This code is one of the models developed for the Book Inventory application that is open for review. It is also based on a comment on this answer to a C# question. Based on the comment I did some research and found this stackoverflow question.
The code presented for review is the database model for a series of books in the Book Inventory. A series of books has an author and a title. The author is represented by a key into the author table. To add a series to the database the user has to select the author from a list of authors already in the database. They then have to add the title or name of the series.
Below I present a before and after, the before is one function that was used in the answer above, the after is the entire code to be reviewed including the refactored function.
Is there anything else I can do to prevent SQL Injection attacks?
What else can I do to improve the code, keep in mind I've been on this site for a while, I'm not asking "Does my code suck?", all code sucks, I'm asking how does my code suck.
From my answer
private DataRow GetRawSeriesData(uint seriesId) { DataRow rawData = null; if (seriesId > 0) { try { using (MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(_dbConnectionString)) { string queryString = "SELECT * FROM series WHERE idSeries = '" + seriesId.ToString() + "';"; int ResultCount = 0; DataTable Dt = new DataTable(); conn.Open(); using (MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand()) { cmd.Connection = conn; cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.CommandText = queryString; MySqlDataAdapter sda = new MySqlDataAdapter(cmd); ResultCount = sda.Fill(Dt); if (ResultCount > 0) { rawData = Dt.Rows[0]; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { string errorMsg = "Database Error: " + ex.Message; MessageBox.Show(errorMsg); } } return rawData; }
After: Code to be Reviewed: SeriesTableModel.cs
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Windows;
using MySql.Data.MySqlClient;
namespace pacsw.BookInventory.Models
public class SeriesTableModel : CDataTableModel
private int seriesTitleIndex;
private int seriesKeyIndex;
private int seriesAuthorKeyIndex;
public SeriesTableModel() : base("series", "getAllSeriesData", "addAuthorSeries")
seriesTitleIndex = GetDBColumnData("SeriesName").IndexBasedOnOrdinal;
seriesKeyIndex = GetDBColumnData("idSeries").IndexBasedOnOrdinal;
seriesAuthorKeyIndex = GetDBColumnData("AuthorOfSeries").IndexBasedOnOrdinal;
public DataTable Series { get { return DataTable; } }
public bool AddSeries(ISeriesModel iSeriesData)
SeriesModel seriesModel = (SeriesModel)iSeriesData;
return addItem(seriesModel);
public bool AddSeries(SeriesModel seriesModel)
return addItem(seriesModel);
public List<string> SeriesSelectionListCreator(AuthorModel author)
List<string> seriesSelectionList = new List<string>();
if (author != null && author.IsValid)
DataTable currentSeriesList = Series;
string filterString = "LastName = '" + author.LastName + "' AND FirstName = '" + author.FirstName + "'";
DataRow[] seriesTitleList = currentSeriesList.Select(filterString);
foreach (DataRow row in seriesTitleList)
return seriesSelectionList;
public uint GetSeriesKey(AuthorModel author, string seriesTitle)
uint key = 0;
if (author != null && author.IsValid)
string SqlQuery = "SELECT series.idSeries FROM series WHERE series.SeriesName = @title AND series.AuthorOfSeries = @authorid;";
using (MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(_dbConnectionString))
int ResultCount = 0;
DataTable Dt = new DataTable();
using (MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand())
cmd.Connection = conn;
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
cmd.CommandText = SqlQuery;
cmd.Parameters.Add("@title", MySqlDbType.String);
cmd.Parameters["@title"].Value = seriesTitle;
cmd.Parameters.Add("@authorid", MySqlDbType.UInt32);
cmd.Parameters["@authorid"].Value = author.AuthorId;
MySqlDataAdapter sda = new MySqlDataAdapter(cmd);
ResultCount = sda.Fill(Dt);
if (ResultCount > 0)
key = Dt.Rows[0].Field<uint>(0);
catch (Exception ex)
string errorMsg = "Database Error: " + ex.Message;
key = 0;
return key;
public string GetSeriesTitle(uint seriesId)
string title = string.Empty;
if (seriesId > 0)
string SqlQuery = "SELECT series.SeriesName FROM series WHERE series.idSeries = @seriesid;";
using (MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(_dbConnectionString))
int ResultCount = 0;
DataTable Dt = new DataTable();
using (MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand())
cmd.Connection = conn;
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
cmd.CommandText = SqlQuery;
cmd.Parameters.Add("@seriesid", MySqlDbType.UInt32);
cmd.Parameters["@seriesid"].Value = seriesId;
MySqlDataAdapter sda = new MySqlDataAdapter(cmd);
ResultCount = sda.Fill(Dt);
if (ResultCount > 0)
title = Dt.Rows[0].Field<string>(0);
catch (Exception ex)
string errorMsg = "Database Error: " + ex.Message;
return title;
public SeriesModel GetSeriesModel(uint seriesId)
SeriesModel seriesData = null;
DataRow rawSeriesData = GetRawSeriesData(seriesId);
if (rawSeriesData != null)
seriesData = ConvertDataRowToSeriesModel(rawSeriesData);
return seriesData;
protected override void InitializeSqlCommandParameters()
AuthorTableModel authorTable = ((App)Application.Current).Model.AuthorTable;
MySqlParameterCollection parameters = AddItemParameters;
_addSqlCommandParameter("First Name", authorTable.GetDBColumnData("FirstName"), parameters["@authorFirst"]);
_addSqlCommandParameter("Last Name", authorTable.GetDBColumnData("LastName"), parameters["@authorLast"]);
_addSqlCommandParameter("Series Title", GetDBColumnData("SeriesName"), parameters["@seriesTitle"]);
private SeriesModel ConvertDataRowToSeriesModel(DataRow rawSeriesData)
uint authorId;
uint.TryParse(rawSeriesData[seriesAuthorKeyIndex].ToString(), out authorId);
string title = rawSeriesData[seriesTitleIndex].ToString();
AuthorModel author = ((App)Application.Current).Model.AuthorTable.GetAuthorFromId(authorId);
SeriesModel seriesModel = new SeriesModel(author, title);
return seriesModel;
private DataRow GetRawSeriesData(uint seriesId)
DataRow rawData = null;
if (seriesId > 0)
using (MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(_dbConnectionString))
string queryString = "SELECT * FROM series WHERE idSeries = @seriesid;";
int ResultCount = 0;
DataTable Dt = new DataTable();
using (MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand())
cmd.Connection = conn;
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
cmd.CommandText = queryString;
cmd.Parameters.Add("@seriesid", MySqlDbType.UInt32);
cmd.Parameters["@seriesid"].Value = seriesId;
MySqlDataAdapter sda = new MySqlDataAdapter(cmd);
ResultCount = sda.Fill(Dt);
if (ResultCount > 0)
rawData = Dt.Rows[0];
catch (Exception ex)
string errorMsg = "Database Error: " + ex.Message;
return rawData;