
Since my last question related to this I have managed to create a working base and to understand how MVC works.

I'm writing RESTful APIS in PHP, they serve the purpose but I see that my code is repeating.

For example, for each action, I have a controller, a service... etc and a lot of that code can be reused not that I write a ton of code for one simple route.

I have tried a few of my ideas but I end up having spaghetti code and it does not look clean.

Here is folder the structure in one of my APIS.

├── README.md
├── apache_default
├── composer.json
├── composer.lock
├── config
│   ├── config-development.yml
│   ├── config-production.yml
│   ├── dependencies
│   │   ├── common
│   │   │   ├── cashing.yml
│   │   │   ├── components.yml
│   │   │   ├── controllers.yml
│   │   │   ├── domains.yml
│   │   │   ├── middleware.yml
│   │   │   ├── objmap.yml
│   │   │   ├── repositories.yml
│   │   │   └── services.yml
│   │   ├── development
│   │   │   └── db.yml
│   │   ├── general-production.yml
│   │   ├── general.yml
│   │   └── main.yml
│   ├── parameters
│   │   └── development
│   │       └── tables.yml
│   └── routing.yml
├── phpunit.xml
├── public
│   ├── Bootstrap.php
│   ├── Kernel.php
│   ├── index.php
│   └── monolog.log
├── resources
│   ├── git
│   │   ├── diagram.png
│   │   ├── schema.png
│   │   └── schema_1.png
│   └── loggs
│       └── monolog.txt
├── src
│   └── Spartan
│       ├── Core
│       │   ├── Component
│       │   │   ├── Collection.php
│       │   │   ├── Controller.php
│       │   │   ├── DataMapper.php
│       │   │   ├── Exception.php
│       │   │   ├── MapperFactory.php
│       │   │   └── Service.php
│       │   ├── Database
│       │   │   ├── ES.php
│       │   │   └── PDOCompat.php
│       │   ├── Entities
│       │   │   ├── CanPersistMapper.php
│       │   │   ├── HasId.php
│       │   │   └── ResponseBootstrap.php
│       │   ├── Logger
│       │   │   └── Logger.php
│       │   └── Mapper
│       │       └── CanCreateMapper.php
│       ├── Models
│       │   ├── Adapters
│       │   ├── Cashing
│       │   │   └── WorkoutCashing.php
│       │   ├── Collections
│       │   │   ├── DescriptionCollection.php
│       │   │   ├── ExerciseCollection.php
│       │   │   ├── NameCollection.php
│       │   │   ├── RoundCollection.php
│       │   │   ├── TagCollection.php
│       │   │   ├── WorkoutCollection.php
│       │   │   └── WorkoutListCollection.php
│       │   ├── Domains
│       │   │   ├── AddWorkoutDomain
│       │   │   │   └── AddWorkoutDomain.php
│       │   │   ├── DeleteWorkoutDomain
│       │   │   │   └── DeleteWorkoutDomain.php
│       │   │   ├── EditWorkoutDomain
│       │   │   │   └── EditWorkoutDomain.php
│       │   │   ├── GetWorkoutDomain
│       │   │   │   └── GetWorkoutDomain.php
│       │   │   ├── GetWorkoutIdsDomain
│       │   │   │   └── GetWorkoutIdsDomain.php
│       │   │   ├── GetWorkoutListDomain
│       │   │   │   └── GetWorkoutListDomain.php
│       │   │   ├── ReleaseWorkoutDomain
│       │   │   │   └── ReleaseWorkoutDomain.php
│       │   │   └── WorkoutExsistsDomain
│       │   │       └── WorkoutExsistsDomain.php
│       │   ├── Entities
│       │   │   ├── Description.php
│       │   │   ├── Exercise.php
│       │   │   ├── Name.php
│       │   │   ├── Round.php
│       │   │   ├── Tag.php
│       │   │   ├── Version.php
│       │   │   ├── Workout.php
│       │   │   └── WorkoutList.php
│       │   ├── Exceptions
│       │   │   ├── BaseError.php
│       │   │   ├── DescriptionConfliect.php
│       │   │   ├── ESError.php
│       │   │   ├── NameConflict.php
│       │   │   ├── RoundError.php
│       │   │   └── TagError.php
│       │   ├── Facades
│       │   ├── Helpers
│       │   ├── Interfaces
│       │   │   └── CanPersistWorkout.php
│       │   ├── Mappers
│       │   │   ├── VersionMapper.php
│       │   │   ├── WorkoutBase.php
│       │   │   ├── WorkoutDescription.php
│       │   │   ├── WorkoutListMapper.php
│       │   │   ├── WorkoutName.php
│       │   │   ├── WorkoutRound.php
│       │   │   └── WorkoutTag.php
│       │   ├── Middlewares
│       │   │   ├── CreateWorkoutMiddleware.php
│       │   │   ├── DeleteWorkoutMiddleware.php
│       │   │   ├── EditWorkoutMiddleware.php
│       │   │   ├── GetWorkoutByIdsMiddleware.php
│       │   │   ├── GetWorkoutListMiddleware.php
│       │   │   ├── GetWorkoutMiddleware.php
│       │   │   └── ReleaseWorkoutMiddleware.php
│       │   ├── Repositories
│       │   │   └── WorkoutRepository.php
│       │   └── Services
│       │       └── WorkoutService.php
│       └── Presentation
│           ├── Controller
│           │   ├── LogController.php
│           │   └── WorkoutController.php
│           └── Mappers
│               └── WorkoutMapp.php
└── tests
    ├── bootstrap.php
    ├── fixture
    ├── integration
    ├── mock
    │   ├── Entity.php
    │   ├── Factory.php
    │   ├── Mapper.php
    │   ├── RepoEntity.php
    │   └── RepoMapper.php
    ├── report
    └── unit
        └── Spartan
            ├── Cashing
            │   └── WorkoutCashingTest.php
            ├── Component
            │   ├── CollectionTest.php
            │   ├── DataMapperTest.php
            │   └── MapperFactoryTest.php
            ├── Controller
            │   └── MappTest.php
            ├── Domains
            ├── Entities
            │   ├── DescriptionTest.php
            │   ├── ExerciseTest.php
            │   ├── NameTest.php
            │   ├── RoundTest.php
            │   ├── TagTest.php
            │   ├── VersionTest.php
            │   ├── WorkoutListTest.php
            │   └── WorkoutTest.php
            ├── Mappers
            │   ├── VersionTest.php
            │   ├── WorkoutBaseTest.php
            │   ├── WorkoutDescriptionTest.php
            │   ├── WorkoutListTest.php
            │   ├── WorkoutNameTest.php
            │   ├── WorkoutRoundTest.php
            │   └── WorkoutTagTest.php
            ├── Repositories
            │   └── WorkoutTest.php
            └── Services
                └── WorkoutTest.php

