
My code works perfectly but it is redundant. How does one condense this? How do you use the =! operator? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  $( ".home" ).hide();
  $( ".headr" ).show();
  $( ".about" ).show();
  $( ".skills" ).hide();
  $( ".experience" ).hide();
  $( ".education" ).hide();
  $( ".examples" ).hide();
  console.log("about clicked");

  $( ".home" ).hide();
  $( ".headr" ).show();
  $( ".about" ).hide();
  $( ".skills" ).show();
  $( ".experience" ).hide();
  $( ".education" ).hide();
  $( ".examples" ).hide();
  console.log("skills clicked");

  $( ".home" ).hide();
  $( ".headr" ).show();
  $( ".about" ).hide();
  $( ".skills" ).hide();
  $( ".experience" ).show();
  $( ".education" ).hide();
  $( ".examples" ).hide();
  console.log("experience clicked");

  $( ".home" ).hide();
  $( ".headr" ).show();
  $( ".about" ).hide();
  $( ".skills" ).hide();
  $( ".experience" ).hide();
  $( ".education" ).show();
  $( ".examples" ).hide();
  console.log("education clicked");

  $( ".home" ).hide();
  $( ".headr" ).show();
  $( ".about" ).hide();
  $( ".skills" ).hide();
  $( ".experience" ).hide();
  $( ".education" ).hide();
  $( ".examples" ).show();
  console.log("examples clicked");

2 Answers 2


1) Add another common class (using toggle in the example) to all of your tags

<div class="toggle home">data</div>
<div class="toggle headr">data</div>
<div class="toggle about">data</div>
<div class="toggle skills">data</div>
<div class="toggle experience">data</div>
<div class="toggle education">data</div>
<div class="toggle examples">data</div>

2) on your click handler add data tags (using data-show in this example) for what you want to show

<button data-show="home">home</button>
<button data-show="headr">header</button>
<button data-show="about">about</button>
<button data-show="skills">skills</button>
<button data-show="experience">experience</button>
<button data-show="education">education</button>
<button data-show="examples">examples</button>

3) Set up one function to handle all clicks

$('button').click(function(event) {
  $('.' + event.currentTarget.data.show).show();
  console.log(event.currentTarget.data.show + ' clicked');
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ You probably want to use event.currentTarget.dataor this.data` instead of event.data. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Sep 1, 2018 at 0:08

A sugestion I can give to you is to cache your DOM elements like this:

var about = $('#about');
var home = $('.home'):

ecc.. Using this way you can have a code more readable

  console.log("about clicked");

Another suggestion as mentioned in the above answer is to create a class that you can add to the elements you need to hide.

<button class=".hidden">home</button>
<button class=".visible">about</button>

 display: none;

 display: block;

home.on('click', function(e){

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