I've created a code that works but takes time to run.
Is there any way of making this code work in a more efficient way?
In short terms I want to:
make a new copy of sheet 1 and 2
Select the row with the lowest value in sheet 1
- Paste this row in sheet 3, and select item-number, rownumber and OP-number from this row
Delete copied row in sheet 1
Select row from sheet 2 with the same item-number, rownumber and that has the LOWEST rownumber
- Paste this row in sheet 3
- Delete copied row in sheet 2
Sheet 1 contains 34.000 rows and sheet 2 about 57.000 rows. This means I'm making a lot of loops in this existing code, and I'm looking for any way to improve this code to work faster.
Option Explicit
Sub SpecialCopy()
'~~> 1. Copy sheets to new locations
Dim lr_op As Long, lr_prod As Long, rng_cProd As Range, rng_cOp As Range
'~~> Copy products to new sheet
lr_prod = Sheets("ProdRows_Mo").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
Set rng_cProd = Sheets("ProdRows_Mo").Range("A27:A" & lr_prod - 27)
rng_cProd.EntireRow.Copy Sheets("ProdRows_Mo_copy").Cells(1, 1).End(xlUp)(1)
'~~> Copy op to new sheet
lr_op = Sheets("OpRows_Mo").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
Set rng_cOp = Sheets("OpRows_Mo").Range("A27:A" & lr_op - 27)
rng_cOp.EntireRow.Copy Sheets("OpRows_Mo_copy").Cells(1, 1).End(xlUp)(1)
'~~> End 1
'~~> 2. Loop op page for lowest value in "A"
'~~> Count rows in OpRows_copy
Dim rw As Range, rng_fOp As Range, item_mini As Long, item_no As Long, fetch_row As Long, op_no As Long
Dim j As Long, i As Range, vmin As Long, found As Range, item_no_comp As Long, pos_value As Integer, bel_to_op As Long
Do While j < lr_op
With Worksheets("OpRows_Mo_copy")
lr_op = Sheets("OpRows_Mo_copy").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
Set rng_fOp = Sheets("OpRows_Mo_copy").Range("A1:A" & lr_op)
vmin = Application.WorksheetFunction.Min(rng_fOp)
'MsgBox ("OP " & vmin & "-" & vmin)
Set i = Sheets("OpRows_Mo_copy").Range("A1:A" & lr_op).Find(what:=vmin, LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole)
item_no = .Cells(i.Row, 6).Value
op_no = .Cells(i.Row, 20).Value
fetch_row = i.Row
'Copy the other cells in the row containing the minimum value to the new worksheet.
Sheets("OpRows_Mo_copy").Cells(fetch_row, 1).EntireRow.Copy Sheets("ProdRows_PY").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1)
'Insert pos_value to copied row
If item_no_comp = item_no Then
pos_value = pos_value + 10
pos_value = 10
item_no_comp = item_no
End If
Sheets("ProdRows_PY").Cells(Rows.Count, 5).End(xlUp).Offset(1).Value = pos_value
'Delete the "old" row
'Set op-no row to
bel_to_op = pos_value
End With
'~~> End 2
'~~> 3. Loop prod page for the lowest value
Dim x As Range, y As Range, c_rows As Integer, row_no As Long, rng_fProd As Range, pos_no As Long, counter As Integer
'~~> Count rows in prodRows_copy
With Worksheets("ProdRows_Mo_copy")
lr_prod = Sheets("ProdRows_Mo_copy").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
Set rng_fProd = Sheets("ProdRows_Mo_copy").Range("A1:A" & lr_prod)
For Each y In rng_fProd
If item_no = .Cells(y.Row, 7).Value And op_no = .Cells(y.Row, 14).Value Then
If pos_no = 0 Then
row_no = y.Row
pos_no = .Cells(y.Row, 12).Value
ElseIf pos_no > 0 And pos_no > .Cells(y.Row, 12).Value Then
row_no = y.Row
pos_no = .Cells(y.Row, 12).Value
End If
End If
Next y
If pos_no = 0 Then
'endOfProd = True
Exit Do
'Copy the other cells in the row containing the minimum value to the new worksheet.
Sheets("ProdRows_Mo_copy").Cells(row_no, 1).EntireRow.Copy Sheets("ProdRows_PY").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1)
'Insert PY-pos_value to copied row
If item_no_comp = item_no Then
pos_value = pos_value + 10
pos_value = 10
item_no_comp = item_no
End If
Sheets("ProdRows_PY").Cells(Rows.Count, 5).End(xlUp).Offset(1).Value = pos_value
Sheets("ProdRows_PY").Cells(Rows.Count, 5).End(xlUp).Offset(0, -1).Value = bel_to_op
'Delete the "old" row
row_no = 0
pos_no = 0
End If
End With
lr_op = lr_op - 1
End Sub