For each activity I have a controller, that controller has a service injected into it via DI over yml.

When the service loads I have a domain folder where I keep my logic and over a factory, I create mappers there which I need(if I need them).

Each domain does one action, for example version workout(I need this for auditing of my data in MySQL).

Than I have a middleware in my service which does cashing(I'm working to change)

And thats basically how each of my routes works a lot of repeated code.

It looks very boring to write code now and I need a push into another direction.

Here is a part of my code:



//Display errors
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1);

use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
// load vendor
require __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';
require_once __DIR__.'/../public/Kernel.php';
require_once __DIR__.'/../public/Bootstrap.php';

// new kernel
$kernel = new Kernel('dev');
$bootstrap = new Bootstrap;

// new request
$request = Request::createFromGlobals();
// loader interface
$config = $kernel->registerContainerConfiguration();
// response from
$response = $bootstrap->handle($request,$config,null);


class Bootstrap

    public function handle($request,$config,$ipRange)

        // Configuration 
        $locator = new FileLocator(__DIR__ . '/../config');
        $data = new ResponseBootstrap();

        // Create a log channel
        $log = new Logger('spartan_workouts_ms');
        $log->pushHandler(new StreamHandler('monolog.log'));
        $log->pushHandler(new LogglyHandler('55920048-11f0-4b7e-a203-e90083d6962d/tag/monolog', Logger::INFO));

        // Dependency Injection Container
        $container = new DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder;
        $loader = new DependencyInjection\Loader\YamlFileLoader($container, $locator);

