I just put together the skeletons for a priority queue using a binary heap in racket/scheme. Using racket/scheme is all about the educational experience and I was wondering if anyone wants to critique and improve the code. Bug reports are welcome
;; priority queues operations on integer values
(define (heap)
(let ((the-heap (make-vector 10)) (next-free 1))
(define (swim val)
(vector-set! the-heap next-free val)
(set! next-free (+ next-free 1))
(let loop ((i (- next-free 1)))
(if (and (< (vector-ref the-heap (quotient i 2)) (vector-ref the-heap i)) (> (quotient i 2) 0))
(exch the-heap i (floor (/ i 2)))
(loop (floor (/ i 2))))
(define (sink index)
;; a call to this method is used to re-establish order within the
;; heap by 'sinking' the value rooted at index to its right position
;; within the whole heap
(let loop ((node index) (kid (* 2 index)))
(if (<= kid next-free)
(let ((larger-kid (if (> (vector-ref the-heap kid) (vector-ref the-heap (+ kid 1)))
(+ kid 1))))
(if (> (vector-ref the-heap larger-kid) (vector-ref the-heap node))
(exch the-heap node larger-kid)
(loop larger-kid (* 2 larger-kid)))
(define (delete-max)
;; delete and return the maximum value in the heap.
;; add the last item on the heap to the root position
;; sink to re-establish order within the heap of the heap and call
(let ((val (vector-ref the-heap 1)))
(vector-set! the-heap 1 (vector-ref the-heap (- next-free 1)))
(set! next-free (- next-free 1))
(vector-set! the-heap next-free 0)
(sink 1)
(define (put value)
(swim value))
(define (size)
(vector-length the-heap))
(define (empty?)
(= next-free 1))
(define (exch vec lo j)
(let ((lo-val (vector-ref vec lo)) (j-val (vector-ref vec j)))
(vector-set! vec lo j-val)
(vector-set! vec j lo-val))))
(define (dispatch message . arg)
((eq? message 'delete-max) (delete-max))
((eq? message 'put) (put (car arg)))
((eq? message 'size) size)
((eq? message 'heap) the-heap)
((eq? message 'empty?) empty?)))