I'm very much a beginner at programming, and hoping to get some advice! I'm having some trouble with a tripadvisor scraper being slow, and have identified the part of my code that is taking a while. It's likely because of the long selector, but i'm not sure how to use anything more specific because there are randomly generated strings on the more specific selectors. Below the snippet that is taking a while, and below that is the full code. Would appreciate any feedback!
Sample of the webpages im scraping:
Code giving me problems:
num_rooms = 0
extra_info = soup.select('#taplc_about_addendum_react_0 div div div div')
for data in extra_info:
data = data.text.strip()
if data.isdigit():
num_rooms = int(data)
Full code:
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import xlsxwriter
import time
def get_soup(url):
r = requests.get(url)
return BeautifulSoup(r.content, 'html.parser')
def write_xlsx(items, xlsx_write_row):
write_column = 0
for item in items:
worksheet.write(xlsx_write_row, write_column, item)
write_column += 1
workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook('Results.xlsx')
worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet()
# user variables
while True:
start_url = input('Start url: ')
if 'https://www.tripadvisor.com.sg/Hotels-' not in start_url:
'Please enter a valid url. e.g https://www.tripadvisor.com.sg/Hotels-g255100-Melbourne_Victoria-Hotels.html')
print('fetching page...')
soup = get_soup(start_url)
while True:
min_rev_num = input('Min Reviews for property: ')
if min_rev_num.isdigit():
if int(min_rev_num) >= 0:
min_rev_num = int(min_rev_num)
print('Please enter a valid number')
while True:
print('Enter max number of low review number properties on a single page, from 0 to 30.')
print('(Program will exit once this condition is fulfilled)')
num_rev_criteria = input('Input: ')
if num_rev_criteria.isdigit():
if 0 <= int(num_rev_criteria) <= 30:
num_rev_criteria = int(num_rev_criteria)
print('Please enter a valid number')
while True:
min_star_rating = input('Min star rating for property: ')
if min_star_rating.isdigit():
if 0 <= int(min_star_rating) <= 5:
min_star_rating = float(min_star_rating)
print('Please enter a valid number')
while True:
min_room_num = input('Min number of rooms: ')
if min_room_num.isdigit():
if int(min_room_num) >= 0:
min_room_num = int(min_room_num)
print('Please enter a valid number')
while True:
max_num_pages = int(soup.select_one('.pageNum.last.taLnk').text.strip())
num_pages = input('Page to search until(1 to {}):'.format(str(max_num_pages)))
if num_pages.isdigit():
if 1 <= int(num_pages) <= max_num_pages:
num_pages = int(num_pages)
print('Please enter a valid number')
print('-'*30 + '\n')
check = input("Make sure 'Results.xlsx' is closed and deleted. Once you are ready, press enter")
write_row = 0
write_xlsx(['Property Details', 'Star Rating', 'Number of Rooms'], write_row)
page_url = start_url
rejected_properties = 0
start = time.time()
print('Getting data...')
# get property data
for page_num in range(num_pages):
print('\nOn page {}\n'.format(str(page_num + 1)))
low_review_count = 0
soup = get_soup(page_url)
if page_num != num_pages - 1:
next_page = soup.select_one('.nav.next.taLnk.ui_button.primary')['href']
page_url = 'https://www.tripadvisor.com.sg' + next_page
rows = soup.select('.property_title.prominent')
prop_urls = []
for row in rows:
prop_urls.append('https://www.tripadvisor.com.sg' + row['href'])
for prop in prop_urls:
soup = get_soup(prop)
num_reviews = int(soup.select_one('.reviewCount').text.strip().split(' ')[0].replace(',', ''))
except AttributeError:
num_reviews = 0
property_name = soup.select_one('#HEADING').text.strip()
except AttributeError:
property_name = ' '
if num_reviews >= min_rev_num:
star_rating_class = soup.select_one('.ui_star_rating')['class'][1]
star_rating = float(star_rating_class[5] + '.' + star_rating_class[6])
except TypeError:
star_rating = 0
num_rooms = 0
extra_info = soup.select('#taplc_about_addendum_react_0 div div div div')
for data in extra_info:
data = data.text.strip()
if data.isdigit():
num_rooms = int(data)
address = soup.select_one('.street-address').text.strip() + ', ' + soup.select_one('.locality').text.strip() + soup.select_one('.country-name').text.strip()
except AttributeError:
address = ' '
phone = soup.select_one('.is-hidden-mobile.detail').text.strip()
except AttributeError:
phone = ' '
if star_rating >= min_star_rating or star_rating == 0:
if num_rooms >= min_room_num or num_rooms == 0:
write_row += 1
write_xlsx([property_name + '\n' + address + '\nT: ' + phone, star_rating, num_rooms], write_row)
print("Rejected: '{}'\n".format(property_name) + ' - Not enough rooms:{}'.format(num_rooms))
print("Rejected: '{}'\n".format(property_name)+' - Not high enough star rating:{}'.format(star_rating))
low_review_count += 1
print("Rejected: '{}'\n".format(property_name) + ' - Not enough reviews:{}'.format(num_reviews))
print(' - Low review count: {}/{}'.format(low_review_count, num_rev_criteria))
if low_review_count >= num_rev_criteria:
print('Exiting due to low review count on page')
end = time.time()
print("\nDone! Results can be found in 'Results.xlsx' in the same folder\n")
print('Results can be copied straight onto the shortlist(paste values only), formatting has already been done.')
print('If any results have 0 stars or 0 rooms, Tripadvisor does not have this data')
print('Address and phone numbers are based on Tripadvisor data as well\n')
print('Number of pages searched: {}'.format(str(page_num + 1)))
props_searched = (page_num - 1)*30 + len(prop_urls)
print('Number of properties searched: {}'.format(str(props_searched)))
print('Number of properties accepted: {}'.format(str(write_row - 1)))
print('Number of properties rejected: {}'.format(str(props_searched - write_row + 1)))
print('Time taken: {} minutes'.format(str((end-start)//60)))
while True:
check = input('\nTo exit, press enter')
if True: