So, I decided to write my own little command line argument parser for various other projects I work on. I am aware that there are many good command line parser libraries, but I did wrote my own anyway (practice & implementation specific reasons).
The parser works fine, but I have a feeling that it can be improved a lot, mainly the following things come to mind
- Mainly the actual parser, CommandLineParser.cs. It seems very badly structured and I find it hard to read myself.
- Abstraction. I wonder if I can abstract it a bit more without making it a pain to use? Maybe by introducing some interfaces?
- Naming. I went with Option for the command line switch and with Value for the possible parameters. Are my methods/classes self-descriptive?
- Optimizations. I am sure there are segments that can be done more efficiently, mainly in
CommandLineParser.ParseArguments(string[] args)
A couple of things to note:
- I'd like to keep the structure for the CommandLineValue.cs and CommandLineOption.cs mostly the same as they are part of a plugin architecture to communicate command line arguments between the plugins and the main application.
- No usage of Attributes to store the command line options.
- I did write a couple of unit tests to verify the parsers functionality. Despite them being not the main class to review, I am appreciate feedback there too :)
public class CommandLineParser
/// <summary>
/// Defines all possible command line options the plugin can can process
/// </summary>
public List<CommandLineOption> SupportedOptions { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Initialize the commandline parser with a list of commandline options the plugin exposes
/// </summary>
/// <param name="supportedOptions"></param>
public CommandLineParser(List<CommandLineOption> supportedOptions)
SupportedOptions = supportedOptions;
/// <summary>
/// Parse the command line arguments and returns a list of commandline values that can be passed to the
/// plugin for further processing. The function also handles invalid amount and/or format of options, values
/// as well as missing required arguments etc
/// </summary>
/// <param name="args">The arguments to parse</param>
/// <returns>A list of parsed commandline values + options</returns>
/// <exception cref="InvalidCommandLineOptionException"></exception>
/// <exception cref="InsufficientCommandLineValuesException"></exception>
/// <exception cref="InvalidCommandLineValueException"></exception>
/// <exception cref="MissingRequiredCommandLineOptionException"></exception>
public IEnumerable<CommandLineValue> ParseArguments(string[] args)
var result = new List<CommandLineValue>();
if (args.Length == 0)
return Enumerable.Empty<CommandLineValue>();
// Process all command line arguments
for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
CommandLineOption option = null;
if (!IsSupportedOption(args[i], out option))
throw new InvalidCommandLineOptionException($"{args[i]} is not a valid command line option");
// Verify if the option expects additional values
if (HasAdditionalValues(option))
// Check if enough additional values are given
int additionalValues = option.ParameterTypes.Count;
if (i + additionalValues + 1 > args.Length)
throw new InsufficientCommandLineValuesException(
$"{args[i]} expects {additionalValues} values.");
// Check if the additional values are in the right format
// ToDo: Find more elegant solution
var values = args.ToList().GetRange(i + 1, i + additionalValues).ToList();
var types = option.ParameterTypes.ToList();
var castedValues = values.Zip(types, (value, type) =>
return Convert.ChangeType(value, type);
throw new InvalidCommandLineValueException(
$"Cannot cast between value {value} to type {type}");
result.Add(new CommandLineValue(option, castedValues.ToList()));
// Increase i to skip to the next option
i += additionalValues;
result.Add(new CommandLineValue(option, null));
// Collect required arguments
List<string> requiredOptions = new List<string>();
foreach (var option in SupportedOptions)
if (option.Required)
foreach (var tag in option.Tags)
// Check that no required arguments are missing (or occur twice)
var missing = GetMissingRequiredArgs<string>(requiredOptions, args.ToList());
if (missing == null)
return result;
throw new MissingRequiredCommandLineOptionException(
$"The required arument(s) {string.Join(",", missing)} occured multiple times");
/// <summary>
