I created a function that generates all the combinations of 1 digit, 2 equal letters and 2 different letters.
I reduced the numbers and letters to make it more easy to calculate:
letters = "bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz"
digits = "2456789"
There are 1,436,400 possibilities because $${5\choose1}{7\choose1}{4\choose2}{20\choose1}·19·18 = 1,436,400$$ where
\${5\choose1}{7\choose1}\$ — Choosing place for one number and choosing the number
\${4\choose2}{20\choose1}\$ — Choosing 2 places for the equal letter and choosing the letter
\$19·18\$ — Permutations of the rest of the letters
Example for CORRECT combinations:
Example for INCORRECT combinations:
1aaaa -> incorrect because there are more than 2 equal letters
1aaab -> Same as the previous
1abcd -> No 2 equal letters
I wrote the following code
from itertools import permutations, combinations
import time
# Generate 1 digit, 2 equal letters and 2 different letters
def generate_1_digit_2_equal_letters_2_different_letters():
alpha = "bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz"
digits = "2456789"
places = '01234'
s = ['-', '-', '-', '-', '-']
combos = []
# Choosing a place for 1 digit
for dig_indx in range(0, 5):
# Choosing a digit
for digit in digits:
s[dig_indx] = digit
# Creating equal letter indxes
new_places = places.replace(str(dig_indx), '')
# We are using 'combinations' because 'bb' on indexes 1,2 is the same as 2,1
equal_letter_indxs = combinations(new_places, 2)
equal_letter_indxs2 = []
for x in equal_letter_indxs:
# Choosing the equal letter
for equal_letter in alpha:
# Choosing a two places for the equal letter
for i in equal_letter_indxs2:
if int(i[0]) != dig_indx and int(i[1]) != dig_indx:
s[int(i[0])] = equal_letter
s[int(i[1])] = equal_letter
# Creating the rest of the letters places
two_places = places.replace(str(dig_indx), '')
two_places = two_places.replace(i[0], '')
two_places = two_places.replace(i[1], '')
all_places_combo = permutations(two_places, 2)
# Choosing the places for the two other letters
for two_places in all_places_combo:
letter1_history = {}
# Choosing the first letter the different from all the other
for letter1 in alpha:
if letter1 != equal_letter:
letter1_history[letter1] = letter1
# Choosing the second letter that different from all the other
for letter2 in alpha:
if letter2 != equal_letter and letter2 != letter1:
found = False
for k in letter1_history.keys():
if letter2 == k:
found = True
if not found:
s[int(two_places[0])] = letter1
s[int(two_places[1])] = letter2
return combos
# Should be 1,436,400
start_time = time.time()
print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))
This is not efficient because when calculating it:
for dig_indx in range(0, 5) => 5 times
for digit in digits => 7 times
for x in equal_letter_indxs => 2 times
for equal_letter in alpha => 20 times
for i in equal_letter_indxs2 => 2 times
for two_places in all_places_combo => 2 times
for letter1 in alpha => 20 times
for letter2 in alpha => 20 times
for k in letter1_history.keys() => 20 times in worst case
5*7*(2+20*2*2*20*20*20 = ~640,002 iterations
It works, but I though maybe you have suggestions how to make it more efficient. Feel free to make changes in my code or create a new better code, I will be glad to see different approachs (maybe recursion ? )
0, 1, 3
not included as numbers? And why are some letters missing? \$\endgroup\$1aabc
is not the same as1aacb
. I will update the description. \$\endgroup\$