        // Routing
        $loader = new Routing\Loader\YamlFileLoader($locator);
        $context = new Routing\RequestContext();
        $matcher = new Routing\Matcher\UrlMatcher(

            $parameters = $matcher->match($request->getPathInfo());
            foreach ($parameters as $key => $value) {
                $request->attributes->set($key, $value);
            $command = $request->getMethod() . $request->get('action');
            $resource = "controller.{$request->get('controller')}";
            $controller = $container->get($resource);
            $data = $controller->{$command}($request);     
        // log custom thrown exceptions
        catch (\Exception $e) {

             * This is to slow it takes to much time to log
//             // log errors
//             $log->addWarning(
//                     json_encode([
//                         "date"=> date("Y-m-d h:i:s"),
//                         "code"=> $e->getCode(),
//                         "message"=> $e->getMessage(),
//                         "file"=> $e->getFile(),
//                         "line"=> $e->getLine()
//                     ])
//                 );

                "date"=> date("Y-m-d h:i:s"),
                "code"=> $e->getCode(),
                "message"=> $e->getMessage(),
                "file"=> $e->getFile(),
                "line"=> $e->getLine()

            if($e->getCode() == 0){
                // TODO log data
                // TODO log data

            //echo "log to monolog";
        } catch (\TypeError $error) {
            // TODO log data
            $data->setMessage(new Response("Invalid dependency: {$error->getMessage()}"));
            die(print_r(new Response("Invalid dependency: {$error->getMessage()}")));

        // Check if json in array from
            $response = new JsonResponse($data->getData());
            // Not json
            $response = new Response;

        //Set custom headers
            empty($data->getMessage()) ? $data->getMessage() : null

        // preflighted request handle
        if($request->getMethod() === 'OPTIONS'){
            // set status

        // headers
        $response->headers->set('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');
        $response->headers->set('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'GET,HEAD,OPTIONS,POST,PUT,DELETE');
        $response->headers->set('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept, Authorization');
        $response->headers->set('Access-Control-Allow-Credentials', 'true');
        $response->headers->set("Access-Control-Max-Age", "1728000");

        // return response

        return $response;



class Kernel

    protected $env;

    public function __construct($env = null)
        if (is_null($env)) {
            $this->env = is_null($env) ? 'prod' : 'dev';
            $this->env = $env;

     * Loads the container configuration.
    public function registerContainerConfiguration()
        if((string)$this->env === (string)'dev'){
            $configuration = 'config-development.yml';
            $configuration = 'config-production.yml';
        return $configuration;



class WorkoutController extends Controller

    private $workoutService;
    private $workoutMapp;

    public function __construct(WorkoutService $workoutService, WorkoutMapp $workoutMapp){

        $this->workoutService = $workoutService;
        $this->workoutMapp = $workoutMapp;

        // construct the parent

     * Get workout
     * Get workouts by id
     * Get workout list
     * @param Request $request
     * @return ResponseBootstrap
    public function get(Request $request):ResponseBootstrap
        $workout = $this->workoutMapp->getWorkoutUniversal($request);

        // list
        if(!is_null($workout->getOffset()) && !is_null($workout->getLimit()) && !is_null($workout->getState())){
            return $this->workoutService->getWorkoutList($workout);
        // get workout by id
        if($workout->getId() && $workout->getState()){
            return $this->workoutService->getWorkout($workout);
        // get workout ids
            return $this->workoutService->getWorkoutIds($workout);

        return $this->badRequest();

     * Create workout
     * @param Request $request
     * @return ResponseBootstrap
    public function post(Request $request)
        // raw data
        $data = json_decode($request->getContent(), true);
        // map raw data to workout object
        $workout = $this->workoutMapp->addWorkout($data);

        // check if the name, description, tags and rounds are not empty
        if(!empty($workout->getNames()->toArray()) && !empty($workout->getDescriptions()->toArray()) && !empty($workout->getTags()->toArray()) && !empty($workout->getRounds()->toArray())){
            return $this->workoutService->addWorkout($workout);

        // when empty return a response from the base controller
        return $this->badRequest();


class WorkoutService extends Service


     * Add Workout
     * @param Workout $workout
     * @return ResponseBootstrap
    public function addWorkout(Workout $workout):ResponseBootstrap
        // middleware for handling cashing

        return $this->formResponse($workout, true);