/// Check that all required options are used and that they (the required options) dont occur multiple times are no duplicates
/// </summary>
/// <param name="required">A list of required options</param>
/// <param name="arguments"><The args to check</param>
/// <typeparam name="T">Any primitive type</typeparam>
/// <exception cref="MissingRequiredCommandLineOptionException">Thrown if any distinct required arguments exist more then once</exception>
/// <returns>A list of missing required args, if any. Null if none are missing.</returns>
static List<T> GetMissingRequiredArgs<T>(List<T> required, List<T> arguments)
// convert to Dictionary where we store the required item as a key against count for an item
var requiredDict = required.ToDictionary(k => k, v => 0);
foreach (var item in arguments)
if (!requiredDict.ContainsKey(item))
requiredDict[item]++; // if we have required, adding to count
if (requiredDict[item] <= 1)
throw new DuplicateRequiredCommandLineOptionException(
$"Required option {item} appeared more than once!");
var result = new List<T>();
// now we are checking for missing items
foreach (var key in requiredDict.Keys)
if (requiredDict[key] == 0)
return result.Any() ? result : null;
/// <summary>
/// Verify if given option is part of the supported options
/// </summary>
/// <returns>true if the option is supported otherwise false</returns>
private bool IsSupportedOption(string optionIdentifier, out CommandLineOption option)
for (var index = 0; index < SupportedOptions.Count; index++)
var supportedOption = SupportedOptions[index];
if (supportedOption.Tags.Any(tag => tag == optionIdentifier))
option = SupportedOptions[index];
return true;
option = null;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Indicates if a command line option has multiple values or if its just a flag
/// </summary>
/// <param name="option">Commandlineoption to check</param>
/// <returns>true if the option has multiple values, otherwise false</returns>
private bool HasAdditionalValues(CommandLineOption option)
var noParameters = option.ParameterTypes == null || option.ParameterTypes.Count == 0;
return !noParameters;
Classes to store commandline information:
public class CommandLineOption
/// <summary>
/// The identifier of the commandline option, e.g. -h or --help
/// </summary>
public ICollection<string> Tags { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Description of the commandline option
/// </summary>
public string Description { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Indicates if the argument is optional or required
/// </summary>
public bool Required { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Types of the additional provided values such as directory paths, values etc ..
/// </summary>
public IList<Type> ParameterTypes { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Create a new true/false commandline option
/// </summary>
/// <param name="tags">Identifier of the command line option</param>
/// <param name="description">Description of the command line option</param>
/// <param name="required">Indicates if the command line option is optional or not</param>
public CommandLineOption(IEnumerable<string> tags, string description, bool required = false)
Tags = tags.ToList();
Description = description;
Required = required;
/// <summary>
/// Create a new true/false commandline option
/// </summary>
/// <param name="tags">Identifier of the command line option</param>
/// <param name="description">Description of the command line option</param>
/// <param name="required">Indicates if the command line option is optional or not</param>
public CommandLineOption(IEnumerable<string> tags, string description, bool required = false, params Type[] parameterTypes):
this(tags, description, required)
ParameterTypes = new List<Type>(parameterTypes);
public class CommandLineValue : IEqualityComparer<CommandLineValue>
/// <summary>
/// Holds all the values specified after a command line option
/// </summary>
public IList<object> Values { get; }
/// <summary>
/// The command line option the value(s) belong to
/// </summary>
public CommandLineOption Option { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Stores the values that correspond to a commandline option
/// </summary>
/// <param name="option">The commandline option the values refer to</param>
/// <param name="values">The values that are stored</param>
