
Rumor is that the next version of C will disallow sign magnitude and ones' complement signed integer encoding. True or not, it seems efficient to not have to code and test for those rare encodings.

Yet if code might not handle such cases as non-2's complement, it is prudent to detect and fail such compilations today.

Rather than just look for that one kind of dinosaur¹, below is C code that looks for various unicorns² and dinosaurs. Certainly some tests are more useful than others.

Review goal:

  • Please report any dinosaur¹ and unicorns² compilers found by this code.

  • Review how well this code would successfully flag true passé compilers and not report new innovative ones (e.g. 128-bit intmax_t.)

  • Suggest any additional or refined tests.

  • Pre-C11 compilers that lack static_assert may readily need a better #define static_assert ... than this code. Better alternatives are appreciated, but not a main goal of this post.

Note: I am not trying to rate strict adherence to IEEE_754 and the like.

Future readers concerning spelling and grammar in this post: Although they should get corrected in an answer, edits to the question's code are not site appropriate.

 * unicorn.h
 * Various tests to detect old and strange compilers.
 *  Created on: Mar 8, 2019
 *      Author: chux

#ifndef UNICORN_H_
#define UNICORN_H_

#include <assert.h>
#ifndef static_assert
  #define static_assert( e, m ) typedef char _brevit_static_assert[!!(e)]

#include <float.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdint.h>

 *  Insure 2's complement
 *  Could also check various int_leastN_t, int_fastN_t
static_assert(SCHAR_MIN < -SCHAR_MAX && SHRT_MIN < -SHRT_MAX &&
    , "Dinosuar: Non-2's complement.");

 *  Insure the range of unsigned is 2x that of positive signed
 *  Only ever seen one once with the widest unsigned and signed type with same max
static_assert(SCHAR_MAX == UCHAR_MAX/2 && SHRT_MAX == USHRT_MAX/2 &&
        "Dinosuar: narrowed unsigned.");

 *  Insure char is sub-range of int
 *  When char values exceed int, makes for tough code using fgetc()
static_assert(CHAR_MAX <= INT_MAX, "Dinosuar: wide char");

 *  Insure char is a power-2-octet
 *  I suspect many folks would prefer just CHAR_BIT == 8
static_assert((CHAR_BIT & (CHAR_BIT - 1)) == 0, "Dinosaur: Uncommon byte width.");

 *  Only binary FP
static_assert(FLT_RADIX == 2, "Dinosuar: Non binary FP");

 *  Some light checking for pass-able FP types
 *  Certainly this is not a full IEEE check
 *  Tolerate float as double
static_assert(sizeof(float)*CHAR_BIT == 32 || sizeof(float)*CHAR_BIT == 64,
    "Dinosuar: Unusual float");
static_assert(sizeof(double)*CHAR_BIT == 64, "Dinosuar: Unusual double");

 *  Heavier IEEE checking
static_assert(DBL_MAX_10_EXP == 308 && DBL_MAX_EXP == 1024 &&
    DBL_MIN_10_EXP == -307 && DBL_MIN_EXP == -1021 &&
    DBL_DIG == 15 && DBL_DECIMAL_DIG == 17 && DBL_MANT_DIG == 53,
    "Dinosuar: Unusual double");

 *  Insure uxxx_t range <= int
 *  Strange when unsigned helper types promote to int
static_assert(INT_MAX < UINTPTR_MAX, "Unicorn: narrow uintptr_t");
static_assert(INT_MAX < SIZE_MAX, "Unicorn: narrow size_tt");

 *  Insure xxx_t range >= int
 *  Also expect signed helper types at least int range
static_assert(INT_MAX <= PTRDIFF_MAX, "Unicorn: narrow ptrdiff_t");
static_assert(INT_MAX <= INTPTR_MAX, "Unicorn: narrow intptr_");

