I have a dataframe like:
time_stamp id next_timestamp
0 2010-04-16 11:57:52 string_1 NaT
1 2010-04-16 12:06:16 string_1 NaT
2 2010-04-16 12:40:53 string_2 NaT
I want to fill next_timestamp
column, with the next time_stamp that id has (if it exists).
Result would be something like:
time_stamp id next_timestamp
0 2010-04-16 11:57:52 string_1 2010-04-16 12:06:16
1 2010-04-16 12:06:16 string_1 NaT
2 2010-04-16 12:40:53 string_2 NaT
My code at the moment:
for row in df.index:
row_time_stamp = df.time_stamp[row]
id_array = df.id[row]
df_temp = df.loc[(df['time_stamp'] >= row_time_stamp) & \
(df['time_stamp'] <= row_time_stamp + datetime.timedelta(days=7))]
next_id_msg = df_temp.loc[(df_temp['id'] == str(id_array))].time_stamp.min()
df['next_timestamp'][row] = next_id_msg
except IndexError:
df['next_timestamp'][row] = pd.NaT
The problem is that my my df is 50+ million rows long, and setting up a temp table for every row is not a good pattern.
Please help me out with a better pattern.