I am doing a simple application for a pet hotel. I have almost finished but I'm still new on Python and I would like to see if there is a more efficient way to write this, whilst supporting both Python 2 and 3.
My next steps would be to write a searching algorithm (search by booking ID) and sorting algorithm (merge sort/selection sort etc.) to sort out the different pet types.
import datetime
staffID = 'admin'
password = 'admin'
petName = []
petType = []
bookingID = []
roomID = []
boardedPets = []
history = []
roomInUse = []
roomToUse = []
roomRates = {'dogs':50, 'cats':45, 'birds':30, 'rodents':25}
dogcatRoomsAvailable = 60
birdRoomsAvailable = 80
rodentRoomsAvailable = 100
totalPriceStr = ""
# Login Function
# Requests user for staffID and password to gain access to the menu system
def loginFunction(s, p):
# Login inputs
staffID = input("Enter Staff ID: ")
password = input("Password: ")
# Check if staffID and password is correct;
# If input is not valid, it informs user that ID and password is invalid and requests again
loginTrust = False
while (loginTrust is False):
if (staffID == 'admin') and (password == 'admin'):
print("Successfully logged in")
loginTrust = True
print("Wrong ID or Password. Please enter again. ")
loginTrust = False
staffID = input("Enter Staff ID: ")
password = input("Password: ")
# Check In Function
# Allows user to check in customers' pets
def checkIn(petNm, petTy, bookID, roomuse):
global dogcatRoomsAvailable
global birdRoomsAvailable
global rodentRoomsAvailable
# Pet Name Input
petName= input("Enter pet name: ")
#Pet Type Input
petType= input("\n'Dog', 'Cat', 'Bird', 'Rodent'\n Enter pet type: ")
# Check if petType is valid
petTyCheck = False
while petTyCheck == False:
if (petType.lower() == 'dog' or petType.lower() == 'cat' or petType.lower() == 'bird' or petType.lower() == 'rodent'):
# Check if rooms are still available
if (dogcatRoomsAvailable != 0):
petTyCheck = True
elif (birdRoomsAvailable != 0):
petTyCheck = True
elif (rodentRoomsAvailable != 0):
petTyCheck = True
print("Rooms for dogs & cats are not available anymore. ")
petTyCheck = True
print("Pet type must be only from the list")
petTyCheck = False
petType= input("\n'Dog', 'Cat', 'Bird', 'Rodent'\n Enter pet type: ")
# Check In Date Allocators
checkInDate = datetime.datetime.now()
cIdString = str(checkInDate)
bookingID = str(cIdString[0:4] + cIdString[5:7] + cIdString[8:10] + cIdString[11:13] + cIdString[14:16] + cIdString[17:19])
# Check Out Date Default
checkOutDate = 'Nil'
# Room Allocators
# Pet type input
print("\nRules when assigning rooms: \nFor dogs: 'D' + any numbers \nFor cats: 'C' + any numbers \nFor birds: 'B' + any numbers \nFor rodents: 'R' + any numbers")
print("Remember to insert letter and number plates in front of the kennel after bring the pets in! ")
roomToUse = input('\nAssign a room for the pet: ')
roomCheck = False
rIU = roomToUse[0]
# Check if rooms are assigned accordingly for the animal
if (petType.lower() == 'dog'):
# Check if input starts with 'D' and is not in use
while roomCheck == False:
if (rIU.lower() == 'd' and (roomInUse.count(roomToUse.upper()) == 0)):
dogcatRoomsAvailable = dogcatRoomsAvailable - 1
print("Rooms left: ", dogcatRoomsAvailable)
roomCheck = True
# If input does not start with 'D'
elif (rIU.lower() != 'd'):
print("Room Number is either invalid or the room may be in use. Make sure the first letter starts with a 'D'. ")
roomCheck = False
roomToUse = input('Assign a room for the pet: ')
rIU = roomToUse[0]
# If room is in use
elif (roomInUse.count(roomToUse.upper()) != 0):
print("Room Number is either invalid or the room may be in use. Make sure the first letter starts with a 'D'. ")