     * Delete Workout
     * @param Workout $workout
     * @return ResponseBootstrap
    public function deleteWorkout(Workout $workout):ResponseBootstrap
        // middleware for handling cashing

        return $this->formResponse($workout, false);

     * Edit Workout
     * @param Workout $workout
     * @return ResponseBootstrap
    public function editWorkout(Workout $workout):ResponseBootstrap
        // middleware for handling cashing

        return $this->formResponse($workout, false);


class WorkoutRepository implements CanPersistWorkout

    private $mapperFactory;
    private $list = [
        Workout::class => WorkoutBase::class,
        Round::class => WorkoutRound::class,
        Name::class => WorkoutName::class,
        Version::class => VersionMapper::class,
        Description::class => WorkoutDescription::class,
        Tag::class => WorkoutTag::class,
        RoundCollection::class => WorkoutRound::class,
        NameCollection::class => WorkoutName::class,
        DescriptionCollection::class => WorkoutDescription::class,
        TagCollection::class => WorkoutTag::class,
        WorkoutListCollection::class => WorkoutListMapper::class

    public function __construct(CanCreateMapper $mapperFactory)
        $this->mapperFactory = $mapperFactory;

    /************************************     Store         **************************************/

    public function storeDescription(Description $description, string $override = null)
        $mapper = $this->retrieveMapper(get_class($description), $override);

    public function storeBase(Workout $workout, string $override = null)
        $mapper = $this->retrieveMapper(get_class($workout), $override);

    public function storeRound(Round $round, string $override = null)
        $mapper = $this->retrieveMapper(get_class($round), $override);

    public function storeName(Name $name, string $override = null)
        $mapper = $this->retrieveMapper(get_class($name), $override);

    public function versionUp(Version $version, string $override = null)
        $mapper = $this->retrieveMapper(get_class($version), $override);

    public function storeTag(Tag $tag, string $override = null)
        $mapper = $this->retrieveMapper(get_class($tag), $override);

    /************************************     Delete        **************************************/

    public function deleteWorkout(Workout $workout, string $override = null)
        $mapper = $this->retrieveMapper(get_class($workout), $override);

    public function deleteRounds(Round $round, Workout $workout, string $override = null)
        $mapper = $this->retrieveMapper(get_class($round), $override);

    public function deleteDescriptions(Description $description, Workout $workout, string $override = null)
        $mapper = $this->retrieveMapper(get_class($description), $override);

    public function deleteNames(Name $name, Workout $workout, string $override = null)
        $mapper = $this->retrieveMapper(get_class($name), $override);

    public function deleteTags(Tag $tag, Workout $workout, string $override = null)
        $mapper = $this->retrieveMapper(get_class($tag), $override);

    /************************************     Fetch         **************************************/

    public function getDescriptions(DescriptionCollection $description, Workout $workout, string $override = null)
        $mapper = $this->retrieveMapper(get_class($description), $override);
        $mapper->fetch($description, $workout);

    public function getRounds(RoundCollection $round, Workout $workout, string $override = null)
        $mapper = $this->retrieveMapper(get_class($round), $override);
        $mapper->fetch($round, $workout);

    public function getNames(NameCollection $name, Workout $workout, string $override = null)
        $mapper = $this->retrieveMapper(get_class($name), $override);

    public function getWorkout(Workout $workout, string $override = null)
        $mapper = $this->retrieveMapper(get_class($workout), $override);

    public function getTags(TagCollection $tag, Workout $workout, string $override = null)
        $mapper = $this->retrieveMapper(get_class($tag), $override);
        $mapper->fetch($tag, $workout);

    public function getWorkoutList(WorkoutListCollection $list, Workout $workout, string $override = null)
        $mapper = $this->retrieveMapper(get_class($list), $override);
        $mapper->fetch($list, $workout);

    public function getTotalWorkotus(Workout $workout, string $override = null)
        $mapper = $this->retrieveMapper(get_class($workout), $override);

