I have written a random-walk routine that I hope to build upon in the future. Before doing so, I was hoping to get some critique.
I believe the implementation is correct. I noticed that many other implementations found online use for-loops or modules I am unfamiliar with; my goal was to vectorize the walk in n-dimensional space with the optional use of boundary conditions.
The main idea is to generate an n-dimensional array of random numbers according to the desired distribution. As of now, only the 'normal' distribution is implemented. If a threshold is not set, then the average of the distribution is used as a threshold. Numbers greater than this threshold are taken in the positive direction, whereas numbers less than this threshold are taken in the negative direction. Should the number exactly equal this threshold, then no step is taken. The initial steps array (called base
initially consists of all zeros; the indices corresponding to the positive and negative steps are used to mask this array with the respective step vectors (magnitude and direction).
If edge_type
is not None, then the boundary conditions corresponding to edge_type
will be used. If edge_type='bounded'
, then the steps at the boundaries will be zero. If edge_type='pacman'
, then the steps at the boundaries will be of magnitude max_edge - min_edge
and taken to be in the direction away from the respective edge.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
class IndicialDistributions():
Steps are taken in a positive or negative direction according
to a random number distribution. The methods of this class
return the indices for positive and negative steps given
a distribution type.
As of now, only the 'normal' distribution type is implemented.
def __init__(self, nshape):
nshape : type <int / tuple / array>
self.nshape = nshape
def get_normal_indices(self, mu, sigma, threshold=None):
mu : type <int / float>
sigma : type <int / float>
threshold : type <int / float> or None
if threshold is None:
threshold = mu
random_values = np.random.normal(mu, sigma, size=self.nshape)
pos = (random_values > threshold)
neg = (random_values < threshold)
return pos, neg
def get_binomial_indices(self, p_success, threshold=None):
p_success : type <float>
threshold : type <int / float> or None
raise ValueError("not yet implemented")
def indicial_function_mapping(self):
res = {}
res['normal'] = self.get_normal_indices
res['binomial'] = self.get_binomial_indices
return res
def dispatch_indices(self, distribution, **kwargs):
distribution : type <str>
available_keys = list(self.indicial_function_mapping.keys())
if distribution not in available_keys:
raise ValueError("unknown distribution: {}; available distributions: {}".format(distribution, available_keys))
f = self.indicial_function_mapping[distribution]
pos, neg = f(**kwargs)
return pos, neg
class BoundaryConditions():
The methods of this class account for steps taken at the
n-dimensional edges.
As of now, 'bounded' and 'pacman' edges are implemented.
def __init__(self, steps, movements, max_edge, min_edge):
steps : type <array>
movements : type <array>
max_edge : type <int / float>
min_edge : type <int / float>
self.steps = steps
self.movements = movements
self.max_edge = max_edge
self.min_edge = min_edge
def get_maximum_edge_indices(self):
indices = (self.movements >= self.max_edge)
return indices
def get_minimum_edge_indices(self):
indices = (self.movements <= self.min_edge)
return indices
def apply_maximum_bounded_edge(self):
indices = self.get_maximum_edge_indices()
self.steps[indices] = 0
def apply_minimum_bounded_edge(self):
indices = self.get_minimum_edge_indices()
self.steps[indices] = 0
def apply_pacman_edges(self):
max_indices = self.get_maximum_edge_indices()
min_indices = self.get_minimum_edge_indices()
self.steps[max_indices] = self.min_edge - self.max_edge
self.steps[min_indices] = self.max_edge - self.min_edge
def apply_to_dimension(self, edge_type):
edge_type : type <str>
if edge_type is not None:
if edge_type == 'bounded':
elif edge_type == 'pacman':
raise ValueError("unknown edge_type: {}; available edge_type = 'bounded', 'pacman', or None".format(edge_type))
class CartesianRandomWalker():
This class has methods to perform a random walk in n-dimensional space
with the optional use of boundary conditions.
