Graph Coloring Algorithm (Greedy/ Welsh Powell)
I am trying to learn graphs, and I couldn't find a Python implementation of the Welsh Powell algorithm online, so I tried to write my own. Here are the steps.
- Order the nodes in descending degree. (Most neighbors ... Least neighbors)
- For each node, check the colors of neighbor nodes and mark them as unavailable.
- Choose the lowest available color. (from [0, 1, 2, ..., len(graph) -1])
def color_nodes(graph):
# Order nodes in descending degree
nodes = sorted(list(graph.keys()), key=lambda x: len(graph[x]), reverse=True)
color_map = {}
for node in nodes:
available_colors = [True] * len(nodes)
for neighbor in graph[node]:
if neighbor in color_map:
color = color_map[neighbor]
available_colors[color] = False
for color, available in enumerate(available_colors):
if available:
color_map[node] = color
return color_map
if __name__ == '__main__':
graph = {
'a': list('bcd'),
'b': list('ac'),
'c': list('abdef'),
'd': list('ace'),
'e': list('cdf'),
'f': list('ce')
# {'c': 0, 'a': 1, 'd': 2, 'e': 1, 'b': 2, 'f': 2}
For the input graph, it produced the above result. Is the implementation correct?