
I have a .csv file of 8k+ rows which looks like this:

                       state                   assembly           candidate  \
0  Andaman & Nicobar Islands  Andaman & Nicobar Islands     BISHNU PADA RAY   
1  Andaman & Nicobar Islands  Andaman & Nicobar Islands  KULDEEP RAI SHARMA   
2  Andaman & Nicobar Islands  Andaman & Nicobar Islands      SANJAY MESHACK   
3  Andaman & Nicobar Islands  Andaman & Nicobar Islands        ANITA MONDAL   
4  Andaman & Nicobar Islands  Andaman & Nicobar Islands             K.G.DAS   

                                party  votes  
0              Bharatiya Janata Party  90969  
1            Indian National Congress  83157  
2                     Aam Aadmi Party   3737  
3        All India Trinamool Congress   2283  
4  Communist Party of India (Marxist)   1777  

The end dataframe I wanted to get was one which contains all the states as rows and two columns - one which has votes received by a particular party ("Bhartiya Janata Party", in this case) in that row's state and another which has the total votes from the state. Like this:

      State                Total Votes   BJP Votes
Andaman & Nicobar Islands       190328     90969.0
Andhra Pradesh                48358545   4091876.0
Arunachal Pradesh               596956    275344.0
Assam                         15085883   5507152.0
Bihar                         35885366  10543023.0

My code works but I'm pretty sure there's a much better way to get this done using fewer lines of code and without creating too many dataframes. Here's my code:

dff = df.groupby(['party'])[['votes']].agg('sum')
dff = dff.sort_values('votes')

BJP_df = df[df["party"]=="Bharatiya Janata Party"]

group = BJP_df.groupby(['state'])[['votes']].agg('sum')
state = df.groupby(['state'])[['votes']].agg('sum')

result = pd.concat([state, group], axis = 1, sort=False)
result.columns = ["Total Votes","BJP Votes"]

Any tips, suggestions, pointers would be very much appreciated.


2 Answers 2


Here is one way using df.pivot_table():

Replace any other party except Bharatiya Janata Party as Others using np.where() and then use pivot_table, finally get sum() across axis=1 for sum of votes.

df1=(df.assign(party=np.where(df.party.ne('Bharatiya Janata Party'),'Others',df.party)).

Another method with crosstab() similar to pivot_table:

df1=pd.crosstab(df.state,np.where(df.party.ne('Bharatiya Janata Party'),'Others',df.party)

Finally, getting the Total and reset_index():


Output: (Note: I had added dummy Andhra Pradesh rows for testing)

                       state  Bharatiya Janata Party  Others   Total
0  Andaman & Nicobar Islands                   90969   90954  181923
1            Andhra Pradesh                      100      85     185

You can opt to delete the Others column later : df1=df1.drop('Others',1)

  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ Almost thought this question was lost in the depths of Code Review. Thanks for the answer! \$\endgroup\$
    – Rahul
    Commented Jun 24, 2019 at 11:55
  • \$\begingroup\$ @Abhishek My pleasure. :) i started contributing to this community starting today. :) \$\endgroup\$
    – anky
    Commented Jun 24, 2019 at 12:08

In all your code was not too bad. You can groupby on 2 items:

votes_per_state = df.groupby(["state", "party"])["votes"].sum().unstack(fill_value=0)
state Aam Aadmi Party All India Trinamool Congress    Bharatiya Janata Party  Communist Party of India (Marxist)  Indian National Congress    other
Andaman & Nicobar Islands 3737    2283    90969   1777    83157   0
Andhra Pradesh    0   0   85  0   0   100

Then you can define which party you're interested in, and manually assemble a DataFrame

party_of_interest = "Bharatiya Janata Party"
result = pd.DataFrame(
        party_of_interest: votes_per_state[party_of_interest],
        "total": votes_per_state.sum(axis=1),
state Bharatiya Janata Party  total
Andaman & Nicobar Islands 90969   181923
Andhra Pradesh    85  185

If you want you can even add a percentage:

result = pd.DataFrame(
        party_of_interest: votes_per_state[party_of_interest],
        "total": votes_per_state.sum(axis=1),
        "pct": (
            / votes_per_state.sum(axis=1)
            * 100
state Bharatiya Janata Party  total   pct
Andaman & Nicobar Islands 90969   181923  50.0
Andhra Pradesh    85  185 45.9
  • \$\begingroup\$ I know that my code worked. I was just looking for something to improve efficiency as well as be more Pythonic. Seems like every project I work on ends up with me creating over 10-12 different dataframes. Don't know if that's just me. Thank you for your answer. \$\endgroup\$
    – Rahul
    Commented Jun 24, 2019 at 13:04

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