I have written my own little auto-generated table class, and I was wondering if you guys can give me some tips on how to make this code more elegant and secure and maybe compact it so I use only one master function to bind everything when I call it out!
The DB connection file:
$host = 'localhost';
$db = '***';
$user = '***';
$pass = '***';
$charset = 'utf8';
$dsn = "mysql:host=$host;dbname=$db;charset=$charset";
$settings = [
$pdo = new PDO($dsn, $user, $pass, $settings);
The class file:
include_once 'db.php';
class FoxyCRUD {
/* Properties */
private $conn;
private $table;
private $where;
/* Get database access */
public function __construct(PDO $pdo)
$this->conn = $pdo;
/* Get database access */
public function __destruct()
$this->conn = null;
/* Fetch db.table -> column names & type */
public function get_header_elements($table)
// Set table name
$this->table = $table;
$query = $this->conn->prepare('SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM '.$this->table);
return $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
/* Fetch db.table -> column names & type */
public function where()
$query = $this->conn->prepare('SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM '.$this->table);
$check_where = $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
return $check_where[0]['Field'];
/* Fetch all data */
public function get_table_data()
$query = $this->conn->prepare('SELECT * FROM '.$this->table);
return $query->fetchAll();
/* Fetch specific data */
public function get_specific_data($where)
// Set where value
$this->where = $where;
$query = $this->conn->prepare('SELECT * FROM '.$this->table.' WHERE '.$this->where().' = '.$this->where);
return $query->fetchAll();
And the index file:
include_once 'classes.php';
$foxy_crud = new FoxyCRUD($pdo);
<table border="1">
// Generate table header
$columns = $foxy_crud->get_header_elements('login');
foreach ($columns as $column_header => $column_value)
echo '<th>'.$column_value['Field'].'</th>';
// Populate table with data
$data = $foxy_crud->get_table_data();
foreach ($data as $data_text)
echo '<tr>';
// Get data using generated table header names
foreach ($columns as $column_data => $column_value)
echo '<td>'.$data_text[$column_value['Field']].'</td>';
echo '</tr>';
// Fetch specific data where ID
$fetch_data = $foxy_crud->get_specific_data('2');
// Fromating fields
foreach ($columns as $column_header_type => $column_value)
// Identify Primary ID
$id_key = $column_value['Key'];
// Generate label names
$name = $column_value['Field'];
foreach ($fetch_data as $data_text)
$value = $data_text[$name];
$name = str_replace('_', ' ', $name);
$name = ucwords($name);
// Determine field type and maxlength
list( $type, $max ) = explode ('(', $column_value['Type']);
$max = explode (')', $max)[0];
// Specify how to format each field type
switch ($type)
case 'int':
$type = 'hidden';
$disable = 'disabled';
$placeholder = '';
$br = '';
case 'varchar':
$type = 'text';
$disable = '';
$placeholder = $name;
$br = '<br>';
case 'datetime':
$type = 'date';
$disable = '';
$placeholder = '';
$br = '<br>';
case 'tinyint':
$type = 'tel';
$disable = '';
$placeholder = $name;
$br = '<br>';
// Determine if field is type Password - only works if tablea header name is `password`
switch ($name)
case 'Password':
$type = 'Password';
$disable = '';
$placeholder = $name;
$br = '<br>';
// Determine if label text is from Primary ID -> hide
switch ($id_key)
case 'PRI':
$label = '';
$label = '<label for="'.$name.'">'.$name.' ('.$max.')</label><br>';
// Generate labels
echo $label;
// Generate form fields
echo '<input type="'.$type.'" name="'.$name.'" id="'.$name.'" placeholder="'.$placeholder.'" value="'.$value.'" maxlength="'.$max.'" '.$disable.'>'.$br;
I know this is just the barebones, but I am trying to make this school project fully functioning, and I want to format the code as correctly and as simply as possible.