I have the following code to create a table for overall percentages and the past 30 day percentages. I would like to add this to a Shiny app I'm making, but I feel there is a simpler or shorter way to create this code/table than what I have, which would work better in Shiny. I'm not asking for the Shiny code, just a way to reduce the code I have.
a$FAIL<-ifelse(a$OPERATION_STATUS %in% "FAIL", 1, 0)
cc<-as.data.frame((table(a$CRIT_CODE))) #Dataframe with frequency of each crit code
cf<-aggregate(FAIL~CRIT_CODE,a,sum) #Total number of fails based on crit codes
names(cc)<-c("CRIT_CODE", "Freq", "FAIL") #Change column names
cc<-transform(cc, Percent=FAIL/Freq*100)
last<-as.data.frame((table(last30$CRIT_CODE))) #Dataframe with frequency ofeach crit code
lastfails<-aggregate(FAIL~CRIT_CODE,last30,sum) #Total number of fails based on crit codes
names(last)<-c("CRIT_CODE", "Freq", "FAIL") #Change column names
last<-transform(last, Percent=FAIL/Freq*100)
rates<-merge(cc[,c(1,4)], last[,c(1,4)], by="CRIT_CODE")
rates$Percent.x<-round(rates$Percent.x, 2)
rates$Percent.y<-round(rates$Percent.y, 2)
grid.table(rates, rows=NULL, cols=c("Area", "Overall Percent", "30 Day Percent"))
Sample Data
Data <- data.frame(
DATE=sample(seq.Date(as.Date("2018-01-01"), as.Date("2018-06-15"), "days"), 15),
OPERATION_STATUS=sample(c("PASS","FAIL"), 15, replace=TRUE),
CRIT_CODE=sample(c("A", "B", "C"), 15, replace=TRUE)