I have solved the jug problem with 3 jugs:
For jugs size A, B and C find the minimum number of steps to reach D, where D < max (A,B,C)
My Python 3 code is below. I am wondering if there are other ways, faster ways or more efficiency ways to compute the answer.
Solving the "how many moves to get solution d for jugs size a, ,b, c
"""Function make move"""
#Create list of visited solutions
listPrevSolutions = []
#Create correspnding list of number of steps to reach solution
listTotalSteps = []
list_index_steps = []
def MoveWater (jugMax,
global list_index_steps
noNewSolutionAdded = 1
listPosition = listLength
jugA_max = jugMax[0]
jugB_max = jugMax[1]
jugC_max = jugMax [2]
jugA_state = jugState[0]
jugB_state = jugState[1]
jugC_state = jugState[2]
if jugA_state == targetVol or jugB_state == targetVol or jugC_state == targetVol:
print ("Target achieved in 1 step. Fill up a jug")
return True
#Move 1: move from A into B (if room) AND (if not state doesn't exist)
if jugA_state !=0:
if jugB_state < jugB_max:
#Empty A into B if room
if jugB_state + jugA_state <= jugB_max:
new_jugA_state, new_jugB_state = 0, jugB_state + jugA_state
else: #Empty as much of A into B
new_jugA_state, new_jugB_state = (jugA_state - (jugB_max-jugB_state)), jugB_max
new_jugC_state = jugC_state
if [new_jugA_state,new_jugB_state,new_jugC_state] not in listPrevSolutions:
list_index_steps.append(previousSteps + [listPosition])
listPosition +=1
noNewSolutionAdded = 0
if new_jugA_state == targetVol or new_jugB_state == targetVol or new_jugC_state == targetVol:
print (targetVol,"ml reached in", runningTotal+1,"steps")
print_Steps_Taken(previousSteps + [listPosition-1])
return True
#Move 2: move from A into C (if room) AND (if not state doesn't exist)
if jugA_state !=0:
if jugC_state < jugC_max:
#Empty A into C if room
if jugC_state + jugA_state <= jugC_max:
new_jugA_state, new_jugC_state = 0, jugC_state+ jugA_state
else: #Empty as much of A into C
new_jugA_state, new_jugC_state = (jugA_state - (jugC_max-jugC_state)), jugC_max
new_jugB_state = jugB_state
if [new_jugA_state,new_jugB_state,new_jugC_state] not in listPrevSolutions:
list_index_steps.append(previousSteps + [listPosition])
listPosition +=1
noNewSolutionAdded = 0
if new_jugA_state == targetVol or new_jugB_state == targetVol or new_jugC_state == targetVol:
print (targetVol,"ml reached in", runningTotal+1,"steps")
print_Steps_Taken(previousSteps + [listPosition-1])
return True
#Move 3: move from B into A (if room) AND (if not state doesn't exist)
if jugB_state !=0:
if jugA_state < jugA_max:
#Empty B into A if room
if jugA_state + jugB_state <= jugA_max:
new_jugB_state, new_jugA_state = 0, jugA_state + jugB_state
else: #Empty as much of B into A
totalToMove = jugA_max - jugA_state
new_jugA_state, new_jugB_state = jugA_max, jugB_state - totalToMove
new_jugC_state = jugC_state
if [new_jugA_state,new_jugB_state,new_jugC_state] not in listPrevSolutions:
list_index_steps.append(previousSteps + [listPosition])
listPosition +=1
noNewSolutionAdded = 0
if new_jugA_state == targetVol or new_jugB_state == targetVol or new_jugC_state == targetVol:
print (targetVol,"ml reached in", runningTotal+1,"steps")
print_Steps_Taken(previousSteps + [listPosition-1])
return True
#Move 4: move from B into C (if room) AND (if not state doesn't exist)
if jugB_state !=0:
if jugC_state < jugC_max:
#Empty B into C if room
if jugC_state + jugB_state <= jugC_max:
new_jugB_state, new_jugC_state = 0, jugC_state + jugB_state
else: #Empty as much of B into C
new_jugB_state, new_jugC_state = (jugB_state - jugC_max), jugC_max
new_jugA_state = jugA_state
if [new_jugA_state,new_jugB_state,new_jugC_state] not in listPrevSolutions:
list_index_steps.append(previousSteps + [listPosition])
listPosition +=1
noNewSolutionAdded = 0
if new_jugA_state == targetVol or new_jugB_state == targetVol or new_jugC_state == targetVol:
print (targetVol,"ml reached in", runningTotal+1,"steps")
print_Steps_Taken(previousSteps + [listPosition-1])
return True
#Move 5: move from C into B (if room) AND (if not state doesn't exist)
if jugC_state !=0:
if jugB_state < jugB_max:
#Empty C into B if room
if jugC_state + jugB_state <= jugB_max:
new_jugC_state, new_jugB_state = 0, jugB_state + jugC_state
else: #Empty as much of C into B
totalToMove = jugB_max - jugB_state
new_jugB_state, new_jugC_state = jugB_max, jugC_state - totalToMove
new_jugA_state = jugA_state
if [new_jugA_state,new_jugB_state,new_jugC_state] not in listPrevSolutions:
