
This script is running indefinitely as the Linux background process.

I have put an enormous effort to make this POSIX shell script containing an infinite loop shut down tidily along with the operating system (TERM signal) and by me sending it a HUP signal.

Ok, we don't call it exception-handling, but I didn't find any other suitable tag for it. Also did not find an appropriate tag for the script's termination.

We have reviewed two big pieces of the puzzle already, so I cut it out.

readonly script_one_instance_lockfile="${HOME}/.PROGRAM/$(basename "${0}").lock"

# this is long and not relevant to this question, it does as its name says
# you can find a review on it here: https://codereview.stackexchange.com/q/204828/104270
print_error_and_exit() { ... }

    [ "${1}" -eq "${1}" ] 2> /dev/null

# purpose is clear, i.e. to clean up some temp, lock files
# which were created during script execution and should not be left in place
    [ -f "${script_one_instance_lockfile}" ] && rm "${script_one_instance_lockfile}"

# this function is merely for future expansions of the script
# it might very well be different from cleanup_on_exit

# here we define a generic function to handle signals
# treat them as errors with appropriate messages
# example calls:
#    kill -15   this_script_name    # POSIX; all shells compatible
#    kill -TERM this_script_name    # Bash and alike; newer shells
# expected arguments:
# $1 = signal code
    # check if exactly one argument has been passed
    [ "${#}" -eq 1 ] || print_error_and_exit "signal_handler_generic()" "Exactly one argument has not been passed!\\n\\tPassed: ${*}"

    # check if the argument is a number
    is_number "${1}" || print_error_and_exit "signal_handler_generic()" "The argument is not a number!\\n\\Signal code expected.\\n\\tPassed: ${1}"

    case "${number_argument}" in
        1 ) signal_human_friendly='HUP'  ;;
        2 ) signal_human_friendly='INT'  ;;
        3 ) signal_human_friendly='QUIT' ;;
        6 ) signal_human_friendly='ABRT' ;;
        15) signal_human_friendly='TERM' ;;
        * ) signal_human_friendly=''     ;;

    if [ "${signal_human_friendly}" = "" ]
        print_error_and_exit "signal_handler_generic()" "Given number code (${signal_code}) does not correspond to supported signal codes."
        # tidy up any temp or lock files created along the way
        # print human friendly and number signal code that has been caught
        print_error_and_exit "\\ntrap()" "Caught ${signal_human_friendly} termination signal ${signal_code}.\\n\\tClean-up finished. Exiting. Bye!"

# use the above function for signal handling;
# note that the SIG* constants are undefined in POSIX,
# and numbers are to be used for the signals instead
trap 'signal_handler_generic 1' 1
trap 'signal_handler_generic 2' 2
trap 'signal_handler_generic 3' 3
trap 'signal_handler_generic 6' 6
trap 'signal_handler_generic 15' 15

# this is long and not relevant to this question, it does as its name says
# you can find a review on it here: https://codereview.stackexchange.com/q/213156/104270
is_java_program_running() { ... }


if [ -f "${script_one_instance_lockfile}" ]
    # if one instance of this script is already running, quit to shell
    print_error_and_exit "\\nmain()" "One instance of this script should already be running.\\n\\tLock file: ${script_one_instance_lockfile}\\n\\tMore than one instance is not allowed. Exiting."
    # create a .lock file for one instance handling
    touch "${script_one_instance_lockfile}"

# keep the PROGRAM alive forever, check in 5 seconds interval
while true
    sleep 5s

    if ! is_java_program_running "${PROGRAM_java_process_identifier}"
        my_date_time=$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S)
        printf '%s  %s\n' "${my_date_time}" "(re-)starting PROGRAM"
        ( /full/path/to/program > /dev/null 2>&1 & )

# ordinary scripts don't have infinite loops
# this code shall be unreachable, but it is good to have it here since I will be
# copying / reusing the script and I would definitely forget on this
  • \$\begingroup\$ Have you actually found a Unix or kill that doesn't deal with signal names? man 7 signal says that POSIX does define those names. \$\endgroup\$ Feb 11, 2019 at 11:19

2 Answers 2


Simplify with case, and eliminate a conditional

Instead of this:

case "${number_argument}" in
    1 ) signal_human_friendly='HUP'  ;;
    2 ) signal_human_friendly='INT'  ;;
    3 ) signal_human_friendly='QUIT' ;;
    6 ) signal_human_friendly='ABRT' ;;
    15) signal_human_friendly='TERM' ;;
    * ) signal_human_friendly=''     ;;

if [ "${signal_human_friendly}" = "" ]
    print_error_and_exit "..."
    # tidy up ...

I suggest to move the print_error_and_exit in the case, and then you can eliminate the conditional that follows, and "flatten" the code:

case "${number_argument}" in
    1 ) signal_human_friendly='HUP'  ;;
    2 ) signal_human_friendly='INT'  ;;
    3 ) signal_human_friendly='QUIT' ;;
    6 ) signal_human_friendly='ABRT' ;;
    15) signal_human_friendly='TERM' ;;
    * ) print_error_and_exit "..." ;;

# tidy up ...

Eliminate a low-value conditional statement

Instead of this:

[ -f "${script_one_instance_lockfile}" ] && rm "${script_one_instance_lockfile}"

Why not simply:

rm -f "${script_one_instance_lockfile}"

Sharpen error messages

Instead of "Exactly one argument has not been passed! [...] Passed: ...",

I would write "Expected one argument. Received: ...".

  • \$\begingroup\$ rm -f does produce an error message for ENOENT, so the test isn't completely useless. \$\endgroup\$ Feb 25, 2019 at 18:52

Scripts intended to be executable should have a shebang:


The repetitive calls to trap could be replaced by a loop:

for i in 1 2 3 6 15
do trap "signal_handler_generic $i" $i

(Note: if using Shellcheck, you may need # shellcheck disable=SC2064: we must not use single-quotes here, as it would make no sense to defer the expansion of $i).

With some small changes, we could trap the signals by name (the names are specified in POSIX, contrary to the code comment), and not need the conversion from number in the handler.

Consider letting SIGHUP mean "reload configuration" as is conventional in daemons.

I think the name script_one_instance_lockfile is possibly over-long. As it's the only lock file we use, we could call it simply lockfile and get more of our lines down to a reasonable length.

There's no need to capture the output of date if the only thing we do with it is to immediately print it:

    date '+%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S  (re-)starting PROGRAM'

Use test -e (or [ -e) to test for existence, where the file type is irrelevant. Also consider using a pidfile, so that after unclean shutdown and recovery, invocation isn't inhibited. BTW, is it intentional that the lockfile is in (per-user) $HOME, rather than per-machine in some temporary filesystem (e.g. /run on Linux)?

  • \$\begingroup\$ Thank you Toby for clearing some of the things I was unsure of. I just had to add that comment. \$\endgroup\$ May 10, 2019 at 3:21

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