I have a class that handles interactions with a custom rest/json webserver, for the purposes of handling online game matchmaking etc. I want the class to have very simple public functions like Server.Login()
and Server.JoinMatch()
, so they can be connected up at the UI layer easily. As you will see from the code fairly quickly, there is a lot of repeated code in each function, which I want to refactor out.
The first part of each function ensures only one operation at once. The next bit defines a callback delegate for when the request is finished (async). And the last part starts the actual request operation.
public class Server
#region Fields
public string playerName { get; private set; }
public string playerID { get; private set; }
public string playerToken { get; private set; }
public string currentMatchID { get; private set; }
private Patterns.State<ServerState> state = new Patterns.State<ServerState>();
public Server()
public void Login(string playerName, Action<TcpRequest> onSuccess = null, Action<TcpRequest> onError = null)
// Throw exception already busy with an operation
if (!state.Has(ServerState.Idle)) { throw new OperationInProgress(); }
// Define login callback action
Action<TcpRequest> loginCallback = delegate (TcpRequest request)
// Add idle state back in
// Check if the request succeeded
if (request.OK)
// Store player data in class
playerName = (string)request.requestJson["player_name"];
playerID = (string)request.responseJson["player_id"];
playerToken = (string)request.responseJson["player_token"];
// Add the logged in state
// Call the onSuccess callback if provided
// Login failed, call the onError callback if provided
else { onError?.Invoke(request); }
// Remove idle state
// Perform request
Request("login", callback: loginCallback, requestJson: new Dictionary<string, object> { { "player_name", playerName }, { "client_version", "test1" } });
public void CreateMatch(string matchName, Action<TcpRequest> onSuccess = null, Action<TcpRequest> onError = null)
// Throw exception already busy with an operation
if (!state.Has(ServerState.Idle)) { throw new OperationInProgress(); }
// Define callback action
Action<TcpRequest> callback = delegate (TcpRequest request)
// Add idle state back in
// Check if the request succeeded
if (request.OK)
// Add the inLobby state
// Call the onSuccess callback if provided
// Request failed. Call the onError callback if provided
else { onError?.Invoke(request); }
// Remove idle state
// Perform request
AuthenticatedRequest("match/create", callback: callback, requestJson: new Dictionary<string, object> { { "match_name", matchName } });
public void JoinMatch(string matchID, Action<TcpRequest> onSuccess = null, Action<TcpRequest> onError = null)
// Throw exception already busy with an operation
if (!state.Has(ServerState.Idle)) { throw new OperationInProgress(); }
// Define callback action
Action<TcpRequest> callback = delegate (TcpRequest request)
// Add idle state back in
// Check if the request succeeded
if (request.OK)
// Add the inLobby state
// Set currentMatchID in class
currentMatchID = (string)request.responseJson["match_id"];
// Call the onSuccess callback if provided
// Request failed. Call the onError callback if provided
else { onError?.Invoke(request); }
// Perform request
AuthenticatedRequest("match/join", callback: callback, requestJson: new Dictionary<string, object> { { "match_id", matchID } });
private void Request(string resource, Action<TcpRequest> callback = null, Dictionary<string, object> requestJson = null)
// Start async request, invoke callback when done
private void AuthenticatedRequest(string resource, Action<TcpRequest> callback = null, Dictionary<string, object> requestJson = null)
// Add login auth data into the requestJson dict or throw exception if we aren't logged in
// Call Request()
- Patterns.State class is basically a hashset that keeps track of what states an object has. When a server transaction is in progress, I remove the Idle state, and add it back in when its done. To prevent concurrent transactions, I check for the presence of the Idle state.
- I am restricted to c#6, .net 4.7 (Unity)
EDIT1: I tweaked the callbacks, so that instead of having one callback in the TcpRequest and having it call other things, I added a callback list for onSuccess and onError. This means I just add extra callbacks as required, instead of redefining a master one each time.
public void Login(string playerName, Action<TcpRequest> onSuccess=null, Action<TcpRequest> onError=null)
// Throw exception already busy with an operation
if (!state.Has(ServerState.Idle)) { throw new OperationInProgress(); }
// Prepare callback lists
List<Action<TcpRequest>> onSuccessCallbacks = new List<Action<TcpRequest>>();
List<Action<TcpRequest>> onErrorCallbacks = new List<Action<TcpRequest>>();
// Add login callback action
onSuccessCallbacks.Add(delegate (TcpRequest request)
// Add idle state back in
// Store player data in class
playerName = (string)request.requestJson["player_name"];
playerID = (string)request.responseJson["player_id"];
playerToken = (string)request.responseJson["player_token"];
// Add the logged in state
// Add onSuccess/onError callback args if not null
if (onSuccess != null) { onSuccessCallbacks.Add(onSuccess); }
if (onError != null) { onErrorCallbacks.Add(onError); }
// Remove idle state
// Perform request (using NoAuth method as we aren't logged in yet)
Request("login", onSuccess=onSuccessCallbacks, onError=onErrorCallbacks, requestJson: new Dictionary<string, object>{ {"player_name", playerName }, {"client_version", "test1" } });