list_index_steps.append(previousSteps + [listPosition])
listPosition +=1
noNewSolutionAdded = 0
if new_jugA_state == targetVol or new_jugB_state == targetVol or new_jugC_state == targetVol:
print (targetVol,"ml reached in", runningTotal+1,"steps")
print_Steps_Taken(previousSteps + [listPosition-1])
return True
#Move 6: move from C into A (if room) AND (if not state doesn't exist)
if jugC_state !=0:
if jugA_state < jugA_max:
#Empty C into A if room
if jugA_state + jugC_state <= jugA_max:
new_jugC_state, new_jugA_state = 0, jugA_state + jugC_state
else: #Empty as much of C into A
totalToMove = jugA_max - jugA_state
new_jugA_state, new_jugC_state = jugA_max, jugC_state - totalToMove
new_jugB_state = jugB_state
if [new_jugA_state,new_jugB_state,new_jugC_state] not in listPrevSolutions:
list_index_steps.append(previousSteps + [listPosition])
listPosition +=1
noNewSolutionAdded = 0
if new_jugA_state == targetVol or new_jugB_state == targetVol or new_jugC_state == targetVol:
print (targetVol,"ml reached in", runningTotal+1,"steps")
print_Steps_Taken(previousSteps + [listPosition-1])
return True
#Move 7 - Empty A
if jugA_state != 0:
if jugB_state != 0 or jugC_state !=0:
if [0,jugB_state,jugC_state] not in listPrevSolutions:
list_index_steps.append(previousSteps + [listPosition])
listPosition +=1
noNewSolutionAdded = 0
#Move 8 - Empty B
if jugB_state != 0:
if jugA_state != 0 or jugC_state !=0:
if [jugA_state,0,jugC_state] not in listPrevSolutions:
list_index_steps.append(previousSteps + [listPosition])
listPosition +=1
noNewSolutionAdded = 0
#Move 9 - Empty C
if jugC_state != 0:
if jugB_state != 0 or jugA_state !=0:
if [jugA_state,jugB_state,0] not in listPrevSolutions:
list_index_steps.append(previousSteps + [listPosition])
listPosition +=1
noNewSolutionAdded = 0
#Move 10 - Fill A
if jugA_state!=jugA_max:
if jugB_state != jugB_max or jugC_state!=jugC_max:
if [jugA_max,jugB_state,jugC_state] not in listPrevSolutions:
list_index_steps.append(previousSteps + [listPosition])
listPosition +=1
noNewSolutionAdded = 0
#Move 11 - Fill B
if jugB_state!=jugB_max:
if jugA_state!=jugA_max or jugC_state!=jugC_max:
if [jugA_state,jugB_max,jugC_state] not in listPrevSolutions:
list_index_steps.append(previousSteps + [listPosition])
listPosition +=1
noNewSolutionAdded = 0
#Move 12 - Fill C
if jugC_state!=jugC_max:
if jugA_state != jugA_max or jugB_state!=jugB_max:
if [jugA_state,jugB_state,jugC_max] not in listPrevSolutions:
list_index_steps.append(previousSteps + [listPosition])
listPosition +=1
noNewSolutionAdded = 0
if noNewSolutionAdded == 1 and listPrevSolutions.index(jugState) == len(listPrevSolutions) - 1:
print ("No new possible solutions")
return True
return False
def print_Steps_Taken(previousSteps):
for index in previousSteps:
print (listPrevSolutions[index])
def setjugVolumes():
#Set jug sizes (a,b,c) and target volume (d)
a = int(input("Please enter volume of largest jug: "))
b = int(input("Please enter volume of second largest jug: "))
c = int(input("Please enter volume of third largest jug: "))
jugsMax = [a,b,c]
targetVol = int(input("Please enter target volume: "))
return jugsMax, targetVol
def possibleStartStates():
#Set jug states
# (full, empty, empty), (full, full empty),
#(empty, full, empty), (empty, full, full),
#(empty, empty, full) ,(full, empty, full),
startStates = [
[5,0,0], [5,3,0],
[0,3,0], [0, 3,1],
[0,0,1], [5,0,1]]
return startStates
if __name__ == "__main__":
jugMax, targetVol = setjugVolumes()
#Get all possible start states - add featur later and run for loop for ALL possible
#...states. Add this feature later
jugA_max = jugMax[0]
jugB_max = jugMax[1]
jugC_Max = jugMax[2]
#Add first state to list with runningTotal
listPrevSolutions.append([jugA_max, 0,0])
listPrevSolutions.append([0, jugB_max,0])
listPrevSolutions.append([0, 0,jugC_Max])
listPrevSolutions.append([jugA_max, jugB_max,0])
listPrevSolutions.append([jugA_max, 0,jugC_Max])
listPrevSolutions.append([0, jugB_max,jugC_Max])
list_index_steps.append ([0])
list_index_steps.append ([1])
list_index_steps.append ([2])
list_index_steps.append ([3])
list_index_steps.append ([4])
list_index_steps.append ([5])
#Now run the function
counter = 0
for item in listPrevSolutions:
jugState = item
runningTotal = listTotalSteps[counter]
previousSteps = list_index_steps[counter]
listLength = len(listPrevSolutions)
x = MoveWater(jugMax,
counter +=1
if x == True:
Follow-up question: Solve the jug problem for n jugs