After having to swap the feature rich System.Text.StringBuilder for the very fast but very vanilla A lightning-fast StringBuilder, I decided it was time create a StringBuilder class
of my own.
The concept is quite simple: As text is appended to the encapsulating class it is added to an Array. Whenever a method is called that needs to reference all the data, the Array of data is joined and appended to an internal System.Text.StringBuilder
The main reason the I choose to use System.Text.StringBuilder
and not try and replicate its functionality was the speed of its Replace
method. Without a doubt, the StringBuilder.Replace()
performance is amazing (+10x
faster than VBA.Replace()
and 5 MBs of data). The other reason is that no one in their right mind...would do all this just to format strings.
I cho0se not to add any speed timings between the technique the I am using and that of A lightning-fast StringBuilder to my post because they would be highly subjective. At worse my implementation is less than 10% slower; At best it is over 30% faster. Note: The performance of this class can be optimized by changing the size of the String Array Buffer.
Memory Usage and Capacity
All the StringBuilders mentioned here are memory hogs. The main problem is that when the data expands beyond the StringBuilders capacity, the StringBuilders doubles its buffer size. Unchecked, this limits the actual capacity to theoretically just over %50 percent of its potential.
With some coercing both the System.Text.StringBuilder
capacity can be increased. The trick is that you must ensure that the capacity is always greater than maximum data length.
Without modification my StringBuilder class capacity is roughly 500 MB of data on a 10 year old system using with 6 GB of memory running Office 360 32 bit. Having successfully appended a +1 GB string to the System.Text.StringBuilder
, I know that this can be increased. Still this is a far cry from the 2 GB string size limit of 32 bit VBA.
Error Handling
What? What "Error Handling"? Exactly!!
I unsuccessfully tried to implement a System, by which, the length of both the Buffer strings and the actual StringBuilder string length would be tracked and EnsureCapacity()
would be used to maximize the potential storage space. This System included Error Handlers which would trigger the data to be compacted when the size of the data in the Buffer throw an error. In any case, it didn't work so I gutted it.
This code is based off of both vba_stringbuilder:Class - and the actual System.Text.StringBuilder: Documentation. Most of the descriptions below are excerpts from that Documentation.
Option Explicit
' Based off vba_stringbuilder:Class -
Private Type Members
AppendsBufferSize As Long
Builder As Object
index As Long
End Type
Private AppendsBuffer() As String
Private m As Members
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set m.Builder = CreateObject("System.Text.StringBuilder")
m.index = -1
End Sub
Public Property Get Capacity() As Long
Capacity = m.Builder.Capacity
End Property
Public Property Let Capacity(ByVal Length As Long)
m.Builder.Capacity = Length
End Property
Public Property Get Length() As Long
Length = m.Builder.Length
End Property
Public Property Let Length(ByVal lLength As Long)
m.Builder.Length = lLength
End Property
Public Function MaxCapacity() As Long
MaxCapacity = m.Builder.MaxCapacity
End Function
Public Function Append(ByRef Text As String, Optional repeatCount As Long = 0) As StringBuilder
m.index = m.index + 1
AppendsBuffer(m.index) = Text
If repeatCount > 0 Then Me.Append Text, (repeatCount - 1)
If m.index = m.AppendsBufferSize Then Compact
Set Append = Me
End Function
Public Function AppendFormat(ByVal format As Variant, ParamArray Args() As Variant) As StringBuilder
Dim newArgs() As Variant
Dim j As Long
If IsArray(Args(0)) Then
newArgs = Args(0)
ReDim newArgs(UBound(Args))
For j = 0 To UBound(Args)
newArgs(j) = Args(j)
End If
m.Builder.AppendFormat_4 format, newArgs
Set AppendFormat = Me
End Function
Public Function InsertFormat(ByVal format As Variant, startIndex As Long, repeatCount As Long, ParamArray Args() As Variant) As StringBuilder
Dim newArgs() As Variant, sb As New StringBuilder
Dim j As Long
If IsArray(Args(0)) Then
newArgs = Args(0)
ReDim newArgs(UBound(Args))
For j = 0 To UBound(Args)
newArgs(j) = Args(j)
End If
sb.AppendFormat format, newArgs