 *  Insure all integers are within `float` finite range
// Works OK when uintmax_t lacks padding
static_assert(FLT_RADIX == 2 && sizeof(uintmax_t)*CHAR_BIT < FLT_MAX_EXP,
    "Unicorn: wide integer range");
// Better method
#define UNICODE_BW1(x) ((x) > 0x1u ? 2 : 1)
#define UNICODE_BW2(x) ((x) > 0x3u ? UNICODE_BW1((x)/0x4)+2 : UNICODE_BW1(x))
#define UNICODE_BW3(x) ((x) > 0xFu ? UNICODE_BW2((x)/0x10)+4 : UNICODE_BW2(x))
#define UNICODE_BW4(x) ((x) > 0xFFu ? UNICODE_BW3((x)/0x100)+8 : UNICODE_BW3(x))
#define UNICODE_BW5(x) ((x) > 0xFFFFu ? UNICODE_BW4((x)/0x10000)+16 : UNICODE_BW4(x))
#define UNICODE_BW6(x) ((x) > 0xFFFFFFFFu ? \
    UNICODE_BW5((x)/0x100000000)+32 : UNICODE_BW5(x))
#define UNICODE_BW(x) ((x) > 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFu ? \
    UNICODE_BW6((x)/0x100000000/0x100000000)+64 : UNICODE_BW6(x))
    "Unicorn: wide integer range");

 *  Insure size_t range > int
 *  Strange code when a `size_t` object promotes to an `int`.
static_assert(INT_MAX < SIZE_MAX, "Unicorn: narrow size_t");

 *  Recommended practice 7.19 4
static_assert(PTRDIFF_MAX <= LONG_MAX, "Unicorn: ptrdiff_t wider than long");
static_assert(SIZE_MAX <= ULONG_MAX, "Unicorn: size_t wider thna unsigned long");

 *  Insure range of integers within float
static_assert(FLT_RADIX == 2 && sizeof(uintmax_t)*CHAR_BIT < FLT_MAX_EXP,
    "Unicorn: wide integer range");

// Addition code could #undef the various UNICODE_BWn

#endif /* UNICORN_H_ */

Test driver

#include "unicorn.h"
#include <stdio.h>

int main(void) {
  printf("Hello World!\n");
  return 0;

¹ C is very flexible, yet some features applied to compilers simply no longer in use for over 10 years. For compilers that used out-of-favor features (non-2's complement, non-power-of-2 bit width "bytes", non-binary floating-point, etc.) I'll call dinosaurs.

² C is very flexible for new platform/compilers too. Some of these potential and theoretical compliers could employ very unusual features. I'll call these compilers unicorns. Should one appear, I rather have code fail to compile than compile with errant functioning code.

  • \$\begingroup\$ Silly me - did not use an ASCII test yet.... \$\endgroup\$
    – chux
    Commented Mar 9, 2019 at 19:27
  • 2
    \$\begingroup\$ Are you sure you don't want to ensure that unsigned char is a sub-range of int instead? To wit, EOF being distinct is useful. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Mar 9, 2019 at 20:49
  • 2
    \$\begingroup\$ Serious question - how frequently do you run into these types of compilers? I think this is a cool idea! But honestly, I would never need it, as even doing cross-platform stuff, we usually know ahead-of-time which compilers we'll use, and none would have features this obscure. I'm always curious to learn a little about the things I don't run into myself. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Mar 9, 2019 at 23:12
  • 3
    \$\begingroup\$ @user1118321 "know ahead-of-time which compilers we'll use, and none would have features this obscure" --> that is what this file is for: to help make that assessment. Consider it a like a spell checker. I certainly do not come across unicorns even sporadically, yet an automated review could help. Additional tests could help detect near-unicorns. \$\endgroup\$
    – chux
    Commented Mar 10, 2019 at 22:05
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ Typo: “insure” -> “ensure”. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Dec 21, 2019 at 14:51

4 Answers 4

  • I think that static_assert((CHAR_BIT & (CHAR_BIT - 1)) == 0 can be pretty safely replaced by CHAR_BIT==8. There are various old DSP compilers that would fail the test, but they are indeed dinosaur systems.

