In01) && m_In01Type == POS) || (Utils::TestBitClr(m_BitsArray, m_In01) && m_In01Type == NEG)) ||
((Utils::TestBitSet(m_BitsArray, m_In02) && m_In02Type == POS) || (Utils::TestBitClr(m_BitsArray, m_In02) && m_In02Type == NEG))){
Utils::SetBit(m_BitsArray, m_Out);
Utils::ClrBit(m_BitsArray, m_Out);
OR gate with three inputs
namespace LogicBlocks
// OR logic gate with three inputs
class Or_03 : public LogicBlk{
Or_03(uint32_t* const bitsArray,
const uint32_t input_01, const LogicType_e inputType_01,
const uint32_t input_02, const LogicType_e inputType_02,
const uint32_t input_03, const LogicType_e inputType_03,
const uint32_t output);
virtual ~Or_03();
void Update(void);
uint32_t m_In01;
LogicType_e m_In01Type;
uint32_t m_In02;
LogicType_e m_In02Type;
uint32_t m_In03;
LogicType_e m_In03Type;
uint32_t m_Out;
uint32_t *m_BitsArray;
LogicBlocks::Or_03::Or_03(uint32_t* const bitsArray,
const uint32_t input_01, const LogicType_e inputType_01,
const uint32_t input_02, const LogicType_e inputType_02,
const uint32_t input_03, const LogicType_e inputType_03,
const uint32_t out):
m_In01{input_01}, m_In01Type{inputType_01},
m_In02{input_02}, m_In02Type{inputType_02},
m_In03{input_03}, m_In03Type{inputType_03},
LogicBlocks::Or_03::~Or_03() {
void LogicBlocks::Or_03::Update(void){
if(((Utils::TestBitSet(m_BitsArray, m_In01) && m_In01Type == POS) || (Utils::TestBitClr(m_BitsArray, m_In01) && m_In01Type == NEG)) ||
((Utils::TestBitSet(m_BitsArray, m_In02) && m_In02Type == POS) || (Utils::TestBitClr(m_BitsArray, m_In02) && m_In02Type == NEG)) ||
((Utils::TestBitSet(m_BitsArray, m_In03) && m_In03Type == POS) || (Utils::TestBitClr(m_BitsArray, m_In03) && m_In03Type == NEG))){
Utils::SetBit(m_BitsArray, m_Out);
Utils::ClrBit(m_BitsArray, m_Out);
Here is the usage. Lets say I have an object called Logic:
#include <stdint.h>
#include "LogicBlk.h"
namespace Logic
class Logic{
virtual ~Logic();
// method shall be called from a task
void Loop(void);
uint32_t m_BitsArray[1] = {0};
static const uint8_t NO_LOGIC_BLKS = 2;
LogicBlocks::LogicBlk* m_LogicBlks[NO_LOGIC_BLKS];
#include "Logic.h"
#include "Bits.h"
#include "Or_02.h"
#include "And_02.h"
#define LW_01 (0)
// Byte 01
#define LSig01 (LW_01*32 + 0x00)
#define LSig02 (LW_01*32 + 0x01)
#define LSig03 (LW_01*32 + 0x02)
//efine L (LW_01*32 + 0x03)
//efine L (LW_01*32 + 0x04)
//efine L (LW_01*32 + 0x05)
//efine L (LW_01*32 + 0x06)
//efine L (LW_01*32 + 0x07)
// Byte 02
#define LAx01 (LW_01*32 + 0x08)
#define LAx02 (LW_01*32 + 0x09)
//efine L (LW_01*32 + 0x0A)
//efine L (LW_01*32 + 0x0B)
//efine L (LW_01*32 + 0x0C)
//efine L (LW_01*32 + 0x0D)
//efine L (LW_01*32 + 0x0E)
//efine L (LW_01*32 + 0x0F)
// Byte 03
//efine L (LW_01*32 + 0x10)
//efine L (LW_01*32 + 0x11)
//efine L (LW_01*32 + 0x12)
//efine L (LW_01*32 + 0x13)
//efine L (LW_01*32 + 0x14)
//efine L (LW_01*32 + 0x15)
//efine L (LW_01*32 + 0x16)
//efine L (LW_01*32 + 0x17)
// Byte 04
//efine L (LW_01*32 + 0x18)
//efine L (LW_01*32 + 0x19)
//efine L (LW_01*32 + 0x1A)
//efine L (LW_01*32 + 0x1B)
//efine L (LW_01*32 + 0x1C)
//efine L (LW_01*32 + 0x1D)
//efine L (LW_01*32 + 0x1E)
//efine L (LW_01*32 + 0x1F)
m_LogicBlks[0] = new LogicBlocks::Or_02(m_BitsArray,
LSig01, LogicBlocks::LogicBlk::POS,
LSig02, LogicBlocks::LogicBlk::POS,
m_LogicBlks[1] = new LogicBlocks::And_02(m_BitsArray,
LAx01, LogicBlocks::LogicBlk::POS,
LSig03, LogicBlocks::LogicBlk::NEG,
void Logic::Logic::Loop(void){
for(uint8_t curBlk = 0; curBlk < NO_LOGIC_BLKS; curBlk++){
For completeness the utility functions for work with individual bits
bool Utils::TestBitSet(uint32_t *bitsArray, uint32_t bit){
uint32_t wordValue = *(bitsArray + (bit >> 5));
uint32_t bitPosInWord = (bit - ((bit >> 5) << 5));
return ((wordValue & ((uint32_t)1 << bitPosInWord)) >> bitPosInWord) ? true : false;
bool Utils::TestBitClr(uint32_t *bitsArray, uint32_t bit){
uint32_t wordValue = *(bitsArray + (bit >> 5));
uint32_t bitPosInWord = (bit - ((bit >> 5) << 5));
return ((wordValue & ((uint32_t)1 << bitPosInWord)) >> bitPosInWord) ? false : true;
void Utils::SetBit(uint32_t *bitsArray, uint32_t bit){
uint32_t word = (bit >> 5);
uint32_t bitPosInWord = (bit - ((bit >> 5) << 5));
*(bitsArray + word) |= ((uint32_t)1 << bitPosInWord);
void Utils::ClrBit(uint32_t *bitsArray, uint32_t bit){
uint32_t word = (bit >> 5);
uint32_t bitPosInWord = (bit - ((bit >> 5) << 5));
*(bitsArray + word) &= ~((uint32_t)1 << bitPosInWord);
void Utils::NegBit(uint32_t *bitsArray, uint32_t bit){
if(TestBitSet(bitsArray, bit)){
ClrBit(bitsArray, bit);
SetBit(bitsArray, bit);
Now I have been thinking about weaknesses of this implementation. First of all I thing that implementation of OR gate with three inputs is sort of code repetition of OR gate with two inputs. Exactly the same is true for OR gates with more inputs. The second problem which I have is the way how the gates "communicate" and form the whole logic. Here I have been using bits array. I have also took into account a possibility that each logic block would receive pointers to cooperating logic blocks. The reason why I didn't use this approach was that in my opinion this implementation would lead to tree data structure and in case evaluation of the whole logic the stack can grow rapidly especially in complex logic structures.
Does anybody have any idea how to resolve my issues i.e. code repetition and communication between logic blocks? Thank you for any suggestions.