Im curious how to improve this code. I don't like creating objects of four different types of reporters, because this could provide some problems with testing. How about the rest of this code, for example the if-statement below?
EDIT: This is a fragment of application to measure loading time of our website and few other competitors. If our site is slower than one of competitors application should send email, if our site is two times slower then application should send message via sms.
"""Module containing classes for comparing objects"""
import senders
import reporters
class Comparator:
"""Class for comparing objects"""
def compare(self, compared, competitors):
reporter = reporters.Reporter()
rules = ComparatorExtensions(compared, competitors, reporter)
send_with_email = senders.SendWithEmail()
send_with_sms = senders.SendWithSms()
save_to_file = senders.SendToFile()
show_on_console = senders.ShowOnConsole()
if rules.rule_valid_compared():
if rules.rule_compared_smaller():
if rules.rule_compared_two_times_smaller():
report = reporter.format_report()
class ComparatorExtensions:
"""Class for extensions for comparator class"""
def __init__(self, compared, competitors, reporter):
self.compared = compared
self.competitors = (item for item in competitors if self.valid_item(item))
self._reporter = reporter
def valid_item(self, item):
result = 'loading_time' in item
if not result:
return result
def rule_compared_smaller(self):
result = False
for item in self.competitors:
if item.get('loading_time') < self.compared.get('loading_time'):
self._reporter.report_smaller(self.compared, item)
result = True
return result
def rule_compared_two_times_smaller(self):
result = False
for item in self.competitors:
if (item.get('loading_time') * 2) <= self.compared.get('loading_time'):
self._reporter.report_smaller_two_times(self.compared, item)
result = True
return result
def rule_valid_compared(self):
rule_valid = self.valid_item(self.compared)
if rule_valid:
return rule_valid
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