This is the backend to my jquery.php plugin which handles requests to make function calls and execute PHP code that is sent in various forms. After requests are processed they're sent back to the client side as a JSON object with a type flag set so JavaScript can convert the returned data to the correct type for the user.
So far I have some configuration variables which control the security, allowing us to work in a blacklist or whitelist mode.
I'm looking for constructive advice related to creating code that will allow me to detect things like infinite loops and race conditions as well as anything else I haven't thought of related to security.
To provide a bit of context related to how the backend is used here is a JSON block that is sent to the server as it exists in JavaScript:
var codeBlock = {
http: {
method: "GET",
header: "Accept-language: en\r\n" +
"Cookie: foo=bar\r\n"
stream_context_create: ['opts']
file_get_contents: ['', false, 'context']
htmlentities: ['contents']
In the above code block I'm telling PHP that I want to call file_get_contents
. In order to do that I need to define an options array named $opts
that is passed to stream_context_create
. The returned results from stream_context_create
are then to be stored in a variable named $contents
. We then store the returned results from file_get_contents
into a variable named $contents
. Finally we convert the returned data from file_get_contents
into the variable $html
Here's our backend request_handler.php
// Set our error reporting level
/* The blacklist array is used when the SEC_MODE configuration variable is set to 'blacklist'. When configured
* to use the blacklist all functions listed in the array will be disabled.
$blacklist = array(
/* The whitelist array is used when the SEC_MODE configuration variable is set to 'whitelist'. When configured
* to use the whitelist only functions listed in the array will be enabled.
$whitelist = array(
// 'strlen', // (e.g. Allowing the strlen function)
// 'highlight_string' // (e.g. Etc...)
/* The jquery.php plugin allows for the execution of code provided by the client. This functionality should
* be disabled by default. The 'exec' mode uses the eval() construct which can be very dangerous.
$config = array(
'EXEC' => true,
'SEC_MODE' => 'blacklist',
'LISTS' => array(
'blacklist' => $blacklist,
'whitelist' => $whitelist
/* The first data we look for from the client is which method request is being made. The method request is one
* of our modes of operations and tells us which "method" to use in our switch statement.
$method_request = $_POST['method'] ? $_POST['method'] : false;
if ( $method_request ) {
switch ( $method_request ) {
// The call "method" handles our requests to use PHP functions.
case 'call' :
// Retrieve the function requested and any arguments to be passed to it
$func_request = $_POST['func'] ? $_POST['func'] : false;
$func_args = $_POST['args'] ? $_POST['args'] : false;
// Based on the security mode we use either our blacklist or whitelist.
switch ( $config['SEC_MODE'] ) {
case 'blacklist' :
if ( function_exists($func_request)
&& !in_array($func_request, $blacklist) ) {
$function = $func_request;
} else {
$function = false;
case 'whitelist' :
if ( function_exists($func_request)
&& in_array($func_request, $whitelist) ) {
$function = $func_request;
} else {
$function = false;
// Convert our parameters string and convert it into an array
$args_arr = json_decode($func_args, false);
// Call the requested function if permitted
if ( $function !== false ) {
$call = $function;
echo parse_type( call_user_func_array($call, $args_arr) );
// The exec "method" handles requests to execute PHP code strings
case 'exec' :
if ( $config['EXEC'] === true ) {
// We receive code to be executed by the user
$code_string = $_POST['code'] ? $_POST['code'] : false;
// Prefix our code with return to prevent NULL from being returned.
echo parse_type( eval( $code_string ) );
// The block "method" handles requests to execute JSON blocks of PHP code
case 'block' :
// Retrieve our JSON string and convert it to an array
$php_obj = $_POST['pobj'] ? json_decode( $_POST['pobj'] ) : false;
// Pass our JSON decoded PHP objects array to our execution handler
print parse_type( parse_php_object( $php_obj, $config ) );
* Converts PHP objects to arrays by typecasting.
* @param {object} Object A self referencing PHP object.
function object_to_array( &$object ) {
if ( is_object( $object ) ) {
* Iterates over an array containing PHP and handles calls to enabled functions and executes them.
* @param {phpObj} array A JSON decoded array of representational PHP.
* @return {*} Will return the results of the last function call passed in through phpObj.
function parse_php_object( $arr, $config ) {
// We define a pointer array that contains reference names to parameter placeholders
// that will be replaced by real data.
$pointers = array();
foreach ( $arr as $k => $v ) {
// Create variable definition with our first level array keys
${$k} = $v;
// Populate our pointers index
$pointers[$k] = $k;
// When a value is an object we attempt to call functions defined within
if ( is_object( ${$k} ) ) {
// Convert our function object to an array
$funcArr = (Array)${$k};
// Use the first key of the function array as our function name to call
$func_name = array_keys($funcArr);
$func_name = $func_name[0];
// Get the array of arguments to parse to our arguments array
$func_args = $funcArr[$func_name];
// Create an array to store the arguments to pass to our function call
$args_arr = array();
// Now we iterate over our function arguments looking for reference strings
foreach ( $func_args as $arg ) {
// We compare against the keys in our pointers index which was created above
if ( array_key_exists( $arg, $pointers ) ) {
// This is now a reference to ${$k}, the originally defined definition, the returned
// result of the last sucessful function call
$p = ${$arg};
// We push our arguments onto the args_array which will be passed to our function call
array_push( $args_arr, $p );
} else {
// We push our arguments onto the args_array which will be passed to our function call
array_push( $args_arr, $arg );
// Based on the security mode selected, use either our blacklist or whitelist.
switch ( $config['SEC_MODE'] ) {
case 'blacklist' :
if ( function_exists( $func_name )
&& !in_array( $func_name, $config['LISTS']['blacklist'] ) ) {
$function_allowed = true;
} else {
$function_allowed = false;
case 'whitelist' :
if ( function_exists( $func_name )
&& in_array( $func_name, $config['LISTS']['whitelist'] ) ) {
$function_allowed = true;
} else {
$function_allowed = false;
// Call the requested function if permitted
if ( $function_allowed === true ) {
// Reassign our variable the returned value of a function call so that further function calls can
// search for the existence of pointers and then use the updated variable definitions. This logic
// takes advantage of the procedural nature of PHP and the order of the sub-blocks in the php object.
${$k} = call_user_func_array( $func_name, $args_arr );
} else {
return ("Function you requested $func_name has been disabled by backend configuration.");
// When we're not an object we're something else like an array, string, int, etc. If we're an array we need
// to recursively iterate over ourselves to convert any objects into arrays.
else {
if ( is_array( ${$k} ) ) {
array_walk_recursive( ${$k}, 'object_to_array' );
// Return the returned result from our final function call
return ${$k};
* Detects the type of a returned result and encodes a type identifier along with the data into a JSON object.
* @param {*} data Result data from a PHP function call.
* @return {Object} JSON encoded result data with type field.
function parse_type( $data ) {
$results = array(
'type' => '',
'data' => NULL
switch ( true ) {
case is_int( $data ) :
$type = 'int';
case is_float( $data ) :
$type = 'float';
case is_string( $data ) :
$type = 'string';
case is_object( $data ) :
$type = 'object';
case is_array( $data ) :
$type = 'array';
case is_bool( $data ) :
$type = 'bool';
case is_null( $data ) :
$type = 'null';
default :
$type = 'default';
$results['type'] = $type;
$results['data'] = $data;
return json_encode( $results );