def __init__(self, initial_position, nsteps, edge_type=None, max_edges=(), min_edges=()):
initial_position : type <tuple / list / array>
nsteps : type <int>
edge_type : type <str>
max_edges : type <tuple / list / array>
min_edges : type <tuple / list / array>
self.initial_position = initial_position
self.nsteps = nsteps
self.edge_type = edge_type
self.max_edges = max_edges
self.min_edges = min_edges
self.ndim = len(initial_position)
self.nshape = (self.ndim, nsteps)
self.base = np.zeros(self.nshape).astype(int)
# self.boundary_crossings = 0
self.current_position = np.array(initial_position)
def __repr__(self):
if np.all(self.base == 0):
string = 'Initial Position:\t{}'.format(self.initial_position)
string = 'Initial Position:\t{}\nNumber of Steps:\t{}\nCurrent Position:\t{}'.format(self.initial_position, self.nsteps, self.current_position)
return string
def position(self):
return tuple(self.current_position)
def movement(self):
return np.cumsum(self.base, axis=1)
def initialize_steps(self, distribution, delta_steps, **kwargs):
distribution : type <str>
delta_steps : type <tuple / list / array>
pos, neg = IndicialDistributions(self.nshape).dispatch_indices(distribution, **kwargs)
self.base[pos] = delta_steps[0]
self.base[neg] = delta_steps[1]
def apply_boundary_conditions(self):
if self.edge_type is not None:
for idx in range(self.ndim):
max_edge, min_edge = self.max_edges[idx], self.min_edges[idx]
steps = self.base[idx]
movements = self.movement[idx] + self.initial_position[idx]
BC = BoundaryConditions(steps, movements, max_edge, min_edge)
self.base[idx, :] = BC.steps
def update_positions(self, distribution, delta_steps=(1, -1), **kwargs):
distribution : type <str>
delta_steps : type <tuple / list / array>
self.initialize_steps(distribution, delta_steps, **kwargs)
delta_position = self.movement[:, -1]
self.current_position += delta_position
def view(self, ticksize=7, labelsize=8, titlesize=10):
ticksize : type <int>
labelsize : type <int>
titlesize : type <int>
if self.ndim == 1:
raise ValueError("not yet implemented")
elif self.ndim == 2:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
x_movement = self.movement[0] + self.initial_position[0]
y_movement = self.movement[1] + self.initial_position[1]
ax.scatter(*self.initial_position, color='k', label='Initial Position', marker='x', s=100)
ax.scatter(*self.current_position, color='k', label='Current Position', marker='.', s=100)
ax.plot(x_movement, y_movement, color='r', alpha=1/3, label='Random Walk')
ax.grid(color='k', linestyle=':', alpha=0.3)
ax.set_xlabel('X', fontsize=labelsize)
ax.set_ylabel('Y', fontsize=labelsize)
ax.tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=ticksize)
if self.edge_type is None:
title = r'${}-$D Random Walk in Cartesian Space'.format(self.ndim)
elif self.edge_type in ('bounded', 'pacman'):
title = '${}-$D Random Walk in Cartesian Space\nvia {} Boundary Conditions'.format(self.ndim, self.edge_type.title())
ax.set_title(title, fontsize=titlesize)
fig.legend(loc='lower center', mode='expand', fancybox=True, ncol=3, fontsize=labelsize)
elif self.ndim == 3:
raise ValueError("not yet implemented")
raise ValueError("invalid ndim: {}; can only view 1 <= ndim <= 3".format(self.ndim))
As of now, only the 2-dimensional case is viewable. I can implement something similar for the 1-dimensional and 3-dimensional cases, but I am more concerned with the methods rather than the graph (for now). That said, one can run this algorithm in 10-dimensional space without the graph.
Here is an example call:
np.random.seed(327) ## reproduce random results
## initial position
# pos = (50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50) ## 10-D
pos = (50, 50) ## 2-D
## number of steps to travel
nsteps = 100
## random number distribution
## average = 50, spread=10
## positive step if random number > 50
## negative step if random number < 50
## no step if random number = 0
distribution = 'normal'
kwargs = {'mu' : 50, 'sigma' : 10} # 'threshold' : 50}
## boundary conditions
max_edges = np.array([60 for element in pos])
min_edges = np.array([40 for element in pos])
edge_type = None
# edge_type = 'pacman'
# edge_type = 'bounded'
RW = CartesianRandomWalker(pos, nsteps, edge_type, max_edges, min_edges)
RW.update_positions(distribution, **kwargs)
Here is an example output from the 2-D case:
Initial Position: (50, 50)
Number of Steps: 100
Current Position: [36 58]
And here is an output from the 10-D case:
Initial Position: (50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50)
Number of Steps: 100
Current Position: [36 58 52 58 38 58 42 78 28 48]