
I have a table of users, where each user has a group (or multiple groups) he/she is part of.

Currently I'm handling the users group via a Users class:

 *  User (class) Model: Handles users (not system users).
class User{

=            Variables            =

    # Database instance
    private $db;

    # Users ID
    public $user_id;

    # User Realm
    public $realm; 

    # User Name 
    public $user_name;

    # User display name 
    public $display_name;

    # User creation
    public $created; 

    # User last seen
    public $last_seen; 

    # Is user deleted? 
    public $deleted; 

    # Is user ignored? 
    public $ignored; 

    # Is user blacklisted
    public $blacklisted;

    # Is user whitelisted
    public $whitelisted;

    # Is user blocked
    public $blocked;

    # Is user filtered
    public $filtered;

    # User Group 
    public $group = array();

=            Methods            =

     *  Constructor
     *  @param      $user_id    Init        User id. 
     *  @throws                 Object      User object of a single user.
    public function __construct($user_id) {

        # Get database instance
        $this->db           = Database::getInstance();

        # If user_id isn't passed 
        if ( $user_id ) {

            # Get this user by id

     *  Get user by id
     *  @param      $id     Init        User id 
     *  @throws             Object      Returns the object with data applied. 
    private function get_user_by_id($id) 
        if ($id) {

            # Search for the user in the Database 'users' table. 
            $data   = $this->db->row("SELECT user_id, realm, user_name, display_name, created, last_seen, deleted, ignored, blacklisted, whitelisted, blocked, filtered FROM users WHERE user_id = :id", array('id' => $id));

            # If there is a result
            if ( $data ) {

                # Get group/s
                // -- Get Group method  -- 

                # Set data in this user object

                return $this;

            } else { return false; }

        } else {
            return false; 

     *  Insert Data to this object 
     *  @param      $data       Array       Gets a result array of user data
    private function data($data)
        # Set data for this user object
        $this->user_id      = $data['user_id'];
        $this->realm        = $data['realm'];
        $this->user_name    = $data['user_name'];
        $this->display_name = $data['display_name'];
        $this->created      = $data['created'];
        $this->last_login   = $data['last_seen'];
        $this->deleted      = $data['deleted'];
        $this->ignored      = $data['ignored'];
        $this->blacklisted  = $data['blacklisted'];
        $this->whitelisted  = $data['whitelisted'];
        $this->blocked      = $data['blocked'];
        $this->filtered     = $data['filtered'];
        // $this->group         = $data['group'];

I have just added the group variable, and not sure if it's "good practice" to add a fetch_group_by_user_id() method (separate table in my DB), or create a new group object, and use it inside my User class.

My user class is pasted ^

Please review my User class code and update me if you think it can be written better, and please tell me what is best to fetch the group.


1 Answer 1


Logical inconsistencies

You create a User object expecting a user_id to be passed to setup the object, id object to this design but im sure you've got it covered, but then later on you ask for a user_id to run a query?

I would leave it in the constructor and use type hiniting (php 7.0 +) to make sure it passed on creation

public function __construct(int $userId) {
    $this->userId = $userId;

But the type hint should make sure an exception is thrown if it isn't provided correctly!


The PSR2 is a great coding style guide for php it says you should use camelCase for variable names & function names you should look into it.

Returning early

You should return early where you can this makes your code easier to read and less indentation levels

private function get_user_by_id($id) 
    if ($id) {
        return false;

    $data   = $this->db->row("SELECT user_id, realm, user_name, display_name, created, last_seen, deleted, ignored, blacklisted, whitelisted, blocked, filtered FROM users WHERE user_id = :id", array('id' => $id));

    if ( !$data ) {
        return false;


    return $this;    

Adding more functions to setup a user

I would create a Service class for your user as your current class is doing both Model work (connecting to the database) and being a "Object".


namespace SomeNamespace\Services;

use SomeNamespace\Models\Users\GetUserDetails;
use SomeNamespace\Models\Users\GetUserGroupDetails;

class User
    // Properties list

    public function __construct(
        GetUserDetails $getUserDetails,
        GetUserGroupDetails $getUserGroupDetails
    ) {
        $this->getUserDetails = $getUserDetails;
        $this->getUserGroupDetails = $getUserGroupDetails;

    public function populateData(int $userId)
        $userDetails = $this->getUserDetails->get($userId);

            throw new \Exception("Missing user for id $userId", 1);    

        $groupDetails = $this->getUserGroupDetails->get($userId);


        return $this;

    private function setupUserDetails($userDetails)
        $this->someUserDetails = $userDetails["something"];

    private function setupUserGroupDetails($groupDetails)
        $this->someGroupDetail = $groupDetails["something"];

// GetUserDetails.php

namespace SomeNamespace\Models\Users;

class GetUserDetails
    public function __construct()
        $this->db = some::db::factory();

    // Lots of sql queries

// GetGroupDetails.php

namespace SomeNamespace\Models\Users\Groups;

class GetUserGroupDetails
    public function __construct()
        $this->db = some::db::factory();

    // Lots of sql queries

I may be wrong as you seem to be using factories to construct objects instead of dependency injection, but im sure you see where im going with it!

  • \$\begingroup\$ Hi Dan! I'm exactly applying this change on my code (finally!) and I was wondering if you have any idea from where I can find more examples for OOP programming for all sorts of situations. (examples from what I am working on: situations where fetching X type of data and Y type of data, and then returning them both and merged and with some calculations, or if I want to manage Users as in the example above.. Where Can I find well written and structured code to get inspiration of? \$\endgroup\$
    – Kar19
    Oct 24, 2018 at 12:09
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ Personally I can't recommend anything to specific but just hanging around on reddit.com/r/php (not a help platform) I picked up quite a bit, I don't use frameworks (you should it was a mistake not to) but if I had to symfony looks good to me! \$\endgroup\$
    – Dan
    Oct 25, 2018 at 7:56
  • \$\begingroup\$ A user login to his account, my method login($use, $pas) has to check the database if use exist and if the credentials are correct, set login sessions to true and security tokens - instead of handling all in one method I created a separate class UserAuthentication & UserSessions. When calling login(...) inside that method I authenticate the user with the UserAuthentication class. \$\endgroup\$
    – Kar19
    Mar 20, 2019 at 9:47
  • \$\begingroup\$ If returns true, I set sessions with UserSessions is that considered good practice? Please review softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/388870/… \$\endgroup\$
    – Kar19
    Mar 20, 2019 at 9:47

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