
I am in the process of learning Rust and am still having some issues with borrowing and ownership. I find myself trying to borrow mutable references that are already borrowed as immutable references etc...

I noticed that when I try to iterate over the primes without owning them, I encounter issues trying to modify the composites hash map. I was able to get around this by calling to_owned on the vector. Is this the right way to handle this?

I also see that when I build the code, I get warnings about unused code for warning: struct is never constructed: 'Sieve' and warning: method is never used: 'new', am I constructing them incorrectly?

use std::collections::HashMap;

struct Sieve {
    composites: HashMap<u64, Vec<u64>>,
    x: u64,

impl Sieve {
    fn new() -> Sieve {
        Sieve {
            composites: HashMap::new(),
            x: 2,

impl Iterator for Sieve {
    type Item = u64;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<u64> {
        let x = self.x;
        self.x = self.x + 1;
        match self.composites.get(&x) {
            Some(numbers) => {
                for _num in numbers.to_owned() {
                        .entry(x + _num)
                        .and_modify(|v| v.push(_num))
            None => {
                self.composites.insert(x * x, vec![x]);

fn main() {
    let mut sieve = Sieve::new();

    println!("{:?}", sieve.next()); // 2
    println!("{:?}", sieve.next()); // 3
    println!("{:?}", sieve.next()); // 5
    println!("{:?}", sieve.next()); // 7

Here is the code on the Rust playground.

I previously posted a version of the Sieve of Eratosthenes using experimental Rust features, this made it difficult to get feedback on. I have refactored the code to use iterators

  • \$\begingroup\$ when I build the code, I get warnings about unused code — in what context? If it's the playground, choosing build compiles your code as a library, so your main method would not be called and thus your code would be unused. \$\endgroup\$
    – Shepmaster
    Commented Mar 19, 2019 at 17:13

2 Answers 2


Your code is totally fine and idiomatic, but I would change some minor points:

use std::collections::HashMap;

struct Sieve {
    composites: HashMap<u64, Vec<u64>>,
    current: u64,

impl Default for Sieve {
    fn default() -> Self {
        Sieve {
            composites: HashMap::new(),
            current: 2,

impl Sieve {
    pub fn new() -> Sieve {

impl Iterator for Sieve {
    type Item = u64;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<u64> {
        fn next_prime(composites: &mut HashMap<u64, Vec<u64>>, x: u64) -> u64 {
            match composites.get(&x) {
                Some(numbers) => {
                    for num in numbers.to_owned() {
                            .entry(x + num)
                            .and_modify(|v| v.push(num))
                            .or_insert_with(|| vec![num]);
                    next_prime(composites, x + 1)
                None => {
                    composites.insert(x * x, vec![x]);

        let prime = next_prime(&mut self.composites, self.current);
        self.current = prime + 1; // This number will be the next to be tested


fn main() {
    let mut sieve = Sieve::new();

    assert_eq!(sieve.next(), Some(2));
    assert_eq!(sieve.next(), Some(3));
    assert_eq!(sieve.next(), Some(5));
    assert_eq!(sieve.next(), Some(7));
  • It is good to implement Default when you can build your data structure without parameters (related answer).
  • This is a good practice to put assertions instead of prints. That's easier to change to code and verify that it is still ok.
  • The naming of the variables is important; but I do not pretend that mine is perfect, though. By the way, _num should not be prefixed with an underscore because it is used.
  • You can run clippy to catch some common error. Clippy warns you that you create a vec![_num] at each iteration. You should give to or_insert_with a closure that will build the correct vector.
  • The more important refactoring that I did is to make the algorithm more "functional". I think that yours is difficult to reason about because it calls recursively the Iterator::next method and rely on internal state.
  • \$\begingroup\$ Thank you for the feedback, I really appreciate it. Clippy looks great btw. I like your idea of not actually calling the next method recursively and offloading it to another function. Is there any performance benefit to moving the next_prime def outside of the next method? \$\endgroup\$
    – kyle
    Commented Mar 20, 2019 at 13:11
  • 2
    \$\begingroup\$ That's mainly a readability difference (separate the pure calculation from the iterator implementation). I think that the performance would be the same, but if you want to be sure, you must benchmark this. \$\endgroup\$
    – Boiethios
    Commented Mar 20, 2019 at 13:43

I have some more suggestions that can improve your code.

  • You can avoid cloning numbers by just removing it from composites to begin with, since you already remove it later. HashMap::remove will give you an Option<Vec<u64>>, so you can now modify the hashmap while you iterate over the vec because it is no longer owned by the hashmap.
  • You can make your function iterative by using a while let loop.
  • You can simplify your usage of entry by just using or_default which will give a mutable reference to either the vec that was already there, or an empty one. Then you can just push into that vec.
  • Another option for clarity is to make a next_prime method on Sieve.
impl Sieve {
    pub fn next_prime(&mut self) -> u64 {
        while let Some(numbers) = self.composites.remove(&self.current) {
            for num in numbers {
                    .entry(self.current + num)
            self.current += 1;
        let prime = self.current;
        self.composites.insert(prime * prime, vec![prime]);
        self.current += 1;

impl Iterator for Sieve {
    type Item = u64;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<u64> {

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