Task: Create a service which will synchronize files on FTP server with files on local drive.
- FTP server allows up to 15 concurent connections
- Synchronize the files as fast as possible
- Files on FTP server are archived after 7 day, we should archive them too at our side
- Files once put on the FTP server do not change
- Folder structure of FTP server is unknown upfront
- There are ~1,5K folders containing ~70K files on the FTP server.
I did the task. The service is running stable and synchronizes files within 10min usually. This was my first big attempt on async/await/parallelism.
I'm especially interesed in comments regarding the ParallelFtpClient
. It uses the package FluentFTP
I've tried to strip unimportant details from the code.
and "main" loop:
class Program
private static ILog _logger;
private Task _mainTask;
private CancellationTokenSource _cancellationTokenSource;
public static void Main()
var dataBase = new DataBase(...);
var ftpSyncer = new FtpSyncer(config.LocalShare, config.FtpHost, config.FtpPort, config.FtpUser,
config.FtpPassword, config.MaxConcurrentFtpConnections, config.FtpRootDirectory, dataBase);
_cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
var cancellationToken = _cancellationTokenSource.Token;
_mainTask = Task.Run(async () =>
while (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
LogicalThreadContext.Properties["CorrelationId"] = Guid.NewGuid();
_logger.Info("Synchronizing files from FTP...");
await ftpSyncer.SynchronizeFiles();
_logger.Info("Done synchronizing files from FTP");
catch (Exception e)
_logger.Error("An unhandled excpetion occured while synchronizing files. Execution will continue", e);
_logger.Info($"Sleeping for {config.DelayBetweenRunsSeconds}s before next Ftp synchronization");
await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(config.DelayBetweenRunsSeconds), cancellationToken);
catch (OperationCanceledException)
// just exit loop
_logger.Info("Service started");
private void Stop()
_logger.Info("Service stopping...");
_logger.Info("Waiting for the main task to stop...");
_logger.Info("Done waiting for the main task to stop...");
does the job of synchronizing files:
public class FtpSyncer
private readonly ILog _logger = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(FtpSyncer).FullName);
private readonly string _localShare;
private readonly string _ftpHost;
private readonly string _ftpPass;
private readonly int _ftpPort;
private readonly string _ftpUser;
private readonly int _maxConcurentFtpConnections;
private readonly Database _database;
private readonly string _ftpRootDirectory;
private readonly int MAX_DATABASE_CONNECTION_RETRIES = 3;
private readonly int MAX_DOWNLOAD_RETIRES = 3;
public FtpSyncer(string localShare, string ftpHost, int ftpPort, string ftpUser, string ftpPassword,
int maxConcurentFtpConnections, string ftpRootDirectory, Database database)
_localShare = localShare;
_ftpHost = ftpHost;
_ftpPort = ftpPort;
_ftpUser = ftpUser;
_ftpPass = ftpPassword;
_maxConcurentFtpConnections = maxConcurentFtpConnections;
_database = database;
_ftpRootDirectory = ftpRootDirectory;
public async Task SynchronizeFiles()
IFtpClient factory() => new FtpClient(_ftpHost, _ftpPort, _ftpUser, _ftpPass);
using (var parallelFtpClient = new ParallelFtpClient(_maxConcurentFtpConnections, factory))
var gettingRemoteFiles = Task.Run(() =>
_logger.Info("Connecting to FTP...");
_logger.Info($"Querying for directories under {_ftpHost}{_ftpRootDirectory} with files on FTP (excluding Archive directories)...");
var directoriesWithFiles = parallelFtpClient.ListNonArchiveDirectoresWithFiles(_ftpRootDirectory);
_logger.Info($"There are {directoriesWithFiles.Count} directories with files on {_ftpHost}{_ftpRootDirectory}");
_logger.Info("Querying for files on FTP...");
var allFtpFiles = parallelFtpClient.ListFilesInDirectories(directoriesWithFiles);
_logger.Info($"There are {allFtpFiles.Count} files under {_ftpHost}{_ftpRootDirectory}");
return allFtpFiles;
var gettingLocalFiles = Task.Run(() =>
_logger.Info("Querying for files already in local share...");