Me.Insert startIndex, sb.ToString
Set InsertFormat = Me
End Function
Public Function AppendLine(Optional ByRef Text As String, Optional repeatCount As Long = 0) As StringBuilder
m.index = m.index + 1
AppendsBuffer(m.index) = Text & vbNewLine
If repeatCount > 0 Then Me.AppendLine Text, (repeatCount - 1)
If m.index = m.AppendsBufferSize Then Compact
Set AppendLine = Me
End Function
Public Sub Clear()
Me.Length = 0
End Sub
Public Sub Compact()
If m.index > -1 Then
m.Builder.Append_3 Join(AppendsBuffer, vbNullString)
m.index = -1
End If
ReDim AppendsBuffer(m.AppendsBufferSize)
End Sub
Public Function EnsureCapacity(ByVal Length As Long) As StringBuilder
m.Builder.EnsureCapacity Length
Set EnsureCapacity = Me
End Function
Public Function Insert(startIndex As Long, Text As String, Optional repeatCount As Long = 0) As StringBuilder
m.Builder.Insert_2 startIndex, Text
If repeatCount > 0 Then Me.Insert startIndex, Text, (repeatCount - 1)
Set Insert = Me
End Function
Public Function Remove(ByVal startIndex As Long, ByVal Length As Long) As StringBuilder
m.Builder.Remove startIndex, Length
Set Remove = Me
End Function
Public Function Replace(oldValue As String, newValue As String, Optional startIndex As Long = -1, Optional repeatCount As Long = 0) As StringBuilder
If startIndex > -1 And repeatCount > 0 Then
m.Builder.Replace_2 oldValue, newValue, startIndex, repeatCount
m.Builder.Replace oldValue, newValue
End If
Set Replace = Me
End Function
Public Sub setAppendsBufferSize(ByVal Length As Long)
m.AppendsBufferSize = Length
End Sub
Function ToString(Optional ByVal startIndex As Long = -1, Optional ByVal Length As Long = 0) As String
If startIndex > -1 And Length > 0 Then
ToString = m.Builder.ToString_2(startIndex, Length)
ToString = m.Builder.ToString
End If
End Function
AppendFormat - Test
Sub TestStringBuilderAppendFormat()
Dim sb As New StringBuilder
'Test AppendFormat Numbers:
sb.AppendLine "Using Standard Numeric Format Strings - Currency (""C"") Format Specifier"
sb.AppendFormat "{0:C2}", 123.456
sb.AppendLine "Currency With Alignment Arguments"
sb.AppendLine " Beginning Balance Ending Balance"
sb.AppendFormat " {0,-28:C2}{1,14:C2}", 16305.32, 18794.16
sb.AppendLine "The Decimal (""D"") Format Specifier"
sb.AppendFormat "{0:D}", 12345
sb.AppendLine "8 Digit Format Specifier"
sb.AppendFormat "{0:D8}", 12345
sb.AppendLine "The Percent (""P"") Format Specifier"
sb.AppendFormat "{0:P}", 0.2468013
sb.AppendLine "8 Digit Format Specifier"
sb.AppendFormat "{0:P8}", 0.2468013
sb.AppendLine "Custom Tests" & vbNewLine & String(50, "*")
sb.AppendLine "AppendFormat: Dates"
sb.AppendFormat "Day ## {0:dd}, Day Name {0:dddd}, Month ## {0:MM}, Month Name {0:MMMM}, YYYY {0:yyyy}", Date
sb.InsertFormat "Date {0}", 0, 0, "Formats: "
sb.AppendLine "AppendFormat: ParamArray"
sb.AppendFormat "Jack {0} Jill {1} up {2} hill {3} fetch {4} pail {5} water {6} fell {7} And {8} his {9} And {10} came {11} after", "and", "Went", "the", "To", "a", "of", "Jack", "down", "broke", "crown,", "Jill", "tumbling"
sb.AppendLine "AppendFormat: Array"
sb.AppendFormat "Jack {0} Jill {1} up {2} hill {3} fetch {4} pail {5} water {6} fell {7} And {8} his {9} And {10} came {11} after", Array("and", "Went", "the", "To", "a", "of", "Jack", "down", "broke", "crown,", "Jill", "tumbling")
Debug.Print sb.ToString
End Sub
Date Formats: Using Standard Numeric Format Strings - Currency ("C") Format Specifier $123.46Currency With Alignment Arguments Beginning Balance Ending Balance $16,305.32 $18,794.16 The Decimal ("D") Format Specifier 12345 8 Digit Format Specifier 00012345 The Percent ("P") Format Specifier 24.68 %8 Digit Format Specifier 24.68013000 % Custom Tests ************************************************** AppendFormat: Dates Day ## 07, Day Name Thursday, Month ## 06, Month Name June, YYYY 2018AppendFormat: ParamArray Jack and Jill Went up the hill To fetch a pail of water Jack fell down And broke his crown, And Jill came tumbling afterAppendFormat: Array Jack and Jill Went up the hill To fetch a pail of water Jack fell down And broke his crown, And Jill came tumbling after
I found this project interesting enough that I created a new account after deleting mine 1 week ago. I am looking for anything that I might have missed or any errors in my implementation, any ideas on how to maximize the capacity, and any strategies for handling errors.