I've implemented adding and multiplying arbitrary precision integers.
Also available as a gist.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct {
int *data;
int size;
} bi;
bi *bi_new() {
bi *a = malloc(sizeof(bi));
return a;
bi *bi_from_string(char *a) {
bi *b = bi_new();
int skip = 0;
while(a[skip] == '0') { skip++; }
b->size = strlen(a) - skip;
if(b->size == 0) {
b->data = malloc(b->size * sizeof(int));
b->data[0] = 0;
} else {
b->data = malloc(b->size * sizeof(int));
int i;
for(i = 0; i < b->size; i++) {
b->data[i] = a[skip + i] - '0';
return b;
char *bi_to_string(bi *a) {
char *b = malloc(a->size * sizeof(char));
int i;
for(i = 0; i < a->size; i++) {
b[i] = a->data[i] + '0';
return b;
bi *bi_add(bi *a, bi *b) {
bi *c = bi_new();
// max possible size
c->size = (a->size > b->size ? a->size : b->size) + 1;
c->data = malloc(c->size * sizeof(int));
int i = a->size - 1, j = b->size - 1;
int k = c->size - 1;
int carry = 0, tmp;
while(i >= 0 || j >= 0 || carry > 0) {
if(i >= 0 && j >= 0) {
tmp = a->data[i] + b->data[j];
} else if(i >= 0) {
tmp = a->data[i];
} else if(j >= 0) {
tmp = b->data[j];
} else {
tmp = 0;
tmp += carry;
carry = tmp / 10;
c->data[k] = tmp % 10;
i--; j--; k--;
// this is definitely leaking memory
if(c->data[0] == 0) { c->size--; c->data++; }
return c;
bi *bi_multiply(bi *a, bi *b) {
bi *c = bi_new();
// max size
c->size = a->size + b->size;
c->data = malloc(c->size * sizeof(int));
{ int i; for(i = 0; i < c->size; i++) { c->data[i] = 0; } }
int i = a->size - 1, j = b->size - 1, k = c->size - 1;
int carry = 0, tmp, push_left = 0;
while(i >= 0) {
k = c->size - 1 - push_left++;
j = b->size - 1;
while(j >= 0 || carry > 0) {
if(j >= 0) {
tmp = a->data[i] * b->data[j];
} else {
tmp = 0;
tmp += carry;
carry = tmp / 10;
c->data[k] += tmp % 10;
carry += c->data[k] / 10;
c->data[k] = c->data[k] % 10;
j--; k--;
// Leaking memory for sure
while(c->data[0] == 0) { c->size--; c->data++; }
return c;
#include <assert.h>
#include "bi.c"
int main() {
// Simple conversion
char *a = "21739871283971298371298371289371298371298371298371298371293";
assert(strcmp(a, bi_to_string(bi_from_string(a))) == 0);
// Remove leading zeros
char *b = "000123000";
assert(strcmp("123000", bi_to_string(bi_from_string(b))) == 0);
// But don't segfault on empty string or string consisting of only zeros
assert(strcmp("0", bi_to_string(bi_from_string("000"))) == 0);
assert(strcmp("0", bi_to_string(bi_from_string(""))) == 0);
char *c = "11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111000";
char *d = "33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333789";
char *e = "44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444789";
assert(strcmp(e, bi_to_string(bi_add(bi_from_string(c),
bi_from_string(d)))) == 0);
assert(strcmp("1024", bi_to_string(bi_add(bi_from_string("512"),
bi_from_string("512")))) == 0);
// Starting with 1 digit by n digit multiplication
assert(strcmp("16384", bi_to_string(bi_multiply(bi_from_string("2048"),
bi_from_string("8")))) == 0);
// Now multiple
assert(strcmp("16384", bi_to_string(bi_multiply(bi_from_string("1024"),
bi_from_string("16")))) == 0);
char *f = "781239128739123";
char *g = "902183901283901283019283012938120";
char *h = "704821365001497990452726836222051105131222068760";
assert(strcmp(h, bi_to_string(bi_multiply(bi_from_string(f),
bi_from_string(g)))) == 0);
printf("Reached the end!\n");
Oh and, I'd appreciate some extra comments on the two places in the code I've written "leaking memory".
sizeof(underlying_storage) * 8
? \$\endgroup\$