  • stdint.h and constants like SIZE_MAX, PTRDIFF_MAX were added in C99. So by using such macros/constants, you'll essentially cause all C90 compilers to fail compilation.

    Are C90 compilers dinosaurs per your definition? If not, then maybe do some checks if __STDC_VERSION__ is defined and if so what version. Because most of the exotic ones are likely to follow C90.

  • 2
    \$\begingroup\$ I was under the impression that some modern DSPs were word-addressable and had CHAR_BIT = 16, 24, or 32. But I don't do embedded development so I might have read something old without realizing it. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jul 15, 2021 at 18:53

I'm appalled! What kind of code are you writing that's so inflexible it needs all these tests? ;-p

Seriously, it ought to be possible to enable only the tests that the including code needs, perhaps by predefining macros that declare its non-portabilities:

static_assert(FLT_RADIX == 2, "Dinosuar: Non binary FP");

(to pick a simple example)

On an extremely minor note, in the comments you've consistently written "insure" where you evidently mean "ensure".

Additional tests to consider:

  • I've seen code that breaks if 'z' - 'a' != 25 and/or 'Z' - 'A' != 25.
  • Some code requires the existence of exact-width integer types such as uint32_t, which are not available on all platforms (it's possible this is covered by the power-of-two byte-width test, but I can't prove it).
  • Perhaps some code requires long double to be bigger (in precision and/or range) than double?
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ A DeathStation9000 could choose not to provide uint32_t even if CHAR_BIT=8, even if unsigned would work as uint32_t. That's unlikely for real-world C99 implementations, though. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jul 15, 2021 at 18:56
  • \$\begingroup\$ @PeterCordes And technically uintN_t are optional. You can use e.g. uint_least32_t instead. \$\endgroup\$
    – Pryftan
    Commented Nov 30, 2021 at 16:32

In addition to fine answers @Toby Speight, @Lundin and a related FP question, came up with additional idea/detail.


"Dinosuar" --> "Dinosaur".

ASCII or not

Could use a lengthy test of the execution character set C11 §5.2.1 3

A to Z
a to z
0 to 9
! " # % & ’ ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? [ \ ] ^ _ { | } ~
space character, 
  and control characters representing horizontal tab, vertical tab, and form feed.
some way of indicating the end of each line of text

Note that $, @, grave accent, ASCII 127 and various control characters are not mentioned above.

      'A' == 65 && 'B' == 66 && 'C' == 67 && 'D' == 68 && 'E' == 69 && 'F' == 70
          && 'G' == 71 && 'H' == 72 && 'I' == 73 && 'J' == 74 && 'K' == 75
          && 'L' == 76 && 'M' == 77 && 'N' == 78 && 'O' == 79 && 'P' == 80
          && 'Q' == 81 && 'R' == 82 && 'S' == 83 && 'T' == 84 && 'U' == 85
          && 'V' == 86 && 'W' == 87 && 'X' == 88 && 'Y' == 89 && 'Z' == 90,
      "Dinosaur: not ASCII A-Z");
      'a' == 97 && 'b' == 98 && 'c' == 99 && 'd' == 100 && 'e' == 101
          && 'f' == 102 && 'g' == 103 && 'h' == 104 && 'i' == 105 && 'j' == 106
          && 'k' == 107 && 'l' == 108 && 'm' == 109 && 'n' == 110 && 'o' == 111
          && 'p' == 112 && 'q' == 113 && 'r' == 114 && 's' == 115 && 't' == 116
          && 'u' == 117 && 'v' == 118 && 'w' == 119 && 'x' == 120 && 'y' == 121
          && 'z' == 122, "Dinosaur: not ASCII a-z");
  static_assert('0' == 48, "Dinosaur: not ASCII 0-9");  // 1-9 follow 0 by spec.
      '!' == 33 && '"' == 34 && '#' == 35 && '%' == 37 && '&' == 38
          && '\'' == 39 && '(' == 40 && ')' == 41 && '*' == 42 && '+' == 43
          && ',' == 44 && '-' == 45 && '.' == 46 && '/' == 47 && ':' == 58
          && ';' == 59 && '<' == 60 && '=' == 61 && '>' == 62 && '?' == 63
          && '[' == 91 && '\\' == 92 && ']' == 93 && '^' == 94 && '_' == 95
          && '{' == 123 && '|' == 124 && '}' == 125 && '~',
      "Dinosaur: not ASCII punct");
      ' ' == 32 && '\t' == 9 && '\v' == 11 && '\f' == 12 && '\n' == 10,
      "Dinosaur: not ASCII space, ctrl");
   static_assert('\a' == 7 && '\b' == 8 && '\r' == 13,
      "Dinosaur: not ASCII spaces");
   // Not 100% confident safe to do the following test
   static_assert('$' == 36 && '@' == 64 && '`' == 96,
      "Dinosaur: not ASCII special");

