I've coded this function as a secure file upload function in PHP.
Currently I'm woking on an academic grading system (PHP script) which's really sensitive, so tell me what you think, and if you have any comments or recommendations please share it with me.
function secureUpload($fileField = null, $uploadPath = 'uploads/', $maxSize = 8000000, $newName = 1, $isImage = true, $checkImage = false, $allowedMimeTypes = []) {
// Create an array to hold any outputs:
$output = [];
$allowedMimeTypes =
['jpeg'=> 'image/jpeg',
'jpg' => 'image/jpeg',
'png' => 'image/png',
'bmp' => 'image/bmp',
'gif' => 'image/gif'];
elseif(!is_array($allowedMimeTypes) || @count($allowedMimeTypes) < 1)
$allowedMimeTypes =
else if(isset($allowedMimeTypes['0'])) $output['errors'][] = 'The allowed extensions must be used as index for each MIME type in the ‘$allowedMimeTypes’ array.';
$uploadPath = rtrim($uploadPath, '/') . '/'; // Checking if path ends in '/' ... if not then tack it on.
// || Validation ||
if(!$fileField) $output['errors'][] = 'Please specify a valid file field.';
if(!$uploadPath) $output['errors'][] = 'Please specify a valid upload path.';
if(@count($output['errors']) > 0) return $output;
if((!empty($_FILES[$fileField])) && ($_FILES[$fileField]['error'] == 0)) {
// Get file info:
$fileInfo = pathinfo($_FILES[$fileField]['name']);
$fileName = $fileInfo['filename'];
$fileSize = $_FILES[$fileField]['size'];
$fileExt = strtolower($fileInfo['extension']);
// Check if the file has the right extension and type:
if(!@isset($allowedMimeTypes[$fileExt])) $output['errors'][] = 'Invalid file format.'; //'Invalid file extension.';
if(!@in_array($_FILES[$fileField]['type'], $allowedMimeTypes)) $output['errors'][] = 'Invalid file type.';
// Check that the file is not too big .. Given $maxSize in (byets).
if($fileSize > $maxSize) $output['errors'][] = 'File is too big. Max allowed size is: '.($maxSize / 1024).' Kb, yours is '.($fileSize / 1024).' Kb.';
// If ‘$isImage’ AND ‘$checkImage’ are set to ‘true’
// Then, using getimagesize(), we'll be processing the image with the GD library.
// If it isn’t an image, this will fail and therefor the entire upload will fail:
if($checkImage && $isImage){if(!getimagesize($_FILES[$fileField]['tmp_name'])) $output['errors'][] = 'Uploaded file is not a valid image.';}
$newFileName = ($newName === 1 ? sprintf('%s.%s', md5_file($_FILES[$fileField]['tmp_name']), $fileExt) // If ($newName = 1) <- $newFileName = Md5_file
: ($newName === 2 ? sprintf('%s.%s', substr(md5(microtime()),0,15), $fileExt) // If ($newName = 2) <- $newFileName = Random name
: ($newName === 3 ? sprintf('%s.%s', $fileName, $fileExt) // If ($newName = 3) <- $newFileName = Same name
: sprintf('%s.%s', $newName, $fileExt)))); // Else <- $newFileName = The name passed in ‘$newName’
// Check if file already exists on server:
if(file_exists($uploadPath.$newFileName)) $output['errors'][] = 'A file with the same name already exists.';
// Create the $uploadPath if it doesn't already exist:
if(!is_dir($uploadPath)) @mkdir($uploadPath) OR $output['errors'][] = 'Error creating directory: '.str_replace(['mkdir(): ','File'],['','Directory'], error_get_last()['message']);
// The file has not correctly validated:
if(@count($output['errors']) > 0) return $output;
if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$fileField]['tmp_name'], $uploadPath.$newFileName)) {
$output['filename'] = $newFileName;
$output['filepath'] = $uploadPath;
$output['filesize'] = $fileSize;
} else $output['errors'][] = 'Server error.';
} else $output['errors'][] = 'No file uploaded.';
return $output;
I've uploaded it on GitHub with a complete documentation if anyone is interested: https://github.com/RyadPasha/PHPFileUploader