What will be the best practice to create an efficient error handler in object class in VBA? Creating some for Outlook (used later in both, Excel and Access) and trying to get the most efficient and well-built handler. My concern here is that I have multiple Functions returning an object which makes bubble structure harder to implement.
In Class
Public sOutClassErrStr As String
Private Function OutMain() As Object
On Error Resume Next
Set OutMain = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application")
If Err.Number = 429 Then
Set OutMain = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") 'Handled error - no reason to raise.
ElseIf Err.Number <> 0 And Err.Number <> 429 Then
sOutClassErrStr = sOutClassErrStr & Err.Number & ";" & Err.Description & ";" & "cOutlookFunctions.OutMain" & ";" & Date & " " & Time & "|"
End If
End Function
Private Function OutNmspc() As Object
On Error Resume Next
Set OutNmspc = OutMain.GetNamespace("MAPI") 'Outlook.Namespace -- only MAPI is available, at least MS Docs say so
If Err.Number <> 0 Then sOutClassErrStr = sOutClassErrStr & Err.Number & ";" & Err.Description & ";" & "cOutlookFunctions.OutNmspc" & ";" & Date & " " & Time & "|"
End Function
Private Function OutRecip(ByVal sUserResolve As String) As Object
On Error Resume Next
Set OutRecip = OutMain.session.CreateRecipient(sUserResolve)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then sOutClassErrStr = sOutClassErrStr & Err.Number & ";" & Err.Description & ";" & "cOutlookFunctions.OutRecip" & ";" & Date & " " & Time & "|"
If Not OutRecip.Resolved Then sOutClassErrStr = sOutClassErrStr & "1" & ";" & "Recipient not resolved." & ";" & "cOutlookFunctions.OutRecip" & ";" & Date & " " & Time & "|" 'custom error - raise by dev
End Function
Private Function GetFolderObject(ptyFolder As enOutFolder, Optional ByVal sUserName As String = "", Optional ByVal sShareMB As String = "") As Object
If sShareMB <> "" Then
On Error Resume Next
Set GetFolderObject = OutMain.GetNamespace("MAPI").Folders(sShareMB).Folders("Inbox")
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox "You don't have an access/mapped " & sShareMB & " mailbox.", vbExclamation
Exit Function
End If
End If
If sUserName <> "" Then
'To add err handling when username not exist like 'asdasda.dasdasdd'
Set GetFolderObject = OutNmspc.GetSharedDefaultFolder(OutRecip(sUserName), ptyFolder).Items
Exit Function
End If
Set GetFolderObject = OutNmspc.GetDefaultFolder(ptyFolder).Items
End Function
First, even though it's widely criticized, thanks for that.
To clarify a couple of things though. In the end, I want to use this class in, as mentioned, only in Excel/Access projects. I did not copy the whole class into the code, but just a sample how I want to refer inside/outside of it.
There are public Sub's like SendEmail, AddAppointemt, ShareCalendar
etc. Mentioned functions are the 'guts' of the publics. This string, though not sure whether it should be public, as I'm thinking of it now, is displayed in ErrHandler UDF created separately. And, in the end, I want to display it - of course, delimited to columns - whenever something goes wrong atop.
At the same time want to avoid raising too many errors while the reason is one i.e.
Private Function App As Object
On Error Resume Next
Set App = GetObject(,SomeApp)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then strErr = strErr & Err.Desc & "|"
End Function
Private Function ChildApp As Object
On Error Resume Next
If strErr <> "" Then Exit Fucntion
Set ChildApp = App.Items
If Err.Number <> 0 Then strErr = strErr & Err.Desc & "|"
End Function
Public Sub DisplayNoOfItems
If strErr <> "" Then frmErrHandler(strErr).Show
MsgBox "There are " & ChildAp.Count & " items."
End Sub
Where in this form code will be terminated after errors are being handled. Don't want to receive info about errors in both of the Priv Functions as, which is obvious, in most cases, if one function throws an error, the second one also won't be working fine.
About naming convention - you're right, I've just shortened Hungarian notation --> I'm referring to sSomeString or cSomeClass. It's easier for me. The same goes for adding 'Out' in the begining of my Outlook priv function.
If Err.Number = 429 Then ... ElseIf Err.Number <> 0 And Err.Number <> 429 Then ...
there's no need to check thatErr.Number <> 429
in theElseIf
. You'll never get to theElseIf
if it does = 429 - that'll be handled in theIf
. \$\endgroup\$sOutClassErrStr
? Also, unclear how this relates to "bubbling", givenOn Error Resume Next
and noErr.Raise
going on anywhere... \$\endgroup\$Private Function GetFolderObject(ptyFolder As enOutFolder, Optional ByVal sUserName As String = "", Optional ByVal sShareMB As String = "") As Object
. Am I missing something? \$\endgroup\$