    /***********************************     Update   ********************************************/

    public function updateNameState(NameCollection $name, Workout $workout, string $override = null)
        $mapper = $this->retrieveMapper(get_class($name), $override);
        $mapper->update($name, $workout);

    public function updateRoundState(RoundCollection $round, Workout $workout, string $override = null)
        $mapper = $this->retrieveMapper(get_class($round), $override);

    public function updateBaseState(Workout $workout, string $override = null)
        $mapper = $this->retrieveMapper(get_class($workout), $override);

    public function updateDescriptionState(DescriptionCollection $description, Workout $workout, string $override = null)
        $mapper = $this->retrieveMapper(get_class($description), $override);

    /***********************************     Audit    ********************************************/

    public function auditRound(Round $round,Workout $workout, string $override = null)
        $mapper = $this->retrieveMapper(get_class($round), $override);
        $mapper->storeToAudit($round, $workout);

    public function auditDescription(Description $description,Workout $workout, string $override = null)
        $mapper = $this->retrieveMapper(get_class($description), $override);
        $mapper->storeToAudit($description, $workout);

    public function auditBase(Workout $workout, string $override = null)
        $mapper = $this->retrieveMapper(get_class($workout), $override);

    public function auditName(Name $name,Workout $workout, string $override = null)
        $mapper = $this->retrieveMapper(get_class($name), $override);

    /***********************************    Helpers   ********************************************/

    public function begginTransaction()
        $mapper = $this->mapperFactory->create(WorkoutBase::class);

    public function commitTransaction()
        $mapper = $this->mapperFactory->create(WorkoutBase::class);

    private function computeKey(string $key, string $override = null): string
        if ($override !== null) {
            $key = $override;
        if (array_key_exists($key, $this->list) === false) {
            throw new \RuntimeException("No mapper for class '{$key}' has been defined!");
        return $key;

    private function retrieveMapper(string $name, string $override = null)
        $key = $this->computeKey($name, $override);
        $entry = $this->list[$key];
        return $this->mapperFactory->create($entry);

    public function define(string $entity, string $mapper)
        if (class_exists($entity) === false) {
            throw new \RuntimeException("Entity class '{$entity}' was not found!");
        if (class_exists($mapper) === false) {
            throw new \RuntimeException("Mapper class '{$mapper}' was not found!");
        $this->list[$entity] = $mapper;

    public function load($identity, string $override = null)
        $mapper = $this->retrieveMapper(get_class($identity), $override);



class VersionMapper extends DataMapper

     * Version Up
     * @param Version $version
    public function versionUp(Version $version) // TODO handle exceptions
        $sql = "INSERT INTO version VALUES(null)";
        $statement = $this->connection->prepare($sql);




class AddWorkoutDomain

    private $repository;

    public function __construct(Repository $repository)
        $this->repository = $repository;

    /*****************************    Visible functions to children ******************************/

     * Handle 
     * @param Workout $workout
     * @return array
    public function handle(Workout $workout):array
        // beggin transaction

        $messages = [];

        $messages = array_merge($messages, $this->storeBase($workout));
        $messages = array_merge($messages, $this->storeNames($workout));
        $messages = array_merge($messages, $this->storeDescriptions($workout));
        $messages = array_merge($messages, $this->storeRounds($workout));
        $messages = array_merge($messages, $this->storeTags($workout));

        // commit transaction

        return $messages;

     * Get Total
     * @param Workout $workout
    public function getTotal(Workout $workout):void

    /*************************************  Executors   ******************************************/

     * Store Base
     * @param Workout $workout
     * @return array
    private function storeBase(Workout $workout):array
        // version up


        return ['success'=>'Base'];

     * Store Names
     * @param Workout $workout
     * @return array
    private function storeNames(Workout $workout):array
        foreach($workout->getNames()->toArray() as $name){
            // set workout parent


        return ['success'=>'Names'];

     * Store Descriptions
     * @param Workout $workout
     * @return array
    private function storeDescriptions(Workout $workout):array
        foreach($workout->getDescriptions()->toArray() as $description){
            // set workout parent


        return ['success'=>'Descriptions'];

     * Store Rounds
     * @param Workout $workout
     * @return array
    private function storeRounds(Workout $workout):array
        foreach($workout->getRounds()->toArray() as $round){
            // set workout parent


        return ['success'=>'Rounds'];

     * Store Tags
     * @param Workout $workout
     * @return array
    private function storeTags(Workout $workout):array
        foreach($workout->getTags()->toArray() as $tag){
            // set workout parent


        return ['success'=>'Rounds'];

     * Version Up
     * @return Version
    private function versionUp():Version
        $version = new Version();

        return $version;


Any comment and advice are welcome, I'm seeking to expand my knowledge.

