The task:
Find an efficient algorithm to find the smallest distance (measured in number of words) between any two given words in a string.
For example, given words "hello", and "world" and a text content of "dog cat hello cat dog dog hello cat world", return 1 because there's only one word "cat" in between the two words.
const s = "dog cat hello cat dog dog hello cat world";
My imperative solution:
function smallestWordDistance2({str, word1, word2}) {
if (!str.match(word1) || !str.match(word2)) { return 0; }
const strArr = str.split(" ");
let iStart, iEnd, min;
let count = 0;
for (let x in strArr) {
if (!iStart) {
if (strArr[x] === word1) {
iStart = word1;
iEnd = word2;
} else if(strArr[x] === word2) {
iStart = word2;
iEnd = word1;
} else {
if (strArr[x] === iStart) {
count = 0;
} else if (strArr[x] === iEnd) {
if (count === 1) { return 0; }
if (!min || min > count) {
min = count;
[iStart, iEnd] = [iEnd, iStart];
count = 0;
return min - 1;
console.log(smallestWordDistance2({str:s, word1:"hello", word2:"world"}));
My "functional" solution:
const smallestWordDistance3 = ({str, word1, word2} )=> {
if (!str.match(word1) || !str.match(word2)) { return 0; }
const strArr = str.split(" ");
return strArr.reduce((acc, x, i) => {
if (!acc.iStart) {
if (x === word1) {
acc.iStart = word1;
acc.iEnd = word2;
} else if(x === word2) {
acc.iStart = word2;
acc.iEnd = word1;
} else {
if (x === acc.iStart) {
acc.count = 0;
} else if (x === acc.iEnd) {
if (!acc.min || acc.min > acc.count) {
acc.min = acc.count;
[acc.iStart, acc.iEnd] = [acc.iEnd, acc.iStart];
acc.count = 0;
return acc;
}, {iStart: null, iEnd: null, count: 0, min: null}).min - 1;
console.log(smallestWordDistance3({str:s, word1:"hello", word2:"world"}));
At first I thought this was a good task for a regex solution, but the following code is the best I could do. It works with the given sample string. However a slight variance in the given string would make the code unusable, because it doesn't take into consideration that word1
and word2
can be swapped (the following code would return 2
instead of 1
const s = "dog cat hello cat dog dog hello cat dog world dog hello";
const smallestWordDistance = ({str, word1, word2} )=> {
if (!str.match(word1) || !str.match(word2)) { return 0; }
const reg = new RegExp(`.*\\b${word1}\\s+(.*?)\\s+${word2}\\b`);
const match = str.match(reg);
return match ? match[1].split(" ").length : 0;
console.log(smallestWordDistance({str:s, word1:"hello", word2:"world"}));
I'm now not so sure anymore whether regex is the right approach. But if anyone got a good regex (JS flavor) solution, then I'd be very much interested.