Coming from a C/C++ background, this was my first python code I wrote to grasp a few basic concepts. The game involves giving random arithmetic operations to the users and scoring their responses. Player has 3 lives i.e he can mark 3 wrong answers at most. I've tried to time the game i.e the player gets 60 seconds to solve as many questions as possible.
Any suggestions and improvements are welcome.
import random
import time
# Function to generate expressions
from typing import List
def generate_expression(no_of_operators):
operands = []
operators = []
operations = ['+', '-', '*', '/']
expression = []
operands_count = 0
operators_count = 0
for i in range(0, no_of_operators):
operands.append(random.randint(0, 20))
for i in range(0, no_of_operators - 1):
for i in range(0, len(operators) + len(operands)):
if i % 2 == 0:
operands_count += 1
operators_count += 1
expression = ''.join(str(x) for x in expression)
return expression
# Function to calculate the solution
def result(expression):
return (int(eval(expression)))
# Function to evaluate if the answer is right
def evaluate(solution, user_solution):
if solution == user_solution:
return True
return False
# Display Message
print("""Welcome to the maths game !!!
Test your basic arithematic skills by playing this simple game. With every 5 correct answers, the level increase
increasing the difficulty of the questions.
Remember :
1. Write only the integral part of the answer
2. Operator precedence applies
3. You have 3 lives.
4. Total of 60 seconds will be provided.
5. The timer starts after the first answer is entered """)
input("Are you ready ?? Press any key to begin ! ")
# Variables on which the game operates
score = 0
level = 1
lives = 3
start = time.time()
finish_time = time.time() + 60 # for the timed mode, 60 seconds are needed
# While loop to drive the game
while lives != 0 and time.time() < finish_time:
# Increase the level of difficulty every 5 questions.
if score != 0 and score % 5 == 0:
level = level + 1
print("LEVEL : ", level)
no_of_operands = level + 1
question_expression = generate_expression(no_of_operands)
print(question_expression, end='')
# Checking for any divide by zero or numerical errors that may show up
correct_answer = 0
correct_answer = result(question_expression)
print("OOPS ! I messed up ! Lets do it again !")
answer = int(input(" = "))
if evaluate(correct_answer, answer):
print("CORRECT ! ", end='')
score = score + 1
print("SCORE = ", score, "LIVES = ", lives)
print("WRONG ! ", end='')
lives = lives - 1
print("SCORE = ", score, "LIVES = ", lives)
print("GAME OVER !!!")
print("Maximum Level = ", level, "SCORE = ", score)