I am looking for some way to improve my code. It works but it doesn't look good and I am almost sure that lot of Best Practices rules are violated.
The save_session()
function, creates dictionary with other dictionaries nested in. At the end the dictionary is dump to .json file.
I will appreciate any suggestions and advice for improvement of this code.
For better understanding the code of save_session()
is the list of current WorkoutPlan
stores instances of Training
and Exercise
stores instances of Exercise
class WorkoutPlan:
def __init__(self, name, trainings=list(), exercises=list()):
self.name = name
self.trainings = trainings
self.exercises = exercises
class Training:
def __init__(self, name, exercises=list()):
self.name = name
self.exercises = exercises
class Exercise:
def __init__(self, name, details=dict()):
self.name = name
self.details = details
Here is the code of save_session()
def save_session():
"""Exports current data to .json file."""
data_to_save = {}
# add workout plans
for workout in workouts_instances:
data_to_save[workout.name] = {}
# add trainings
if workout.trainings:
data_to_save[workout.name]["trainings"] = {}
for training in workout.trainings:
data_to_save[workout.name]["trainings"][training.name] = {}
# add training exercises
if training.exercises:
data_to_save[workout.name]["trainings"][training.name]['exercises'] = {
exercise.name: {} for exercise in training.exercises
for exercise in training.exercises:
if exercise.details:
'details'] = {detail: value for detail, value in
# add exercises
if workout.exercises:
data_to_save[workout.name]["exercises"] = {}
exercises_to_save = data_to_save[workout.name]["exercises"]
for exercise in workout.exercises:
exercises_to_save[exercise.name] = {}
if exercise.details:
details = exercise.details
exercises_to_save[exercise.name]['details'] = {detail: value for detail, value in details.items()}
with open(WORKOUTS_FILE, 'w') as json_file:
json.dump(data_to_save, json_file, indent=4)
and here is the example of output, data stored in .json file:
"FBV - Full Body Workout": {
"trainings": {
"Training A": {
"exercises": {
"squats": {
"details": {
"description": "squats with barbell",
"series": 4,
"repeats": 4,
"load": 70
"exercises": {
"some exercise name": {
"details": {
"description": "some description",
"series": 5,
"repeats": 5,
"load": 60
"bench press - wide": {
"details": {
"description": "bench press with wide grip",
"series": 5,
"repeats": 5,
"load": 60
is one of the menu options in console app. All it has to do is to write data into dictionaries and dump it to .json later. All I want to know is how to build this dictionary of nested dictionaries in more proper way than it is right now. \$\endgroup\$