I've put in quite a bit of hours on this BlackJack project for Codecademy to get it to the point where I'm satisfied with it. Before I move on to create the UI for it I would really appreciate feedback on things to improve, such as my use of classes and objects, best practices, etc. I'm including a link to my jsFiddle.
"use strict";
// Hands for players, multiple hands used for splitting cards
function Hand() {
var cards = [],
// Set to true if totalScore > 21
isBust = false,
// Total of all cards at a point in time, aces are handled in calcTotalScore
totalScore = 0;
// Sets totalScore and isBust
this.calcTotalScore = function () {
var hasAce = false,
if (cards.length === 0) {
console.log("ERROR: No cards in this Hand");
} else {
// Reset totalScore before every calculation
totalScore = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < cards.length; i++) {
tempCardValue = cards[i].getCardValue();
if (tempCardValue === 11) { hasAce = true }
totalScore += tempCardValue;
if ((totalScore > 21) && hasAce) {
totalScore -= 10;
if (totalScore > 21) {
isBust = true;
this.popLastCard = function () {
var tempPoppedCard = cards.pop();
return tempPoppedCard;
this.pushNewCard = function (card) {
this.getScore = function () {
return totalScore;
this.getCard = function (cardPos) {
return cards[cardPos].getCardNumber() + " of " + cards[cardPos].getCardSuit();
this.getCardNumber = function (cardPos) {
return cards[cardPos].getCardNumber();
this.getCardsLength = function () {
return cards.length;
this.getIsBust = function () {
return isBust;
// Cards exist in Hands or Decks
function Card(inSuit, inNum) {
this.getCardSuit = function () {
var suitName = "";
switch (inSuit) {
case 1:
suitName = "Hearts";
case 2:
suitName = "Clubs";
case 3:
suitName = "Diamonds";
case 4:
suitName = "Spades";
suitName = "ERROR";
return suitName;
this.getCardNumber = function () {
var numName = "";
if (inNum === 1) {
numName = "Ace";
} else if (inNum > 10) {
switch (inNum) {
case 11:
numName = "Jack";
case 12:
numName = "Queen";
case 13:
numName = "King";
numName = "ERROR";
} else {
numName = inNum;
return numName;
this.getCardValue = function () {
var value = inNum > 9 ? 10 : inNum === 1 ? 11 : inNum;
return value;
// Decks used for shuffling and dealing cards to Hands
function Deck() {
var deckOfCards = [];
this.shuffle = function () {
var tempCard,
tempCardSuit = 1,
tempCardNumber = 1;
deckOfCards.length = 0;
// Populate deck with 52 cards in order
for (var i = 0; i < 52; i++) {
deckOfCards[i] = new Card(tempCardSuit, tempCardNumber);
if (tempCardNumber < 13) {
} else {
tempCardNumber = 1;
// Randomize the 52 cards
for (var i = (deckOfCards.length - 1); i > 0; i--) {
if (i === 0) {
randomDeckIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * deckOfCards.length);
} else {
randomDeckIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * i);
tempCard = deckOfCards[randomDeckIndex];
deckOfCards[randomDeckIndex] = deckOfCards[i];
deckOfCards[i] = tempCard;
// Returns last card in the Deck
this.popLastCard = function () {
return deckOfCards.pop();
// Players have Hands
function Player() {
var hands = [new Hand()];
this.initializePlayer= function () {
hands.length = 0;
this.addNewHand = function () {
hands.push(new Hand());
this.getScore = function (handIndex) {
return hands[handIndex].getScore();
this.getCard = function (handIndex, cardIndex) {
return hands[handIndex].getCard(cardIndex);
this.pushNewCard = function (handIndex, card) {
this.popLastCard = function (handIndex) {
return hands[handIndex].popLastCard();
this.getCardNumber = function (handIndex, cardIndex) {
return hands[handIndex].getCardNumber(cardIndex);
this.splitHand = function (handIndex) {
