I am using Google Execution API to create an invoice and it's a small part of a bigger system. However, my boss is pretty displeased at the total execution time before an invoice is generated. It takes 16 seconds for an invoice to be generated, and even longer for multiple payments in one invoice. I have been requested to cut it down to minimal. Parameters come from user input.
function doPost(e){
return handleResponse(e);
function handleResponse(e) {
var lock = LockService.getPublicLock();
try {
var studentData = e.data; //Sent from function within system.
var conceptData = e.data2; //Sent from function within system.
var headers = Object.keys(studentData);
var row = [];
var date = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), "GMT-06:00", "d/M/yyyy hh:mm");
studentData.horadate = date;
for (i in headers){
var docTemplates = {'DM':'1UIloenopaZH3J3MXqWQGlzUNNNC6WwsnShj2xROm1WQ',
if (!docTemplates[studentData.campus]) {
studentData.campus = '??';
var template = DriveApp.getFileById(docTemplates[studentData.campus]).makeCopy(),
id = template.getId(),
doc = DocumentApp.openById(id),
body = doc.getBody(),
header = doc.getHeader(),
footer = doc.getFooter(),
columnIndex = 0
for (;columnIndex < headers.length; columnIndex++) {
if (row[columnIndex]) {
header.getParent().replaceText('<<' + headers[columnIndex] + '>>',
for (i=0; i<conceptData.length; i++) {
var conc = conceptData[i];
var body = doc.getBody();
var table = body.getTables()[i*1+1];
var copy = table.copy();
var td = table.getCell(0,0);
td.setText('No.Folio:\n'+conc.folio+'\nNo. Doc. \n'+studentData.documento);
var td = table.getCell(0,1);
var td = table.getCell(0,2);
td.setText('Método de pago:\n'+conc.formaDePago+'\nReferencia: \n'+conc.referencia);
var td = table.getCell(0,3);
td.setText('Pagos anterior\n$'+(parseInt(conc.pagos)).toFixed(2)+'\nPagos actual. \n$'+(parseInt(conc.pagosDespues)).toFixed(2));
var td = table.getCell(0,4);
td.setText('Saldo anterior:\n$'+(parseInt(conc.saldoAntes)).toFixed(2)+'\nSaldo actual. \n$'+(parseInt(conc.saldoDespues)).toFixed(2));
var td = table.getCell(0,5);
td.setText('Importe total:\n$'+(parseInt(conc.totalImport)).toFixed(2)+'\nPago realizado. \n$'+(parseInt(conc.monto)).toFixed(2));
var td = table.getCell(0,6);
td.setText('Importe aplicable a \n'+conc.realMonth+' '+conc.realYear);
var td = table.getCell(1,0);
if (i+1 < conceptData.length) {
var newTable = body.insertTable(body.getNumChildren()-1,copy);
var newFile = DriveApp.createFile(template.getAs('application/pdf'))
newFile.setName('Invoice concept '+studentData.conceptoname+' for '+studentData.fullName);
var fileid = newFile.getId()
// return json success results
return {'fileid':fileid,'name':newFile.getName(),'data':conc,'data2':studentData}
} catch(e){
return {'A wild error appears':e,'result':e};
} finally { //release lock
If you need even more data such as my execution API function which sends two parameters, or what the actual parameters look like. Don't hestitate to request them.