Credits to Tereško for helping me out.


2 Answers 2


Take the following Kernel class:

class Kernel
    protected $env;

    const ENV_TYPE_DEV = 'dev';
    const ENV_TYPE_PROD = 'prod';

    public function __construct($env = null)
        $this->env = $env ?? self::ENV_TYPE_DEV;

    * Loads the container configuration.
    public function registerContainerConfiguration()
        if ($this->env === self::ENV_TYPE_DEV) {
            $configuration = 'config-development.yml';
        } else {
            $configuration = 'config-production.yml';

        return $configuration;

The changes I made are as follows:

  • Defined two constants so you can reference them rather than passing a direct string as the $env. This also gives you the option to change the values in the future without having to consider hardcoded versions of the values
  • Simplified your if statement (via the null coalescing operator) in your __construct to set the $env property to whatever is passed to ENV_TYPE_DEV as a default
  • In registerContainerConfiguration I removed your casts as they were redundant and turned the hard-coded string into the respective const

Then your index.php file:

use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
// load vendor
require __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';

// autoloading done through composer
// error handling based on kernel env
// type that is passed.

// new kernel
$kernel = new Kernel(Kernel::ENV_TYPE_DEV);
$bootstrap = new Bootstrap;

// new request
$request = Request::createFromGlobals();
// loader interface
$config = $kernel->registerContainerConfiguration();
// response from
$response = $bootstrap->handle($request, $config, null);

The changes I made / suggest are as follows:

  • You should have your error reporting work in conjunction with your environment that is defined in your Kernel
  • You should autoload your classes through composer
  • I changed the hardcoded dev string to the defined constant

In your AddWorkoutDomain class, I'd simplify the handle function:

  * Handle 
  * @param Workout $workout
  * @return array
  public function handle(Workout $workout):array
      // beggin transaction

      $messages = array_merge($messages, $this->storeBase($workout), $this->storeNames($workout), $this->storeDescriptions($workout), $this->storeRounds($workout), $this->storeTags($workout));

      // commit transaction

      return $messages;
  • Merged the array_merge calls into one (pun intended...), as per the documentation, the second parameter can be a list of variables to merge, doesn't have to be one per function call


  • Opinionated but, you seem to have quite a few blank lines within your classes, I would reduce that down
  • In various places you check for null variables in long, drawn out, if statements:

    if(!is_null($workout->getOffset()) && !is_null($workout->getLimit()) && !is_null($workout->getState())){
        return $this->workoutService->getWorkoutList($workout);

Consider the following:

if (isset($workout->getOffset(), $workout->getLimit(), $workout->getState())) {

  • \$\begingroup\$ I have implemented your changes, thank you! I won't accept your answer but I will upvote it. If you could go through the whole code and give me full feedback on my code and classes and how it can be reduced I will accept it then. \$\endgroup\$
    – DaAmidza
    Commented Apr 3, 2019 at 6:41

Since nobody answered my question probably because I have not explained what I want here is an answer which satisfied my needs.

I have been wondering in the dark than I have found this answer which expanded my knowledge regarding programming.

I have seen some of those methods but I have never taught of the level of abstraction which they can bring.

As the accepted answer states:

Programming: Writing a program that creates, transforms, filters, aggregates and otherwise manipulates data.

Metaprogramming: Writing a program that creates, transforms, filters, aggregates and otherwise manipulates programs.

Generic Programming: Writing a program that creates, transforms, filters, aggregates and otherwise manipulates data, but makes only the minimum assumptions about the structure of the data, thus maximizing reuse across a wide range of data types.

I saw that I have been typing code which can be easily avoided.

Long story short here is my implementation to the issue I had.