roomCheck = False
roomToUse = input('Assign a room for the pet: ')
rIU = roomToUse[0]
if (petType.lower() == 'cat'):
# Check if input starts with 'C' and is not in use
while roomCheck == False:
if (rIU.lower() == 'c' and (roomInUse.count(roomToUse.upper()) == 0)):
dogcatRoomsAvailable = dogcatRoomsAvailable - 1
print("Rooms left: ", dogcatRoomsAvailable)
roomCheck = True
# If input does not start with 'C'
elif (rIU.lower() != 'c'):
print("Room Number is either invalid or the room may be in use. Make sure the first letter starts with a 'C'. ")
roomCheck = False
roomToUse = input('Assign a room for the pet: ')
rIU = roomToUse[0]
# If room is in use
elif (roomInUse.count(roomToUse.upper()) != 0):
print("Room Number is either invalid or the room may be in use. Make sure the first letter starts with a 'C'. ")
roomCheck = False
roomToUse = input('Assign a room for the pet: ')
rIU = roomToUse[0]
if (petType.lower() == 'bird'):
# Check if input starts with 'C' and is not in use
while roomCheck == False:
if (rIU.lower() == 'b' and (roomInUse.count(roomToUse.upper()) == 0)):
birdRoomsAvailable = birdRoomsAvailable - 1
print("Rooms left: ", birdRoomsAvailable)
roomCheck = True
# If input does not start with 'C'
elif (rIU.lower() != 'b'):
print("Room Number is either invalid or the room may be in use. Make sure the first letter starts with a 'C'. ")
roomCheck = False
roomToUse = input('Assign a room for the pet: ')
rIU = roomToUse[0]
# If room is in use
elif (roomInUse.count(roomToUse.upper()) != 0):
print("Room Number is either invalid or the room may be in use. Make sure the first letter starts with a 'C'. ")
roomCheck = False
roomToUse = input('Assign a room for the pet: ')
rIU = roomToUse[0]
if (petType.lower() == 'rodent'):
# Check if input starts with 'R'
while roomCheck == False:
if (rIU.lower() == 'r' and (roomInUse.count(roomToUse.upper()) == 0)):
rodentRoomsAvailable = rodentRoomsAvailable - 1
print("Rooms left: ", rodentRoomsAvailable)
roomCheck = True
# If input does. not start with 'R'
elif (rIU.lower() != 'r'):
print("Room Number is either invalid or the room may be in use. Make sure the first letter starts with a 'R'. ")
roomCheck = False
roomToUse = input('Assign a room for the pet: ')
rIU = roomToUse[0]
# If room is in use
elif (roomInUse.count(roomToUse.upper()) != 0):
print("Room Number is either invalid or the room may be in use. Make sure the first letter starts with a 'R'. ")
roomCheck = False
roomToUse = input('Assign a room for the pet: ')
rIU = roomToUse[0]
# Put information into boardedPets
boardedPets.append([bookingID, petName.title(), petType.title(), cIdString, roomToUse.title(), checkOutDate])
# Call back the menu after finishing task
def CheckOut():
# Requests for bookingID to checkout
cObid = str(input("Please enter booking ID: "))
counter = 0
outCheck = False
# Misc
cBidLenC = [cObid[i:i+1] for i in range(0, len(cObid), 1)]
boardNum = len(boardedPets)
print("Boarded pets left: ", boardNum)
# Check out date to be assigned
checkOutDate = datetime.datetime.now()
cOdString = str(checkOutDate)
if (len(cBidLenC) > 14):
print("Invalid booking ID")
cObid = str(input("Please enter booking ID: "))
elif (len(cBidLenC) < 14):
print("Invalid booking ID")
cObid = str(input("Please enter booking ID: "))
elif (len(cBidLenC) == 14):
print("Correct booking ID: ")
# Check out the pets
# Remove pet to check out from boardedPets list
# Insert the pet into history list
while outCheck == False:
for e in boardedPets: # for each list in boardedpets
for element in e: # for each element in list
if cObid in element:
# Payment
checkInDay = int(e[3][8:10])
checkOutDay = int(cOdString[8:10])
daysStayed = checkOutDay - checkInDay
