I have a database class that in __construct()
initialize a PDO connection and insert the instance into a $db private var.
Now i'm working on a method that can be used to query in this way:
$db = new db;
'select' => 1,
'from' => 'table',
'where' => array('id' => 1, 'name' => 'charlie'),
'limit' => array(1, 5)
I did something that works pretty nicely long time ago while PDO was something unknown, but i was wondering:
- How could i improve this code a bit
- How can i end it? I mean how to use the PDO then to submit the query?
Here's the method query()
# Defining the type
if (isset($array['select'])) { $type = 'SELECT'; $type_value = (is_int($array['select'])) ? '*' : $array['select']; }
if (isset($array['update'])) { $type = 'UPDATE'; $type_value = $array['update']; }
if (isset($array['delete'])) { $type = 'DELETE FROM'; $type_value = $array['delete']; }
if (isset($array['insert'])) { $type = 'INSERT INTO'; $type_value = $array['insert']; }
if (!isset($type)) { trigger_error("Database, 'type' not selected."); } // Error
# From
if (isset($array['from']))
$from = 'FROM';
$from_value = mysql_real_escape_string($array['from']); // table cannot be pdoed
# Where
if (isset($array['where']))
if (!is_array($array['where'])) { trigger_error("Database, 'where' key must be array."); }
$where = 'WHERE'; $where_value = $array['where'];
# Fixing the AND problem
if (count($array['where']) > 1)
$list = $where_value;
foreach ($list as $a => $b) { $w[] = "{$a} = {$b}"; }
$and = implode(' AND ', $w);
$where_value = $and;
# Limit
if (isset($array['limit']))
if (!is_array($array['limit'])) { trigger_error("Database, 'limit' key must be array."); }
if (count($array['limit']) != 2) { trigger_error("Database, 'limit' array must be two-keys-long"); }
$limit_first = $array['limit'][0];
$limit_second = $array['limit'][1];
$limit = 'LIMIT';
$limit_value = "{$limit_first}, {$limit_second}";
# Set
if (isset($array['set']))
if (!is_array($array['set'])) { trigger_error("Database, 'set' key must be array."); }
$edits = $array['set'];
foreach ($edits as $a => $b) { $e[] = "{$a} = {$b}"; }
$set = 'SET';
$set_value = implode(',', $e);
$vals = array('from', 'from_value', 'set', 'set_value', 'where', 'where_value');
foreach ($vals as $v) { if (empty($$v)) { $$v = ''; } }
$sql = "
{$type} {$type_value}
{$from} {$from_value}
{$set} {$set_value}
{$where} {$where_value}
# Here there would be something like mysql_query($sql), but i'd like PDO! PDO get me hornier.
And now? How to bind parameters? Is that possible to work it out?