public CommandLineValue(CommandLineOption option, IList<object> values)
Option = option;
Values = values;
public bool Equals(CommandLineValue x, CommandLineValue y)
if (x.Option.Description == y.Option.Description &&
x.Option.Required == y.Option.Required &&
x.Option.Tags.SequenceEqual(y.Option.Tags) &&
x.Option.ParameterTypes.SequenceEqual(y.Option.ParameterTypes) &&
return true;
return false;
public int GetHashCode(CommandLineValue obj)
return base.GetHashCode();
Custom Exception Classes:
public class DuplicateRequiredCommandLineOptionException : Exception
public DuplicateRequiredCommandLineOptionException(string message) : base(message)
public class InsufficientCommandLineValuesException : Exception
public InsufficientCommandLineValuesException(string message) : base(message)
public class InvalidCommandLineOptionException : Exception
public InvalidCommandLineOptionException(string message) : base(message)
public class InvalidCommandLineValueException : Exception
public InvalidCommandLineValueException(string message) : base(message)
public class MissingRequiredCommandLineOptionException : Exception
public MissingRequiredCommandLineOptionException(string message) : base(message)
Unit Tests:
public class CommandLineParserTests
public void ParseDuplicateRequiredArguments()
var args = new[] {"--randomize", "-o", "/home/user/Documents", "--randomize", "-d"};
var supportedOptions = new List<CommandLineOption>
new CommandLineOption(
new[] {"-r", "--randomize"},
"Random flag",
new CommandLineOption(
new[] {"-o", "--output-directory"},
"Specifies the output directory",
new CommandLineOption(
new[] {"-d", "--dummy"},
"Just another unused flag"),
var parser = new CommandLineParser(supportedOptions);
Assert.Throws<DuplicateRequiredCommandLineOptionException>(() =>
public void ParseMissingRequiredArguments()
var args = new[] {"--randomize", "--output-directory", "/home/user/Documents"};
var supportedOptions = new List<CommandLineOption>
new CommandLineOption(
new[] {"-r", "--randomize"},
"Random flag"),
new CommandLineOption(
new[] {"-o", "--output-directory"},
"Specifies the output directory",
new CommandLineOption(
new[] {"-d", "--dummy"},
"Just another unused flag"),
var parser = new CommandLineParser(supportedOptions);
Assert.Throws<MissingRequiredCommandLineOptionException>(() =>
public void ParseMatchingTypeCommandLineValues()
var args = new[] {"--log", "info", "1337", "3.1415"};
var supportedOptions = new List<CommandLineOption>
new CommandLineOption(
new[] {"-l", "--log"},
"Logs info from exactly three data sources",
typeof(string), typeof(int), typeof(float))
var parser = new CommandLineParser(supportedOptions);
var expectedValue = new CommandLineValue(new CommandLineOption(
new[] {"-l", "--log"},
"Logs info from exactly three data sources",
typeof(string), typeof(int), typeof(float)),
new object[] {"info", 1337, (float) 3.1415});
var actualValue = parser.ParseArguments(args).ToList()[0];
Assert.True(expectedValue.Equals(actualValue, expectedValue));
public void ParseMismatchingTypeCommandLineValues()
var args = new[] {"--log", "info", "1337", "3.1415"};
var supportedOptions = new List<CommandLineOption>
new CommandLineOption(
new[] {"-l", "--log"},
"Logs info from exactly three data sources",
typeof(string), typeof(int), typeof(long)),
var parser = new CommandLineParser(supportedOptions);
Assert.Throws<InvalidCommandLineValueException>(() =>
public void ParseInsufficientCommandLineValues()
var args = new[] {"-l", "info", "info2"};
var supportedOptions = new List<CommandLineOption>
new CommandLineOption(
new[] {"-l", "--log"},
"Logs info from exactly three data sources",
false, typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(string)),
var parser = new CommandLineParser(supportedOptions);
Assert.Throws<InsufficientCommandLineValuesException>(() =>
public void ParseInvalidCommandLineOption()
var args = new[] {"--force"};
var supportedOptions = new List<CommandLineOption>
new CommandLineOption(new[] {"-h", "--help"}, "Show the help menu"),
var parser = new CommandLineParser(supportedOptions);
Assert.Throws<InvalidCommandLineOptionException>(() =>
public void ParseNoCommandLineOptions()
var args = new string[] { };
var parser = new CommandLineParser(null);
var result = parser.ParseArguments(args);
Assert.Equal(Enumerable.Empty<CommandLineValue>(), result);
I appreciate all suggestions. Feel free to be very nitpicky. :)