What I'm trying to do: implement the Vigenère cipher in Ruby. I already have a working version, but I want to make sure it is efficient and well-designed.
module Crypto
# Vigenère cipher encryption and decryption abstraction
module Vigenere
LETTERS = ('a'..'z').to_a.freeze
private_constant :LETTERS
# Encrypts a string
# @param string [String] the string that will be encrypted
# @param key [String] the key that will be used to encrypt the string
# @return [String] the encrypted string
def encrypt(string:, key:)
key = make_key(length: string.length, key: key)
string.length.times.map { |i|
p = LETTERS.find_index(string[i])
k = LETTERS.find_index(key[i])
LETTERS[(p + k) % 26]
# Decrypts an encrypted string
# @param string [String] the encrypted string that will be decrypted
# @param key [String] the key that will be used to decrypt the string
# @return [String] the decrypted string
def decrypt(string:, key:)
key = make_key(length: string.length, key: key)
string.length.times.map { |i|
c = LETTERS.find_index(string[i])
k = LETTERS.find_index(key[i])
LETTERS[(c - k + 26) % 26]
# Repeats a word until it matches a certain length
# @param length [Integer] the length of the word being encrypted/decrypted
# @param key [String] the word that will be repeated
# @return [String] the word in its new form
def make_key(length:, key:)
i = 0
length.times do
i = 0 if i == key.length
break if key.length == length
key << key[i]
i += 1
private_class_method :make_key
I do have some specific questions:
1. private_class_method
This is the best way I found to define a private method in a module, but it feels weird to me. Isn't there a better way to do that? My first implementation was this:
module Crypto
class Vigenere
class << self
def encrypt # ...
def decrypt # ...
def make_key # ...
which was fine for me. But then I read this rule on the Ruby Style Guide repository. So I switched to using module
, but it doesn't feel right to use private methods in this structure. Am I wrong?
2. reseting a counter (index)
Take a look at this snippet of code:
def make_key(length:, key:)
i = 0
length.times do
i = 0 if i == key.length
break if key.length == length
key << key[i]
i += 1
Defining a counter (i
) and manually incrementing it... looks awkward, doesn't it (at least in the Ruby world)? Is there a better way to do this?
3. valid multi-line block with curly braces?
Now take a look at this snippet:
string.length.times.map { |i|
p = LETTERS.find_index(string[i])
k = LETTERS.find_index(key[i])
LETTERS[(p + k) % 26]
I know most Ruby developers tend to use curly braces only for one-line blocks and do-end
for multi-line blocks, but this time it seems okay using curly braces with a multi-line block, since I'm chaining #join
right after. What would you do:
1. use do-end, store it in a variable and invoke #join after that
new_letters = string.length.times.map do |i|
p = LETTERS.find_index(string[i])
k = LETTERS.find_index(key[i])
LETTERS[(p + k) % 26]
2. what I did (use curly braces even with multi-line block and chain #join)
And of course, if you have any other observations, please share.