var allFilesOnShare = Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(_localShare, "20160301"), "*",
_logger.Info($"There are {allFilesOnShare.Length} files in {_localShare}");
// unify paths to format used by FTP
var allFilesOnShareFtpPathFormat = allFilesOnShare
.Select(x => x.Replace(_localShare, ""))
.Select(x => x.Replace(@"\", "/"))
return allFilesOnShareFtpPathFormat;
var filesOnFtp = await gettingRemoteFiles;
var filesOnShare = await gettingLocalFiles;
var toBeDownloaded = filesOnFtp
.Except(filesOnShare, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) // windows paths are case-insensitive
// remove leading slash '/' from filePath (if you don't remove it Path.Combine() will not combine paths)
.Select(ftpFilePath => (ftpFilePath, Path.Combine(_localShare, ftpFilePath.Substring(1))))
_logger.Info($"There are {toBeDownloaded.Count} files to be downloaded");
_logger.Info($"Downloading files to {_localShare}...");
List<(string, string)> failedDownloads;
var downloadedFiles = DownloadFilesWithRetires(parallelFtpClient, toBeDownloaded, out failedDownloads);
if (failedDownloads.Any())
var dump = string.Join("\n", failedDownloads);
_logger.Error($"{failedDownloads.Count} files failed to be downloaded after {MAX_DOWNLOAD_RETIRES} attempts. " +
$"List:\n" + dump);
_logger.Info($"Done downloading files, {downloadedFiles.Count} files downloaded");
_logger.Info("Disconnecting FTP clinets...");
_logger.Info("Done disconnecting FTP clinets");
_logger.Info("Registering files...");
var registerInfos = MapFileToDatabaseRegisterInfo.Map(downloadedFiles);
var toNotBeRegistered = registerInfos.Where(x => x.FileTypes.Count == 0).ToArray();
var toBeRegistered = registerInfos.Where(x => x.FileTypes.Count == 1).ToArray();
var filesWithMultipleMatchingFileTypes = registerInfos.Where(x => x.FileTypes.Count == 2).ToArray();
_logger.Info($"There are {toBeRegistered.Length} files to be registered");
_logger.Info($"There are {toNotBeRegistered.Length} files which will not be registered");
if (filesWithMultipleMatchingFileTypes.Any())
_logger.Warn($"There are {filesWithMultipleMatchingFileTypes.Length} with multiple matching Database FileTypes");
foreach (var registerInfo in filesWithMultipleMatchingFileTypes)
var listing = string.Join(", ", registerInfo.FileTypes);
_logger.Warn($"File {registerInfo.FullFilePath} was matched with FileTypes: {listing}");
var filesAreRegistered = RegisterInDatabaseWithRetries(toBeRegistered);
if (filesAreRegistered)
_logger.Info("Done registering files");
var dump = string.Join("\n", toBeRegistered.Select(x => x.ToJson()));
_logger.Error($"Could not register files after {MAX_DATABASE_CONNECTION_RETRIES} retries. " +
$"Dumping list of files which should be registered: \n{dump}");
_logger.Info("Archiving files...");
var toBeArchived = filesOnShare
.Except(filesOnFtp, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) // windows paths are case-insensitive
.Select(x => x.Substring(1)) // remove leading '/' so the path will be treated as relative
.Select(x => Path.Combine(_localShare, x))
_logger.Info($"There are {toBeArchived.Length} files to be archived");
_logger.Info("Done Archiving files...");
private List<string> DownloadFilesWithRetires(ParallelFtpClient parallelFtpClient, List<(string, string)> toBeDownloaded, out List<(string, string)> failedDownloads)
List<string> allDownloadedFiles = new List<string>();
var attempt = 1;
_logger.Info($"Downloading files - attempt {attempt}/{MAX_DOWNLOAD_RETIRES}");
var downloadedFiles = parallelFtpClient.DownloadFilesParallel(toBeDownloaded, out failedDownloads);
if (failedDownloads.Any())
_logger.Warn($"{failedDownloads.Count} files were not downloaded. This was the {attempt}/{MAX_DOWNLOAD_RETIRES} attempt");
toBeDownloaded = failedDownloads;
} while (attempt <= MAX_DOWNLOAD_RETIRES && failedDownloads.Any());
return allDownloadedFiles;
private bool RegisterInDatabaseWithRetries(RegisterInfo[] toBeRegistered)
var retryCount = 1;
var filesAreRegistered = false;
while (filesAreRegistered == false && retryCount <= MAX_DATABASE_CONNECTION_RETRIES)
filesAreRegistered = true;
catch (SqlException e) // catch this excetpion because it might be a timeout
