
I am a C# developer learning F#. Would appreciate any suggestions on how this code can be improved. Main points I am interested in:

  • Functional style of the code, absense of imperative style(C#) artifacts
  • F# collection data types and functions usage
  • General code(not algorithm) efficiency
  • Code style, naming etc.

    let life board =
        let flatten = Seq.cast<int> >> Seq.toArray
        let neighboursCount (board: int[,]) x y =
            board.[y..y+2, x..x+2]
            |> flatten
            |> Array.mapi (fun i el -> (i <> 4, el))
            |> Array.filter fst |> Array.map snd
            |> Array.filter ((=) 1) |> Array.length
        let expandBoard board =
            let N = Array2D.length1 board
            array2D [|
                yield                        [| yield board.[N - 1, N - 1]; yield! board.[N - 1, *]; yield board.[N - 1, 0] |]
                for i in [0..N - 1] do yield [| yield board.[i,     N - 1]; yield! board.[i,     *]; yield board.[i,     0] |]
                yield                        [| yield board.[0,     N - 1]; yield! board.[0,     *]; yield board.[N - 1, 0] |]
        let getNextBoard board =
            let eBoard = expandBoard board
            board |> Array2D.mapi (fun i j elem ->
                match neighboursCount eBoard j i with
                | 2 -> elem
                | 3 -> 1
                | _ -> 0)
        let isGameOver board prevBoards =
            board |> flatten |> Array.forall ((=) 0) || List.contains board prevBoards
        let rec lifeRec board prevBoards =
            printfn "%A \n" board
            if isGameOver board prevBoards
            then ()
            else getNextBoard board |> lifeRec <| board::prevBoards
        lifeRec board []
    let N = 5
    let rnd = System.Random()
    Array2D.init N N (fun _ _ -> rnd.Next 2) |> life

2 Answers 2


This is a most elegant solution. I have two small improvements:

let neighboursCount (board: int[,]) x y =
    board.[y..y+2, x..x+2] 
    |> flatten 
    |> Array.indexed
    |> Array.sumBy (fun (i, n) -> if i <> 4 then n else 0)

let expandBoard board =
    let N = (Array2D.length1 board) - 1
    array2D [|
        yield                    [| yield board.[N, N]; yield! board.[N, *]; yield board.[N, 0] |]
        for i in [0..N] do yield [| yield board.[i, N]; yield! board.[i, *]; yield board.[i, 0] |]
        yield                    [| yield board.[0, N]; yield! board.[0, *]; yield board.[N, 0] |]

Here is N set to (Array2D.length1 board) - 1 because that's the value you're using through out the function.


Review for the updated version (because there are no answers yet, I think you can still remove the first version).

I really like your implementation. Especially the idea of expanding the board instead of calculating the opposide indices as i did). That makes the code much more readable / understandable. I also like the way you imlemented the neighboursCount function - the combination of mapi, filter and map is a good example for functional programming.

In fact, I don't see much room for improvement.

Maybe you could rename neighboursCount into countNeighbours an move the board to the end of the argument list so it can be used like: eBorad |> countNeighbours j i

Within the isGameOver function, I think I would prefer writing prevBoards |> List.contains board over List.contains board prevBoards.

Thanks for sharing your solution :).

  • \$\begingroup\$ I believe neighboursCount came from my OO background, where you name object properties like that. Also that is a bit unusual that I can use piping where it seems to be unneded, but in fact version with piping is much more readable, so I accept your point. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Dec 13, 2018 at 10:29

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