I have this code for a website I'm working on. It uses window.scroll
events to parallax some items. It's running a bit slow on average machines. Is there any way I could improve it to make it run faster?
$(function() {
// Tell the DOM that JS is enabled
// Navigation Waypoints
$('.waypoint').waypoint(function(event, d) {
var a = $(this);
if (d === "up") a = a.prev();
if (!a.length) a = a.end();
}, {offset: '40%'});
// Parallax Effects
$(window).scroll(function() {
var s = $(window).scrollTop(),
b = ($('body').height()/100)*20;
$('.container').each(function () {
$(this).css('top', Math.round((($(this).closest('.waypoint').offset().top-s)+b)/$(this).attr('data-speed')));
$('#home hgroup').css('bottom', '-'+Math.round(s/6)+'px');
// FAQs
$(document).on('click', '.faqs a', function () {
$('.faqs .open').slideToggle().removeClass('open');
return false;
// Kinetics
y: false
// Smooth Scroll
$(document).on('click', 'nav a', function() {
var t = $($(this).attr('href')),
o = t.offset().top,
b = ($('body').height()/100)*10;
if($(this).attr('href') === "#home") {
$('html, body').animate({scrollTop: o}, 'slow');
} else {
$('html, body').animate({scrollTop: o+b}, 'slow');
return false;
// Set Margin
function setMargin () {
var t = $('#about'),
o = t.offset().top,
c = $('.container'),
b = ($('body').height()/100)*20,
m = Math.round(parseInt(t.css('margin-top'))),
a = Math.round((((o/2)+b)+m)/2);
c.css('top', a);
// Calculate Padding
function calcPadding() {
var p = Math.round(($(window).width()-700)/2);
$('.pr').css('padding-right', p);
// Calculate Width
function setWidth () {
$('.draggable').each(function () {
var w = 0;
$(this).children().each(function () {
w = w + $(this).outerWidth() + parseInt($(this).css('margin-left')) + parseInt($(this).css('margin-right'));
$(this).css('width', w);
// Window Resize
$(window).on('resize', calcPadding);
// Initialize Functions
cycles, I suggest you avoid one-letter variables.var a = Math.round((((o/2)+b)+m)/2)
is indeed compact, but not very nice to read. \$\endgroup\$