[Edit 2019 Dec]

On review, incorporating @Deduplicator idea: CHAR_MAX <= INT_MAX is not a strong enough test to avoid trouble with fgetc(), but should use UCHAR_MAX <= INT_MAX. This makes certain that the number of possible characters returned from fgetc() is less than the positive int range - preventing a collision with EOF.

 *  Insure char is sub-range of int
 *  When char values exceed int, makes for tough code using fgetc()
// static_assert(CHAR_MAX <= INT_MAX, "Dinosaur: wide char");
static_assert(UCHAR_MAX <= INT_MAX, "Dinosaur: wide char");
  • \$\begingroup\$ I don't suppose there's any way to rewrite those ASCII range tests as "ABCDEFGHI...XYZ" with a check for str[i+65] == i`. Probably not in a way compatible with static_assert, without C++ constexpr functions to allow a loop. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jul 15, 2021 at 18:59
  • \$\begingroup\$ @PeterCordes I do not see a way. Perhaps static_assert('A' == 65 && 'B' == 'A' + 1 && 'C' == 'B' + 1 && 'D' == 'C' + 1 ... for a more friendly/sane looking test? \$\endgroup\$
    – chux
    Commented Jul 15, 2021 at 19:04

Instead of:

static_assert(SCHAR_MIN < -SCHAR_MAX && SHRT_MIN < -SHRT_MAX &&
    , "Dinosuar: Non-2's complement.");

I prefer:

static_assert(  SCHAR_MIN < -SCHAR_MAX,   "Dinosaur: Non-2's complement.");
static_assert(   SHRT_MIN < -SHRT_MAX,    "Dinosaur: Non-2's complement.");
static_assert(    INT_MIN < -INT_MAX,     "Dinosaur: Non-2's complement.");
static_assert(   LONG_MIN < -LONG_MAX,    "Dinosaur: Non-2's complement.");
static_assert(  LLONG_MIN < -LLONG_MAX,   "Dinosaur: Non-2's complement.");
static_assert( INTMAX_MIN < -INTMAX_MAX,  "Dinosaur: Non-2's complement.");
static_assert( INTPTR_MIN < -INTPTR_MAX,  "Dinosaur: Non-2's complement.");
static_assert(PTRDIFF_MIN < -PTRDIFF_MAX, "Dinosuar: Non-2's complement.");

Granted, this code won't survive any automated code formatting, but it's much easier to grasp than the all-in-one assertion. Also, when one of the assertions fails, you know exactly which of these types is unusual.

On another topic: UNICODE_BW1 is a typo, it should be UNICORN_BW1.

  • \$\begingroup\$ This approach does have an advantage if needing to compile pre-C99 as it is cleaner to #if define(LLONG_MIN) around static_assert( LLONG_MIN < -LLONG_MAX, ... and any select integer types. \$\endgroup\$
    – chux
    Commented Jan 22, 2020 at 15:21

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