
I wrote a commit message validator + CLI in NodeJS.


  • My greatest concern is that the patten I use to represent the results of a validation is inadequate. Options:

    • Use adhoc enums
    • Create a ValidationResult class (?)
    • Extend Error and return an array of those. In this case, how would the --verbose option, which shows passed rules and informational rules work?
  • Is the pattern I use in lib/rules.js to represent each of the rules adequate?

  • Is there a better (performance and/or readability-wise) way of stripping commit messages than the approach I use in lib/strip.js?

  • Other feedback is welcome too, of course.


const strip = require('./lib/strip');
const rules = require('./lib/rules');

function validate(commitMessage) {
    const strippedMessage = strip(commitMessage);
    const results = [];

    for (const rule of rules) {
        let outcome;

        if (rule.test === undefined) {
            outcome = 'info';

                type: outcome,
                message: rule.message


        if (rule.test(strippedMessage)) {
            outcome = 'pass';
        } else {
            outcome = 'fail';

            type: outcome,
            message: rule.message

    return results;

module.exports = validate;


#!/usr/bin/env node

const meow = require('meow');
const fs = require('fs');
const stdin = require('get-stdin');

const validate = require('.');

const log = require('./lib/log');

const cli = meow({
    description: 'Validate commit messages against the seven rules of commit messages.',

    flags: {
        silent: {
            type: 'boolean',
            alias: 's'

        verbose: {
            type: 'boolean',
            alias: 'v'

        // TODO: Work with --file flag
        file: {
            type: 'string',
            alias: 'f'

        // TODO: If nothing else, read stdin

log(); // Leading new line

if (cli.input.length === 0) {
    // TODO: Cry

const [commitMessage] = cli.input;

const results = validate(commitMessage);
let exitCode = 0;

for (const result of results) {
    switch (result.type) {
    case 'fail':
        if (!cli.flags.silent) {

        if (exitCode === 0) { exitCode = 1; }

    case 'pass':
    case 'info':
        if (!cli.flags.silent && cli.flags.verbose) {

        throw new Error(`Internal Error: Invalid result type '${result.type}'`);




const one = {
    message: 'Separate subject from body with a blank line',
    test: (commitMessage) => {
        const separatedByLf = /^.+(\n\n(?:.|\n)+|\n?)$/g;

        return separatedByLf.test(commitMessage);

const two = {
    message: 'Limit the subject line to 50 characters',
    test: (commitMessage) => {
        const subjectLine = getSubjectLine(commitMessage);
        const cutOff = 50;

        return subjectLine.length < cutOff;

const three = {
    message: 'Capitalize the subject line',
    test: (commitMessage) => {
        const subjectLine = getSubjectLine(commitMessage);
        const firstCharacter = subjectLine[0];

        return !isLowerCase(firstCharacter);

const four = {
    message: 'Do not end the subject line with a period',
    test: (commitMessage) => {
        const subjectLine = getSubjectLine(commitMessage);
        const lastCharacter = subjectLine.substr(-1);

        return !(lastCharacter === '.');

const five = {
    message: 'Use the imperative mood in the subject line'
    // We could, in theory, use NLP to check for this rule,
    // ...but it would take effort and would be error prone

const six = {
    message: 'Wrap the body at 72 characters',
    test: (commitMessage) => {
        const bodyLines = getBody(commitMessage).split('\n');

        return bodyLines.every(line => line.length < 72);

const seven = {
    message: 'Use the body to explain _what_ and _why_ vs. _how_'
    // This is obviously not detectable programtically

const rules = [
    one, two, three, four, five, six, seven

module.exports = rules;

function getSubjectLine(commitMessage) {
    return commitMessage.split('\n')[0];

function getBody(commitMessage) {
    const [, ...body] = commitMessage.split('\n');
    return body.join('\n');

function isLowerCase(char) {
    return !(char.toUpperCase() === char);


const chalk = require('chalk');
const logSymbols = require('log-symbols');

function log(...args) {
    args = args.join(' ');

log.error = (...args) => {
    console.error(chalk.red(logSymbols.error, args));

log.success = (...args) => {
    log(chalk.green(logSymbols.success, args));

log.warn = (...args) => {
    console.warn(chalk.yellow(logSymbols.warn, args));

log.info = (...args) => {
    console.info(chalk.blue(logSymbols.info, args));

module.exports = log;


// See: https://git-scm.com/docs/git-commit#git-commit-strip

// TODO: Respect git's core.commentchar

function strip(rawCommitMessage) {
    const trailingWhitespace = /[ \t\f\v]+$/gm;
    const commentary = /^#.*/gm;
    const consecutiveEmptyLines = /\n{3,}/g;
    const leadingTrailingEmptyLines = /^\n+|\n+$/g;

    return rawCommitMessage
        .replace(trailingWhitespace, '')
        .replace(commentary, '')
        .replace(consecutiveEmptyLines, '\n\n')
        .replace(leadingTrailingEmptyLines, '');

module.exports = strip;


1 Answer 1


Your code looks mostly good, but here are some things:

  • lib/log.js: You don't need the log function. console.log does exactly what you do in that function (well not exactly, but it shouldn't make a difference in this context). You can just set log = (...args) => console.log(...args) or function log(...args) {console.log(...args)}
  • lib/rules.js In the isLowerCase function, you are checking !(char.toUpperCase() === char). You should use !==

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