if (e[2] == 'Dog'):
# Assume same day checkout rate is also the rate of one day
if (daysStayed == 0):
totalPrice = roomRates['dogs'] * daysStayed + roomRates['dogs']
print("Total days stayed: ", daysStayed)
print("Total: ", totalPrice)
totalPriceStr = ("$" + str(totalPrice))
elif (daysStayed >= 1):
totalPrice = roomRates['dogs'] * daysStayed
print("Total days stayed: ", daysStayed)
print("Total price: $", totalPrice)
elif (e[2] == 'Cat'):
# Assume same day checkout rate is also the rate of one day
if (daysStayed == 0):
totalPrice = roomRates['cats'] * daysStayed + roomRates['cats']
print("Total days stayed: ", daysStayed)
print("Total: ", totalPrice)
totalPriceStr = ("$" + str(totalPrice))
elif (daysStayed >= 1):
totalPrice = roomRates['birds'] * daysStayed
print("Total days stayed: ", daysStayed)
print("Total price: $", totalPrice)
elif (e[2] == 'Bird'):
# Assume same day checkout rate is also the rate of one day
if (daysStayed == 0):
totalPrice = roomRates['birds'] * daysStayed + roomRates['birds']
print("Total days stayed: ", daysStayed)
print("Total: ", totalPrice)
totalPriceStr = ("$" + str(totalPrice))
elif (daysStayed >= 1):
totalPrice = roomRates['birds'] * daysStayed
print("Total days stayed: ", daysStayed)
print("Total price: $", totalPrice)
elif (e[2] == 'Rodent'):
# Assume same day checkout rate is also the rate of one day
if (daysStayed == 0):
totalPrice = roomRates['rodents'] * daysStayed + roomRates['rodents']
print("Total days stayed: ", daysStayed)
print("Total: ", totalPrice)
totalPriceStr = ("$" + str(totalPrice))
elif (daysStayed >= 1):
totalPrice = roomRates['rodents'] * daysStayed
print("Total days stayed: ", daysStayed)
print("Total price: $", totalPrice)
# Data manipulations
outCheck = True
e.insert(5, cOdString)
print("Checked out. Remaining: ", len(boardedPets))
print("History length: ", len(history))
counter += 1
if outCheck == True:
print("Finished checkout. ")
print("Booking ID not found. Please enter again. ")
cObid = str(input("Please enter booking ID: "))
# Call back the menu after finishing task
# Room Availability
# Check for availability of rooms
def roomAvailability():
print("\nRoom Availability\n")
print("Dogs: ", dogcatRoomsAvailable)
print("Birds: ", birdRoomsAvailable)
print("Rodents: ", rodentRoomsAvailable)
# History function
# Reads history of pets boarded
def History():
# Search function
# note: the booking ID is ALWAYS sorted
def SearchFunction():
boardedIDList = []
count = 0
search = str(input("Enter booking ID: "))
while (count < len(boardedPets)):
bc = boardedPets[count][0]
count = count + 1
search = ("Enter booking ID: ")
for el in boardedIDList:
# Menu
# Menu used for calling functions
def FrontDeskMenu():
print("\nTaylor's Pet Hotel\nFront Desk Admin")
print("A. Check in pets")
print("B. Check out pets")
print("C. Rooms Availability")
print("D. History")
print("E. Binary Search")
print("F. Exit\n")
# Input for calling functions
userInput = input("What would you like to do today?: ")
# Check if userInput is valid; if input is not valid, it continues to ask for a valid input
inputCheck = False
while (inputCheck is False):
# Checks userInput and exccute function as requested by user
if (userInput.lower() == 'a'):
checkIn(petName, petType, bookingID, roomInUse)
inputCheck = True
elif (userInput.lower() == 'b'):
inputCheck = True
elif (userInput.lower() == 'c'):
inputCheck = True
elif (userInput.lower() == 'd'):
inputCheck = True
elif (userInput.lower() == 'e'):
inputCheck = True
elif (userInput.lower() == 'f'):
print("Invalid value! Please try again.")
userInput = input("What would you like to do today?: ")
inputCheck = False
loginFunction(staffID, password)