My controller is still not there where I want it to be but I have managed to call my actions like this:

   return $this->baseService->actionHandler($exercise,

And my service looks something like this:

class BaseService

    // vars
    private $domainRepository;
    private $responseBootstrap;
    private $versionDomain;
    private $nameDomain;
    private $tagDomain;
    private $planDomain;
    private $packageDomain;
    private $roundDomain;
    private $auditDomain;
    private $deleteDomain;
    private $languageDomain;

    //actions create
    const ACT_VERSION = 'versionUp';
    const ACT_CREATE = 'createObject';
    const ACT_SINGLE_OBJ = 'returnSingleObject';
    const ACT_CRE_NAME = 'createName';
    const ACT_CRE_DESC = 'createDescription';
    const ACT_CRE_TAG = 'createTags';
    const ACT_CRE_BODY = 'createBody';
    const ACT_CRE_PKG_PLAN = 'createPackagePlan';
    const ACT_CRE_WRK_PLN_DAY = 'createWorkoutPlanDay';
    const ACT_CRE_ROUND = 'createRound';
    const ACT_RELEASE = 'releaseContent';
    const ACT_DELETE = 'delete';

    // actions delete 
    const ACT_ED_NAME = 'editName';
    const ACT_ED_OBJ = 'editObject';
    const ACT_ED_DESC = 'editDescription';
    const ACT_ED_TAG = 'editTag';
    const ACT_ED_ROUND = 'editRound';
    const ACT_ED_BODY = 'editBody';
    const ACT_ED_DAY = 'editDay';
    const ACT_ED_PKG_PLAN = 'editPackagePlan';

    // actions get
    const ACT_GET_NAME = 'getName';
    const ACT_GET_DESC = 'getDescription';
    const ACT_GET_BODY = 'getBody';
    const ACT_GET_OBJ = 'getObjectResponse';
    const ACT_GET_BASE = 'getBase';

    // system actions
    const SYS_ACT_BEG_TRANS = 'begginTransaction';
    const SYS_ACT_COM_TRANS = 'commitTransaction';
    const SYS_ACT_ROLB_TRANS = 'rollbackTransaction';

    private $responseArray = [];

     * Constructor
     * @param DomainRepository $domainRepository
     * @param ResponseBootstrap $responseBootstrap
     * @param VersionDomain $versionDomain
     * @param NameDomain $nameDomain
     * @param NameDomain $descriptionDomain

    public function __construct(
        DomainRepository $domainRepository,
        ResponseBootstrap $responseBootstrap,
        VersionDomain $versionDomain,
        NameDomain $nameDomain,
        TagDomain $tagDomain,
        PlanDomain $planDomain,
        PackageDomain $packageDomain,
        RoundDomain $roundDomain,
        AuditDomain $auditDomain,
        DeleteDomain $deleteDomain, 
        LanguageDomain $languageDomain)
        $this->domainRepository = $domainRepository;
        $this->responseBootstrap = $responseBootstrap;
        $this->versionDomain = $versionDomain;
        $this->nameDomain = $nameDomain;
        $this->tagDomain = $tagDomain;
        $this->planDomain = $planDomain;
        $this->packageDomain = $packageDomain;
        $this->roundDomain = $roundDomain;
        $this->auditDomain = $auditDomain;
        $this->deleteDomain = $deleteDomain;
        $this->languageDomain = $languageDomain;

     * Action Handler
     * @param object $object
     * @param array $actions
     * @return object
    public function actionHandler(object $object, array $actions = [], QueryParams $queryParams = null):object
            // beggin transaction

            foreach($actions as $action){
                // on create return object
                if($action == BaseService::ACT_SINGLE_OBJ){
                    // commit transaction
                    return $this->{$action}($object);
                // on get return object
                else if($action == BaseService::ACT_GET_OBJ){
                    // commit transaction

                    return $this->{$action}();
                    $this->{$action}($object, $queryParams);
        }catch(\PDOException $e){
            // handle rollback of sql action

    /***********************************         Executors       *********************************/

     * Version Up
     * @param object $object
    private function versionUp(object $object):void
        // version up


The BaseService class has all the actions and it calls the DAO layer which is flexible enough to construct the query I need.

I need to add a caching layer to it and a few more things but this is the answer which I have been asking for(at least I think so if somebody else had a better version of it feel free to post your answer.


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