I have written some code which will fetch contents from a resource which is actually stored in a tree format. Since it is in a tree format, there will be a parent-child relation and hence recursion.
I am facing lot of performance issue as tree is growing in size this particular piece of code takes up-to 25 sec which is very bad. This piece of code will basically read data stored in file system (just for example) each content has certain set of property which it has to read.
import java.util.List;
public class Links {
private String nodeName;
private List<Links> children;
public List<Links> getChildren() {
return children;
public void setChildren( List<Links> children ) {
this.children = children;
public String getNodeName(){
return nodeName;
public void setNodeName( String nodeName ){
this.nodeName = nodeName;
package menu;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
public class Utility {
* IN this class NavModel,CModel,CNode are some dummy classes which help us read contents form some resources which
* are stored in dummy format as Example of tree format stored data below is the example tree child1 child2 child3
* child3-1 child:q child:r child:a child3-2 child4
private static void populateLinks( NavModel navModel,
ContentModel metaDataModel, Object objectNode, Links parent,
boolean specialLinks ) throws IOException{
List<Links> childLinks = new ArrayList<Links>();
// below code gets all the childrens of parent
Iterator it = navModel.getChildren( objectNode );
while( it.hasNext() ){
NavNode node = (NavNode) it.next();
ContentNode contentNode = node.getContentNode();
Links links = new Links();
MetaData data = metaDataModel.getMetaData( contentNode );
Map<String, String> paramValues = new HashMap<String, String>();
// this particular piece of
// code gets all the properties of content iterates and stores it in data structure
Iterator metaDataIterator = data.getNames().iterator();
while( metaDataIterator.hasNext() ){
String pagePropertyKey = metaDataIterator.next().toString();
String pagePropertyValue = (String) data
.getValue( pagePropertyKey );
if( pagePropertyKey.equalsIgnoreCase( "LINK_TYPE" ) ){
links.setLinkType( pagePropertyValue );
else if( pagePropertyKey.equalsIgnoreCase( "TCDID" ) ){
links.setTcmIdMap( pagePropertyValue );
paramValues.put( pagePropertyKey, pagePropertyValue );
links.setParamValues( paramValues );
if( specialLinks ){
links.setNodeName( links.getParamValues().get(
links.setNodeName( contentNode.getTitle( new Locale(
"en_US" ) ) );
links.setDisplayName( setAppDispName( links.getNodeName() ) );
childLinks.add( links );
if( navModel.hasChildren( node ) ){
// This is where recursion happens
populateLinks( navModel, metaDataModel, node, links,
specialLinks );
parent.setChildren( childLinks );
catch( Exception e ){
// THis is the method which calls the recursion function
public static Links setupLinks( String categoryLinkName, String name ){
Links categoryLinks = null;
CModel contentModel = new CModel();
NavModel navModel = new NavModel();
categoryLinks = Utility.createCategoryLinks( categoryLinkName );
Object objectNode = contentModel.getLocator().findByUniqueName( name );
if( objectNode != null ){
if( navModel.hasChildren( objectNode ) ){
populateLinks( navModel, objectNode, categoryLinks );
private static Object setAppDispName( String nodeName ){
// fetch value from db
return null;
I know code is not complete and may be in appropriate to review but I can't paste the whole of my code hence I hope you understand and review there is recursion and iteration any way I can better write this piece of code.