_logger.Warn($"An exception occured while trying to register files in Database. " +
$"This was the {retryCount} attempt out of max={MAX_DATABASE_CONNECTION_RETRIES} attempts.", e);
var sleepTime = 10 * Math.Pow(2, retryCount);
_logger.Info($"Sleeping {sleepTime}s before next attempt...");
return filesAreRegistered;
usses 15 connections to get info/data from the FTP server as fast as possible:
public class ParallelFtpClient : IDisposable
private readonly ILog _logger = LogManager.GetLogger(...);
private readonly int _maxConcurentConnections;
private readonly Func<IFtpClient> _factory;
private readonly List<IFtpClient> _ftpClients;
public ParallelFtpClient(int maxConcurentConnections, Func<IFtpClient> factory)
_maxConcurentConnections = maxConcurentConnections;
_factory = factory;
_ftpClients = new List<IFtpClient>();
public void Connect()
var tasks = new List<Task>();
for (int i = 0; i < _maxConcurentConnections; i++)
var ftpClient = _factory();
var connectTask = ftpClient.ConnectAsync();
public void Disconnect()
var tasks = _ftpClients
.Select(x => x.DisconnectAsync())
public List<string> ListFilesInDirectories(IEnumerable<string> directories)
var items = new ConcurrentBag<FtpListItem>();
var clients = new ConcurrentQueue<IFtpClient>(_ftpClients);
new ParallelOptions() {MaxDegreeOfParallelism = _maxConcurentConnections},
(path) =>
IFtpClient client;
clients.TryDequeue(out client);
var listing = client.GetListing(path);
foreach (var item in listing)
var list = items
.Where(x => x.Type == FtpFileSystemObjectType.File)
.Select(x => x.FullName)
return list;
public List<string> DownloadFilesParallel(IEnumerable<(string,string)> ftpPathLocalPathPairs, out List<(string, string)> failedDownloads)
var clients = new ConcurrentQueue<IFtpClient>(_ftpClients);
var downloadedFiles = new ConcurrentBag<string>();
var failedDownloadsBag = new ConcurrentBag<(string,string)>();
new ParallelOptions() {MaxDegreeOfParallelism = _maxConcurentConnections},
(ftpPathLocalPathPair) =>
IFtpClient client;
clients.TryDequeue(out client);
var ftpFilePath = ftpPathLocalPathPair.Item1;
var destinationFilePath = ftpPathLocalPathPair.Item2;
_logger.Debug($"Downloading {ftpFilePath} to {destinationFilePath}...");
var memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
client.Download(memoryStream, ftpFilePath);
memoryStream.Position = 0;
string destinationDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(destinationFilePath);
if (!Directory.Exists(destinationDirectory))
_logger.Info($"Creating new directory {destinationDirectory}");
File.WriteAllBytes(destinationFilePath, memoryStream.ToArray());
catch (Exception e)
_logger.Warn($"An unhandled excetpion occured while downloading file {ftpFilePath}", e);
failedDownloads = failedDownloadsBag.ToList();
return downloadedFiles.ToList();
public List<string> ListNonArchiveDirectoresWithFiles(string root)
var directoriesWithFiles = new List<string>();
var directoiresToQuery = new Queue<string>();
var clients = new ConcurrentQueue<IFtpClient>(_ftpClients);
var tasks = new List<Task<Result>>();
while (directoiresToQuery.Any() || tasks.Any())
while (clients.Any() && directoiresToQuery.Any())
var path = directoiresToQuery.Dequeue();
IFtpClient client;
clients.TryDequeue(out client);
var task = Task.Run(() =>
var childItems = client.GetListing(path);
return new Result()
FullName = path,
Children = childItems
var array = tasks.ToArray();
var finishedTaskIndex = Task.WaitAny(array);
var finishedTask = array[finishedTaskIndex];
var finishedTaskResult = finishedTask.Result;
if (finishedTaskResult.Children.Any(i => i.Type == FtpFileSystemObjectType.File))
var subdirectoriesToQuery = finishedTaskResult
.Where(x => x.Type == FtpFileSystemObjectType.Directory)
.Where(x => x.Name != "Archive")
.Select(x => x.FullName);
foreach (var subdirectoryToQuery in subdirectoriesToQuery)
tasks = array
.Except(new[] {finishedTask})
return directoriesWithFiles;
public void Dispose()
foreach (var ftpClient in _ftpClients)
public class Result
public string FullName { get; set; }
public FtpListItem[] Children { get; set; }