Here is my code in Python for to find a common ancestor between two nodes in a particular tree. This is a question from Cracking the Coding Interview that I decided to implement on my own. No one has talked about the solution that I implemented below.
import unittest
from Tree import *
from list2BST import *
def traverse_DFS(root, target_node_value, hash_route):
# print('looking at node ' + str(root.value))
if root.value == target_node_value:
# print('found node ' + str(target_node_value))
hash_route[root.value] = 1
return 1
if root.left_child:
left_result = traverse_DFS(root.left_child, target_node_value,
if left_result == 1:
hash_route[root.value] = 1
return 1
if root.right_child:
right_result = traverse_DFS(root.right_child, target_node_value,
if right_result == 1:
hash_route[root.value] = 1
return 1
common_ancestor = None
def hash_check_DFS(root, target_node_value, hash_route):
global common_ancestor
if root.value == target_node_value:
if root.value in hash_route:
print('Found a common ancestor ' + str(root.value))
if common_ancestor is None:
common_ancestor = root.value
return 1
if root.left_child:
left_result = hash_check_DFS(root.left_child, target_node_value,
if left_result == 1:
if root.value in hash_route:
if common_ancestor is None:
print('Found a common ancestor ' + str(root.value))
common_ancestor = root.value
return 1
if root.right_child:
right_child = hash_check_DFS(root.right_child, target_node_value,
if right_child == 1:
if root.value in hash_route:
if common_ancestor is None:
print('Found a common ancestor ' + str(root.value))
common_ancestor = root.value
return 1
def find_common_node(Tree, node1, node2):
global common_ancestor
print('Running the common ancestry finder')
# First run DFS v1 with Hash
hash_route= {}
print('This value of node1 is ' + str(node1))
traverse_DFS(Tree.root, node1, hash_route)
common_ancestor = None
hash_check_DFS(Tree.root, node2, hash_route)
if common_ancestor:
return common_ancestor
return None
class Test(unittest.TestCase):
def test_basic_odd_case(self):
array = [1, 4, 5, 8, 11, 15, 18]
result_tree = BinaryTree(insert_list_BST(0, array))
result_node = find_common_node(result_tree, 1, 18)
self.assertEqual(result_node, 8)
def test_basic_even_case(self):
array = [1, 4, 5, 8, 11, 15, 18, 20]
result_tree = BinaryTree(insert_list_BST(0, array))
result_node = find_common_node(result_tree, 1, 8)
self.assertEqual(result_node, 5)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Basically, I do a DFS (depth-first search) of the tree for the first node (Time: \$O(n)\$ and Space: \$O(1)\$) and then I get the recursive callbacks to add the path to a hashmap (Time: \$O(logn)\$ Space: \$O(n)\$). The second time around while using DFS for the second node, once I find it — I check with the hashmap till a collision occurs, indicating the lowest common ancestor.
My Tree class is here, while my list2BST function is here. I am looking for feedback on a couple of things:
- Performance of code and how it could possibly be improved.
- My coding style and the readability of the said code.
I forgot to mention that the tree does not necessarily have to be a Binary Search Tree. The only condition is that it is a Binary Tree.