hands[handIndex + 1].pushNewCard(hands[handIndex].popLastCard());
this.getHandsLength = function () {
return hands.length;
this.getCardsLength = function (handIndex) {
return hands[handIndex].getCardsLength();
this.getIsBust = function (handIndex) {
return hands[handIndex].getIsBust();
this.getIsStand = function (handIndex) {
return hands[handIndex].isStand;
this.setIsStand = function (handIndex) {
hands[handIndex].isStand = true;
// Returns true if there are Hands left to play
this.hasGoodHand = function () {
var goodHand = false;
for (var i = 0; i < hands.length; i++) {
if (!this.getIsBust(i)) {
goodHand = true;
return goodHand;
function main() {
var playCurrentHand,
playerSplits = false,
deck1 = new Deck(),
currentHandIndex = 0,
play = true;
//Create initial hands and deal first 2 cards
var player1 = new Player(),
dealer = new Player();
while (play) {
player1.pushNewCard(currentHandIndex, deck1.popLastCard());
dealer.pushNewCard(0, deck1.popLastCard());
player1.pushNewCard(currentHandIndex, deck1.popLastCard());
dealer.pushNewCard(0, deck1.popLastCard());
//Print initial deal to player
console.log("You were dealt a " + player1.getCard(currentHandIndex, 0) + " and a "
+ player1.getCard(currentHandIndex, 1));
console.log("Dealer shows " + dealer.getCard(0, 0));
//Play player's hand
while (currentHandIndex < player1.getHandsLength()) {
//Check for splits
if (player1.getCardNumber(currentHandIndex, 0) === player1.getCardNumber(currentHandIndex, 1)) {
if (confirm("You were dealt two " + player1.getCardNumber(currentHandIndex, 0) + "'s. Do you want to split them?")) {
//Deal 1 card to each hand
player1.pushNewCard(currentHandIndex, deck1.popLastCard());
player1.pushNewCard(currentHandIndex + 1, deck1.popLastCard());
playCurrentHand = true;
while (playCurrentHand && !player1.getIsBust(currentHandIndex)) {
if ((currentHandIndex > 0) || (player1.getHandsLength() > 1)) {
console.log("Your current hand is a " + player1.getScore(currentHandIndex));
// Player automatically stands on a 21
if ((player1.getScore(currentHandIndex) < 21) && confirm("Would you like another card?")) {
player1.pushNewCard(currentHandIndex, deck1.popLastCard());
console.log("You draw a " + player1.getCard(currentHandIndex, (player1.getCardsLength(currentHandIndex) - 1))
+ " your new score is " + player1.getScore(currentHandIndex));
if (player1.getIsBust(currentHandIndex)) {
console.log("You bust on this hand");
} else {
console.log("You stand on hand " + (currentHandIndex + 1) + " with a " + player1.getScore(currentHandIndex));
playCurrentHand = false;
if (!player1.hasGoodHand()) {
play = confirm("Do you want to play again?");
} else {
// Play dealer's hand
console.log("The dealer was dealt a " + dealer.getScore(0));
while (dealer.getScore(0) < 17 && !dealer.getIsBust(0)) {
dealer.pushNewCard(0, deck1.popLastCard());
console.log("The dealer draws a " + dealer.getCard(0, (dealer.getCardsLength(0) - 1)) + ". New score is "
+ dealer.getScore(0));
// Show results of dealer's hand
if (dealer.getIsBust(0)) {
console.log("Dealer busts!");
} else {
console.log("Dealer stands with a " + dealer.getScore(0));
// Display results
for (var i = 0; i < player1.getHandsLength(); i++) {
if (!player1.getIsBust(i)) {
if (dealer.getScore(0) === player1.getScore(i)) {
console.log("You push on hand " + (i + 1));
} else if ((dealer.getScore(0) > player1.getScore(i)) && !dealer.getIsBust(0)) {
console.log("Dealer wins hand " + (i + 1));
} else {
console.log("You win hand " + (i + 1));
play = confirm("Do you want to play again?");
if (play) {
currentHandIndex = 0;
or? :
) in your Domain Objects e.g.Card
you are not doing OOP right. \$\endgroup\$